☼ Heavens ☼ New GirlGroup

AFF Name:

AFF profile link:

Activeness: [1-10. How often you're on]


Name: [must have Asian root]

Age: [16-21]


Height and weight: [ft. and lbs.]

Ethnicity: [must have Asian root. Don't go overboard]


Nickname: [what should we call you?]


Girl ulzzang links: [4+]

Ulzzang names:


Personality: [long and original]

Background: [your story. Long and creative]

Family members: [name. age. occupation. etc. Can have no more than 2 famous members]

Likes: [5+]

Dislikes: [5+]

Hobbies: [3+]

Habits: [3+]



Stage name: [anything you want]

Personal fanclub name:

Fanclub color:

Persona: [ex. Flaming Charisma Minho]

Position: [2+ just incase it's taken. Will choose maknae and leader by age]

How you were discovered:

Trainee years: [no less than 2 years]

Singing link:

Dancing link:

Rapping link: [only if applying for a rapper]


Love interest: [ 2+]

Best friends: [as many as you want. Idols or OC's]

Anything else:


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