*cough* awkward apology

Hi y'all,
So erm, about my blog post last night (or earlier today idk time zones), where I had a very fragmented emotional breakdown. I'm just very sorry for that. I've just been feeling very stuck and frustrated in my life for a little while and it finally really hit me last night. It was 2am here and I had nobody to speak to so I just wrote it all down in a blog.
Still, I don't think it's fair on me to have troubled anyone with my own issues and it's really no big deal. I slept and now I've woken up feeling a lot better. 
I just hope that I didn't really trouble or worry anyone anyone with my mini-breakdown. I'm really never the type to get sad or annoyed like that, I generally just laugh things off because I figure why waste life feeling crap about things, so that was so out of character for me lol. I promise I'll never do that again eehe. 
Here on AFF should be happy and fun and I want to inject happy into AFF all the time so I have no idea how that happened.
Anyway, trust me, from now on I'll be a better person and not worry/trouble/bother/bug anyone.
Starlight loves you all!
(Time to go and get today's Dedication update finished ;D)


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evangeline101 #1
Aww hey I don't mind seriously :)
Don't worry about it. I've been there before and it may seem terrible and hopeless, but you can bring yourself out and turn things around. It's really not as hopeless as it seems. Trust me, I literally failed three classes last year and had my scholarship suspended for a semester too, but I was able to buckle down, get my grades back up, and be more successful in school. It may and you may feel terrible and kind of stupid, especially when there are other people out there that just seem to get whatever you're learning really quickly compared to you, but it's normal and you shouldn't feel bad if you can't grasp things right away or feel bad that your grades don't always represent what you've learned.

And if you need someone to talk to about school and just life in general and how much it can , just PM me or something and we can hash it out. Seriously, university is stressful, and if you need to vent or rant about teachers or anything, just do it. It's better to get it off your chest then keep all of it inside and feeling even more stressed out.

But I'm glad your feeling better and definitely try to get more sleep because just getting a good night's rest can help a lot.
I wasnt on aff yesterday, so I'm catching up on the blogs and I'm glad you're feeling better, I just commented on your emotional breakdown post hehe
Don't apologize for letting out your frustrations, that's what blogs are for *hugs* Keep your chin up <3
hotterthanasummer #5
It's OK :p If you're frustrated it's better to let it out than pretend everything's fine and dandy.
Glad you're feeling a bit better :)
I think that you shouldn't apologize.... because now I feel awkward for worring to much >///< okay bye.
Just remember that you are alone in your frustrations stay positive!