❊ crayon ❊ indigo butter! zhu yijun! #2



Name : Zhu Yijun

Other Names : Jihyun (her Korean name)

Nicknames : Jun, Junnie, Yiyi

Birthdate : October 29th, 1996

Age : 18

Ethnicity : Chinese

Bloodtype : A-

Birthplace : Guangzhou, China

Hometown : Hongkong, China / Seoul, Korea

Languages : Chinese (fluent), Korean (conversational)


Personality : 

Yijun is a devoted girl, always doing her best in whatever she does. She puts in her best effort into things and always tries her hardest. She's respectful, mature, and if she were still a student, she'd be the one kid that teachers would adore and coo after. She's the student that her classmates call "teacher's pet", though she never really does much to give her that label except be polite. She's conscientious, and if she sees something bad going on, she can't ignore it. Yijun usually always follows her gut feeling no matter what happens. Sometimes she doesn't think her decisions through, but that's something she's trying to change. Yet she's not afraid to be honest, a girl of integrity.

But Yijun is all of that, and more. She's quiet, and doesn't speak much. Her voice usually goes unheard in discussions because her voice is so soft, but she's quiet because she's worried someone will notice her if she's louder. She prefers to blend in with the crowd rather than stand out. She's reserved, and tense, making it hard to get close to her. She has walls built up around her heart in order to protect it. She's scared of getting hurt. Yijun is always wary of the people around her, and she's never been a very optimistic girl. She's pessimistic, and always thinks of the worst before the best. She doesn't like burderning others with her problems, so she buries all of her emotions inside of her and hides them from others.

She's insecure, but she doesn't like to show it. She has a low self esteem, and tends to flinch whenever people point out her bad traits. She cares too much for others, always worrying about them before worrying about herself. Yijun always frets over other people's problems, but never really talks about her own. Yet she's always so sensitive, so she usually get's hurt by words. But she will still never tell anyone, worried that she'll just be burdening them with her own problems. She always tries to solve them herself. All in all, Yijun is a girl who is caring for others, but tends to neglect herself.

Background :

Yijun was born in Guangzhou, China, yet grew up in a small apartment building with her parents and her older brother in Hong Kong. From young, she had admired the brother who was three years older than her. Their parents were rarely home, since they had the commitment of being a teacher. Zhilin became her main support. If she needed to rant about something, she'd go to him. This was her childhood. Zhilin taught her just about everything she knows now. Instruments, sports, and origami, she all learned from him. They were both very talented, but Yijun knows she wouldn't have been without him. In school, they were known as the perfect prodigy siblings.

While Yijun enjoyed music more than sports, Zhilin enjoyed sports more than music. She moved to Korea with her mother while her father stayed in China with her brother. When she moved to audition to be a trainee, Zhilin decided he wanted to pursue an athletic career and stayed in Hong Kong. She became a trainee at TSENT when she was 14, and she immediately called her brother to inform him of the good news. He himself was focusing on his studies since he was a senior in highschool. Yet he was still the ace of the basketball team in his school. He visited around two times that year, always surprising her with his visits. Their relationship was so close, she never thought she would lose him. During his last visit, before he boarded the plane, he gave her a heart locket and ruffled her hair, saying he'd be back next year.

When Yijun was 15, she was relaxing while eating her lunch in her apartment. Her mother the TV and they saw a news report about a plane crashing, the reporter saying that there were no survivors. Suddenly her mother broke down crying. She panicked and asked what was wrong. Suyin told her that her brother was on that plane. Ever since then, Yijun's life was completely different. She never thought that she'd never be able to see Zhilin again. If she did, she would've spent much more time with him. For the rest of her life, she blamed her big brother's death on herself no matter how much others told her not to.


Face claim : Park Minju

Height : 157 cm

Weight : 44 kg

Style :

Yijun wears usually whatever she feels like that day. She doesn't have a specific type of style, but the clothing she likes to most are baggy hoodies and leggings with heels. Heels are her favorite shoes, due to her short height. But she loves sneakers too. If you hand her a pair of Chucks she wouldn't be able to turn it down. She likes pastel colors, and black and white, so that's what most of her closet is. She doesn't really do accessories, except for an occasional bracelet and ring or hat.

Others :

Yijun has always had pale skin, skin that makes people think she's weak and frail. She always looks like she's sick or something. She has long, dyed, dark brown hair, and large brown eyes that don't stand out very much. She's very skinny, and doesn't have a very showy figure. She has a small star shaped birthmark on her right shoulder, and a moon shaped one on the left side of her hip. She was always teased by her family for those two. She has normal ear piercings, and a cartilage piercing on her left ear.


Likes :

- sports

- cute things

- make up

- the night sky

- astronomy

- caffeine

- tea

- rain

- origami

- mint

Dislikes :

- snow

- coldness

- winter

- sweets (candies and chocolates)

- insects

- apples

- flowers

Hobbies :

- playing sports (soccer, basketball, tennis, etc.)

- playing instruments (flute, piano, guitar, violin)

- folding origami

- reading

- surfing the internet

Habits :

- looking down when she's lying

- blushing when nervous, anxious, or embarrassed

- she squeaks really high pitched when she's surprised

Weaknesses :

- her height

- she's not very confident with herself

- she always has her guard up, and is hard to get close to.

Special Talents :

- origami

- sports

- make up

- instruments (piano, violin, guitar, flute)

Trivia :

- she's very good with her hands
- she is a huge fan of SHINee
- she's allergic to bees
- she has a black hole for a stomach, and can pretty much eat for forever
- she drinks orange juice every morning, and if she doesn't, it doesn't feel right
- at home, she has a pet parakeet named "Star"
- has a photographic memory
- she chews gum when she needs to concentrate
- she's a light sleeper
- she's good at puzzles
- surprisingly has a lot of aegyo when she really wants something
- is a big fan of lee jongsuk, kim woobin, and song joongki
- she really, really, really wants to play a basketball game against Kris, and a soccer game against Luhan and Xiumin
Sai told her that she looks like she'd have a low alcohol tolerance
name any social networking site, and she'll most likely have an account, whether she's active or not
her twitter and instagram are @starryjunnie


Family :

- father | Zhu Zhiqiang | 44 | highschool teacher | playful, laidback, protective

- mother | Zhu Suyin | 42 | kindergarten teacher | gentle, optimistic, loving

- brother | Zhu Zhilin | deceased | n/a | bright, protective, caring


Bestfriend : Li Sai


Sai's gentle, kind, and affectionate. He's a little quiet, but he's still very fun to be around. He's a little lazy, and refuses to get up in the mornings. He's trustworthy, loyal, and brotherly. He's there for Yijun now that Zhilin can't be. He's patient, optimistic, and very bright and cheerful. All of these positive traits are apart of Sai, and he has very little negative traits. With laziness, he's stubborn, and can sometimes be short tempered.

First met:

Sai is Yijun's childhood friend. He actually moved to Seoul with her, even though she tried to get him to stay. When they first met, Yijun was crying because she fell off the swing on the school playground. Her brother wasn't there because he had class, but Sai ran to her and helped her up, dusting off her dress, and gave her a bandaid that he always kept in handy just in case he got hurt. He even kissed her knee better, making her feel shy. Ever since then, they grew closer. They spent 12 years of their lives together, it really is surprising how they can be so close.


Friends :

Kim Jongdae (Chen)

Zelo (BAP)


Rivals : n/a

Love Interest's Name : Oh Sehun

Age : 20

Personality : 

Despite being the maknae in his group, Sehun is very mature and optimistic. When in a relationship, he's romantic and yet shy. He gives flowers, chocolates, and the typical cheesy things. Yet he does all of those things with a blush. But he's reserved, a little too worried to open up easily. This trait is a little similar to Yijun, but Sehun opens up his heart much more easily than the girl does. He get's jealous easily and is one of those protective boyfriends. After getting to know Sehun, he's no longer quiet and shy, but very lively and bright. He's also very stubborn, once he wants sets a goal, he'll acheive it. All in all, Sehun is a friendly boy who is always fun to be around, and once you get close to him, you'll never be bored with him.

Relationship :

Sehun and Yijun are closer than normal friends, but still, they're not in a relationship. They're best friends, almost lovers. But they don't consider each other lovers just yet. It's a little odd how close they are without even dating.

How you treat each other :

Sehun has always had an obvious crush for Yijun, who is oblivious to it. Whether or not if the younger girl returns the boy's affection is unknown, but there are times where she feels shy around him. Whenever Sehun surprises her with a hug or with a kiss on the cheek, she blushes and gets shy and embarrassed. Sehun is affectionate with Yijun no matter how you look at it, but even if Yijun is emotionally close with the boy, she's physically not. She doesn't like to stand too touch him too much because then she feels her cheeks heat up.

First Met/Will Meet:

Yijun had once told Sai that if she were to date any idol, it'd be Oh Sehun from EXO. Somehow, Sai arranged for them to meet the day after she told him. How does he know him? Sai is a trainee at SM, since he auditioned a little after Yijun auditioned for TSent. Either way, they met because of a mutual friend, and soon grew close. In the beginning, since Sai told Sehun his best friend wanted to date him, it was a little awkward. But they got over it, exchanged numbers, and grew closer than Sai and her, if not closer.

Love Rival Name : Lee Taemin

Age : 22

Personality :

Taemin's shy around strangers, and he's very polite and well mannered, making him similar to Yijun. He's well tempered and gentle when talking to others, and he's nice and generous. He's always fatherly and takes care of everyone younger tham him. There aren't very many negative traits that he shows, besides him being a little bit of a narcissist and how he tends to get jealous. Also, he lies. He lies way too much, and is a huge compulsive liar. Yet he's still so good at lying about everything.

Relationship :

Taemin has the tiniest liking towards Yijun, since she can be both girly and tomboyish. He likes how she can play sports, then the next moment, she can be fussing over her hair and make up. On the other hand, Yijun admires him very much, and may fangirl internally sometimes since she loves SHINee.

How You Treat Each Other :

Taemin is like a brother to Yijun. He ruffles her hair and laughs, and is affectionate with her. He always slings his arm around her shoulder when he sees her, and worries and frets about her, usually being protective over her. Taemin treats her like that because he likes her, but of course, she doesn't know that. But Yijun is always very shy around him, always bowing and treating him like she would treat any sunbae. No matter how much Taemin tells her to loosen up around him, she doesn't will for a long time because of how much she admires and adores SHINee.

First Met/Will Meet:

She actually met Taemin after Sehun. Yijun went to Sehun's entertainment company to deliver him lunch, since she knew he was going to be training to hard to bother to remember about his health. She bumped into Taemin after getting lost, and felt extremely embarrassed since, gosh, he's the maknae of her ultimate bias group SHINee. He asked where she was going, and she asked where EXO usually practices, and instead of just telling her, he lead her there.


Stage Name : Xi

Persona : indigo butter

Position : lead rapper, vocalist

Personal Fanclub Name & Color : Xings + #990033

Trainee Years : 5 years

Trainee Life :

Yijun got accepted after auditioning for TSent when she was 14 and spent most of her trainee life alone. She was fine with that, because when she left the practice room, she'd have Sai to wipe away her sweat and cheer her up, and her mother who'd affectionately ruffle her hair and encourage her. It was after her brother's death that she truly felt lonely when she rested after dancing for a long time. She wanted to get closer to some trainees, but she was scared of getting hurt. She always blamed herself for not being more outspoken.

In the end, she made one friend before he debutted. Zelo had approached her one day and talked to her for a while. Apparently, he had asked the other trainees about her since she's always practicing alone. "Why was she here for so long?" was one of his questions. "Well, that's because its hard to put a Chinese trainee in a group without thinking it through carefully." Junhong, she thought, must've pitied her or something similar to that, but she appreciated him anyway, because now, he had someone to practice with.


Comments :

dies omg sorry if i took forever, but i got a day off and i was like "gotta work on this app before i start my essay" LOL 

Suggestions :

  • variety shows
  • scandals
  • fights between members, then making up

Scene Requests ? :

  • yijun loses the locket her brother gives her, and panicks, but sehun helps her find it
  • taemin flirts with yijun and she gets shy, making sehun jealous
  • a scandal happens between taemin and yijun or sehun and yijun
  • someone assumes that sai and yijun are dating, and sai and yijun can't help but laugh. really hard. ouo

Questions? : nope~ i hope you like it orz

credits - contradictori

source codecontradictori



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