Random Blog about my Writing Habits (Like anyone actually cares)

So I've seen a few people doing blogs about writing habits/superstitions and like... well, here's mine.
I don't really have many writing superstitios except that I am unbelievably organised when it comes to my fanfics. I am never ever organised but for my fics I have a folder for oneshots, a folder for other stuff and a folder for each of my chaptered fics. It's weird and tidy. I don't like it.
I also thoroughly believe that a fic is more likely to be better if I come up with a title and THEN write a fic around it. I usually don't plan - this was the case with all of my oneshots. Most of this inspiration comes from song titles and the song itself.
I just don't plan at all, which usually results in my reading back previous chapters because I'm getting my timescales messed up or something. Like, I struggled the other day because I totally forgot whether L was in or out of the closet in Dedication (I did get the answer but now I've forgotten it again). With chaptered fics I have a few things that I know will happen as main plot poinys but when and how I'll get to them is mostly a mystery... 
I also never draft. Everything I write comes straight from my fingers, I proofread and edit as I write and then I post it straight up here on AFF. Which is why everything is .
I think my best stuff is written when I can write everythig all at once with no breaks, though there have been a few exceptions to that. I usually end up with short chapters because of that.
When I write, I usually write with music. I listen to English music mostly when I'm writing. I just put my iPod on shuffle and skip past songs which don't suit the tone of a fic. I'm currently writing a sad part of Dedication takes a Lifetime so I have Taylor Swift in the background. Sometimes I can't write with music but I usually find it helps me concentrate and is even inspiring. The only stuff I don't use music for is my really cracky comedy like Noodle Boy.
Actually, for some fics I have a soundtrack. When I write 'As the Dust Falls' I usually write with the songs 'My Skin' by Natalie Merchant, 'Skin' by Alexz Johnson and 'When You Break' by Bears Den on repeat. They really fit the tone of the fic and get me into the angsty mood that I need to be in to write.
I guess that's about it really~


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evangeline101 #1
Uhhh I never really plan either, instead I just use the feels-of-the-moment to conjure up whatever story that I'm doing /whispers though that I do remember some of the important points that I wanna write but oops I forget everything else/ I thinks you're quite organised since I don't have any files for anything I just vomit everything out onto AFF thus the horrible writing OTL
OTL yeah -- I have the most important parts of the fic planned, but never fillers. And I need fillers for a good pace lol

I actually wish I was more organized with my fics. I'm not really organized about them. They are all literally dumped into my computer's miscellaneous folder. I have to name each one by their initials.

I actually can't listen to music while I write. I get distracted and then I forget what I was doing OTL and I completely agree with the fact that my best chapters are when I sit down and write nonstop.

Believe it or not, I write first and then name it afterwards. Mostly with chapters though. For stories I'll have the plots figured out and then name it and then begin writing.

OTL I am SO disorganized lol
actually I don't know what my style is....i guess I get so many ideas that I want to write about, its hard to stop myself writing them and thus forgetting the other fics I have going....
I never draft either....or plan.....that is bad isn't it lol.
I prefer to write when I am in a specific mood for a specific fic....every fic needs a different mood.....which is why I have so many ideas in my head and not on paper....well on word.
I tend to listen to things on an industrial style....as you know since I tried to help you lol.
Wasted wings by Rotersand is like one of my favourites, but I have worked with others.
one song helped me write and form an entire idea....I wrote the fic for unnie at xmas but I loved the theme so much I decided to make it a whole world.
and now I want to write it but I am stuck trying to work on the past stuff i am too lazy to do lol.
You know I also like to have oneshots in one folder and have my fanfics organized, but there are folders for groups first, then there are folders for oneshots, chaptered stories, and then there are folders for each story in the folder for chaptered stories. But I stopped doing that and now it's all messy, because I have so much plots in my broken phone (I would never get them or I can get them by fixing my cell phone) and in my current mobile phone and in my other accounts, but they are hidden.
I started to plan my stories, because I know they won't be good without an outline. I used to write like you, with main events, but it wasn't the best choice and after 3 years I finished only 3 stories that , and never finished way more other stories.
That's all I think and usually I have pretty nice plots (don't believe me, they aren't nice xD) but I can't write them as good as I want.
My fanfics folder is really organized as well. I'm pretty much similiar to many of your points. I don't draft as well, I edit as I write, but I'm really fickle minded and might end up editing the same sentence countless times because sometimes it just doesn't feels right.

Listening to songs/music when writing, doesn't works for me though. I will get distracted by the songs, starts singing along, one thing leads to another and the next thing I know, an hour has passed.
I am organised when it comes to fanfics too
You should see my bedroom
It‘s anything but organised HAHAH
Read this out of boredom and realized whe have some common points lol. You know, I used to write Harry Potter fanfiction and when my computer was functioning I used to have all these folders so it was easier to find the archives... now that I don't have one, I use Google Drive xD so it's a mess. And I also never draft, because when I do I never write what I planned haha. And about the music, it depends on my mood or the fic's mood... as in, I mostly listen to music when writting angst. Or when it's inspired in songs... because I really have low concentration and musuc doesn't help xD except Nell.
Wow, I just realized how much I write but don't post on Aff or anywhere. Lol. Ok bye.
Hehe...you are pretty same to me. I am writting things almost like you. I have some plan...but never go according to it. Also I just write here and don't do drafts. And usually I find many errors after posting it up........