Lucifer's Shadow Co-Ed Group

AFF username : siti_nktc


AFF Profile Link : click here



Character Name: Choi Im Hyun


Nicknames: Yunnie or Hoyun or Hyunnie-gun


Age: 16


Birthdate: 19/04/1995


Gender: Male


Hometown and Birthplace : Busan, South Korea


Ethnicity: Korean


Languages Spoken: Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese(basic)


Height: 176.9 cm


Weight: 51.4 kg



Im Young was a sturbborn little kid. When he want something, he will make sure that he will work hard for it. He will ise all his might until he get that thing.


He was a kid that still in growing process. (puberty) As a kid, he always feel hungry. So everything that you give to him (food except pork), he will eat. Even though he has a small body, he appetite was bigger than him. He can even eat the whole pizza by himself.


Im Young was the type that hold grudge towards other. Maybe at first when you mess with him, he won't say anything but smile. But if you have go overborad. The cute Im Young that you saw will change into not so cute Im Young anymore.


Im Young has a natural aegyo. His aegyo come out without his notice. But when he been told to do aegyo , he ended up doing something funny or stupid. Like when you ask him to make cute expression, he will ended up make a funny expression instead.


Im Young was a fast learner and a smart guy. He was the right person that we should find if we want to talk in sense or want opinion.


Im Young maybe a patience guy and a guy that can always smile. But if someone said that he is or look like a girl, his mood of the day will be moody. He really hate when someone said that to him. But the only thing that can make he happy again was a kiss at cheek. He also don't know why, but when someone do that. He will instantly be happy again.


Im Young is an active kid. He can disappear in just a blink of eyes and come out of nowhere. Well since he has a small figure and good at running. It make easier for him to do that. Sometime he will pretend that he is a ninja. He also like to use that ability to sneak out or to spy someone that he had on mind.


Likes: Ice-cream, Chocolate, Wristband, Sneaker, MP3, Headphone, Water/Snow and Animals


Dislikes: Lighting, Ghost, History, Blackout, No food, Alcohol, Bullies and Boredness


Habits: Sigh when bored, Ear turn red when embrassed, Go to high place when frustrated or confuse, Take deep breathe when mad, Listen to music to fall asleep and Crack his fingers when serious


Hobbies: Listening music, Write randoms things, Playing piano, Web surfing, Matching the colors of his cloth and Play games


Trivia: Blood type is O positive, Left-hand user, Cannot live without music, Allergics to pork, Get hungry easily, Always brought his headphone and MP3 with him, Easily has crush toward someone but hardly fall in love, Always hug his human-size Teddy Bear when sleeping and Good at sports like his brother


Talents: Play piano, Hapkido, Can do flip;back flip, Rap and Beatbox



Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4


Ulzzang/Model Used: Song Chan Ho



Casual 1

Casual 2

Casual 3

Casual 4

Casual 5


Formal 1

Formal 2

Formal 3

Formal 4

Formal 5


Clubbing 1

Clubbing 2

Clubbing 3

Clubbing 4

Clubbing 5


Practice pant 1

Practice pant 2

Practice Shirt 1

Practice Shirt 2




Family History/Background:

Im Young grew in an ordinary family in Busan. When he was 10, his brother send Im Young and his brother to Seoul to get a better education. When he was 12, his brother has debut as an idol with his new boyband. At first Im Young didn't really care since he more  concentrate toward his education. But when his brother brought him to their performance, his opinion towards music have change absolutely. Seeing his brother looking so charismatic on the stage make him feel excited. He desires toward education was split into two. He want to be educated person and he also want to feel the excitement being on stage. With his brother guide, he manage to split the time equally to both; education and music.


Everyday, Im Young would spent 3 hours to study and 3 hours to practice. With the help of his brother members, Im Young talent improve day to day. He only can practice more on Suturday, because that the only day that he doesn't have to help his grandparent with their cafe. Well, he supposely doesn't need to help. But he insist to help them, so they an't do anything and just let him do whatever he want.


Family Members:

Choi Gahyun / Grandfather / Own a success cafe downtown. Very friendly toward everyone that he meet. And he is the tye that love to make joke when he see his grandchildren upset.

Choi Minju / Grandmother / Help his husband at his cafe. A strict woman but still has kindness in her heart. She always make sure that all of her grandchildren can become a success person. No matter in what job their do, as long it has nothing to do with club it okay with her.

Choi Syu Yong / Father / Own a restaurant. A dorky father that like to take everthing easily. He always calm in any situation. He was a father that want the best for his son, so he willingly to seperate with them just to make them get better education and can become success person.

Choi Daehyun / Mother / Own a flower shop. She has opposite personality of her husband. She can't take everything easily. She cannot feel calm when something goes wrong. When she has to seperate with her sons, she was the first on that cry really hard. WHen they were about to leave, she even hug Im Young tightly and don't even think about to let him go. But luckily her husband was there and calm her down.

Choi Minho / Brother / Idol. Member of SHINee. He is a very competetive and supportive brother. After he know his little brother want to be like him. He use all his might to help him. Minho is a guy that can melt every girls heart by his overflow charisma.




Stage Name: ImYun


Persona: The Sneaky Mini Ninja



Position: Jack of All Trades / Rapper / Main Dancer


Length of Trainee Years: 2 years 3 months


Trainee Experience: CF and back-up dancer


Trainee Story:

Im Young become a trainne when he was practicing in practice room. He didn't realize that all his pratice has been recorded by his brother,Minho . After his finish practicing, Minho sent the tape directly to the CEO of a company. He know that the company is searching for new trainee. So he want to make his little brother dream become true. After the CEO watch the video, he has interest toward Im Young. So he ask Minho to brought Im Young there to sign the contract.


I Hate This Love Song~


Love Interest:

Horvejkul Nichkhun
Jang Wooyoung
Hwang Changsung



Who do you really want to end up with? : Horvejkul Nichkhun


2nd Choice: Hwang Chansung


Have You Met and How? :

Yes. They met when SHINee was invited to be in their show. Im Young was been force by his brother to follow him at that time since there are nobody at home. For the whole show Im Young being taken care by the whole crew at the shooting including 2PM members since he was still like a little baby to their eyes. When they take a break, all of them will come to Im Young including HIM. So we can say, Im Young knew HIM by Minho uninttentionly help.


Your Status: Single and ready to mingle


Bestfriends: All SHINee member


Friends: 2PM Members, Miss A's Suzy, Super Junior's Leeteuk, SNSD's HyoYeon and F(X)'s Sulli




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