3rd blog of the day but idc because I am so freaking pissed off.

No updates today even though I planned to do reviews and add a chapter to Dedication and like finish Afterglow and update todays Valentines fics but I can't exactly help it.
It's freaking 7:47pm here and two of my housemates (who are a few years older than me so I can't talk back to them) have just informed me that they're throwing a part for the Superbowl and they've invited loads of their friends. At 9pm. Today.
Like, wtf?
I'm all for house parties and everything, seriously. I'm a big fan of alcohol....
But when they tell me about a house part an hour before on a SUNDAY. When I have UNIVERSITY the next morning. I haven't eaten all day so I can't exactly drink...
AND the kitchen (where we throw parties) is directly underneath my room and any music in there vibrates my room so party levels of music will mke it like a trampoline in there.
Did I mention that I have important classes  tomorrow morning?
This isn't even the first time - On Friday night they put the music on really loud until 4am, just the two of them, and even though I asked them to turn it down they didn't.
I can't move out until July and this is making me so miserable.


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evangeline101 #1
/offers you earplugs since that's all a cheapo like me can do/
Are you in dorms? I hated being in dorms for that exact reason!
/hugs/ It's okay, july is not that far..
i remember those days! i'm still rejoicing the freedom i'm living in a house without roommates. and i'm american, and my superbowl plans include napping and readings fics. o.O
Football... Yup. Very American so it's kinda random if you're British. I like to avoid football as much as possible though, it's just that one sport that I absolutely can't stand.
American football...yeah its been bigged up here. I saw the adverts and was shocked...but it isn't a new thing. They actually used to show the NFL matches a lot back in the day, so it was a regular thing.
and so were the parties...though I never agree with parties on sunday....I mean ffs people....SUNDAY....everyone has work or school etc the next day....jeez.
Well, I might be American, but I don't exactly care for American Football, even Superbowl Sunday. Much more of a soccer(football for you guys) and hockey fan than anything else. Stanley Cup? Having a party, especially since my team has been wining and doing really well for the past couple of years. World Cup? Watching it.

But that . I suggest dosing yourself with Nyquil, getting some earplugs, and making sure you have a super loud alarm clock for the next day. It may be loud, but Nyquil will knock you out within 30 minutes to an hour or so. (Though, don't use this method often, because people can easily get addicted to Nyquil pretty easily if they try to use it to sleep all the time.)
(sends hugs and earplugs) Fighting!
hotterthanasummer #9
Srsly, why is everyone pretending they give a crap about the Superbowl these days? I live in Ireland, so most people are distracted by the rugby, but I know a few people who are having Superbowl parties as well and it's like O_o???
Fighting unnie! /sends srenght/
Baravois #11
I'm sorry
....do earplugs help?