omg this is awesome

i just was randomly approtched by another kpop fan! see, i live in an area where there isn't a lot of kpop fans, so its not often (or ever) that i find other fans off line. so it was totaly random when this girl came up to my in the cafeteria and asked if i like kpop becuase i have a bunch of kpop logos/names on my laptop. it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see, this is why i love kpop so much (besides the music being awesome). you can become instant friends with people who you otherwise have nothing in common with. i mean, we have nothing in common other than loving kpop but there we were, talking like best friends. it was epic!!!!!!! you don't find this with many other types of music lolz


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Yes this is what the kpop world Is about, loving Asians you can't understand and making friends who can't understand them either