Writing Improvement?


I've been wanting to improve my writing lately .-. Honestly, it's beginning to . .3.

Anyone have any advice on how to make writing better?



 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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BAPismyrice #1
Read books and stories. They really help me get ideas. But mostly, all my ideas are from myself Lol
Try out different genres, or maybe find genres that you like or prefer. You may get ideas from movies, songs, music, MV
They're all very helpful.
But pretty much, just write anything you like, feel, or have. It really makes 'you' stand out, not your stories, because it's just the way you write and how you think.
I agree with raspberrychannie. Thats exactly how I do it too.
But you could also try by not sticking to flow.

I mean I suddenly have an idea for the ending even though I'm just starting a fic so I write it. It doesn't have to wait ust write whatever idea that comes. Soon enough you'll get a fw bits of pieces that you can join to make a masterpiece n_n

oh and you could also try to imitate writing styles of authors that you like. Because after awhile you're own style will be developed.
What I do is write with much emotions. Even if you don't like what you write, let it be. After a while or a few days you look at it again and write more between it, change a few things and add more feelings. Do it a few times and when you feel like it you read it you will have more feeling for it and maybe think like 'did I write that?' And delete the unnecessary lines until you think it's perfect for an update. That's how I write. :)
Read novels, they help a lot :)
Read more books and try different genres of writing c: