Random Blog of the Day (like k sorry i'm annoying /hides)

In which I finally get some good results!
So yesterday I was sad and you guys were awesome but today definitely sorted me out. I got to university this morning and I was not looking forward to classes and I suffered through them. However I checked my online assessment results when i got home and reaalised that I have received a new result!
93%! In a presentation! I am so proud of myself because me and presentations don't match well at all seriously whenever I rehearsed it with anyone they laughed because I kept stuttering and my lisp gets noticeable when I'm nervous and I was shaking, but when I got up there I was like soooo confident all of a sudden. Still, I wasn't expecting 93%
Which, by the way, was the highest score in the whole department in my year, which is around 150 students. One other person got 93% but that was the highest. I mean, it's only a very small portion of my final grade but it may still pull it up by a percent or two.
but more than that I'm just so happy that my hard work is finally paying off somewhere. I've been having doubts about where I am in my life recently but I think that this may have pulled me out of that slump :3

New fic idea, would you read it?
haha so I have a new chaptered fic idea for when one of my current ongoing fics is almost finished. The thing is that it's Wooyeol and I don't know a lot of people that really ship Wooyeol. It will be an drama/fluff and it won't be idol!verse. If you've read 'Dedication takes a Lifetime' or my oneshot 'Forever Over You' it'll probably be similar in tone to those.
Would anyone actually read it? OTL



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evangeline101 #1
Omg /pops champagne/ I'm glad you scored so high I'm still waiting for my bio test results otl ans anyways though I don't read Wooyeol at all, I would check that fic out so go ahead and write it^^
Congrats babe~~ Hard work always pay off ;D
And I would so read your fic ;D
Omg congratsssssss I‘m so proud of you <3
And you know my opinion about the fic~
Yay~ I'm so happy for you!! I read your previous blog posts and I'm sorry I did not say anything. You'll see everything will get better, sometimes life gives us reaaally bad times, like bad bad... bad. But you'll see how everything will be good again♡ it's okay to feel frustrated and angry, that nothing goes the way you want it. But always remember that there's always something good after bad things. Personally I always like to think "Everything happens for a reason" but i can't seem to think of a reason why those bad moments happened to yoh when you are working so hard to be good ans give ypur best right? So don't give up and always smile okay? Congratulations on your results!! That's very impressive actually, out of 150 students? Woah~ you'll see that with time you'll find where are you. One step at a time♡ fighting~
omfg you make uni sound so hard OTL
is it really hard? because I have to start applying soon and I'm scared spitless.

lol sure I'd give WooYeol a shot :) It's one of my secret ships, riiiight under YeolJong lol.

( you don't know a lot of people who ship WooYeol. omfg do you know how hard it is to find fellow inspirits to ship GyuYeol live I have been? )
I'm happy for you that you got the highest mark! :) you deserved it:) and about the wooyeol fic, I'm not sure if you know me well enough by now, but I don't ship wooyeol(hardcore myungyeol), but really, anything you write is good and fun so I'm sure I'll end up reading it anyways hehe ^^
I would read it!!! Except... I don't ship WooYeol and have a hard time even reading it OTL. BUT I would still read it <3