✖ DELINQUENTS : ❝Lee Mei Ting❞

Lee, mei ting

full name: Lee, mei ting.
nickname(s): mei mei (means little sister, called this by people close to her and older than her)
age, dob: 15, october 26
ethnicity: chinese
birthplace // hometown: hong kong

ulzzang: Ne Rou
links: gallery
backup ulzzang: miwako sayumi
links: pictures

height: 168 cm
weight: 51 kg
appearance: she is fair skinned and looks very innocent. Her hair is a medium brown, that may look lighter or darker depending on the lighting. She is more of a stick shaped  body and is very skinny (but perfectly healthy). Her eyes are a deep brown.
extra: She has a birthmark on her right shoulder blade.


key traits: shy, antisocial, introverted, trustworthy, sensible
in-depth: She cannot start a conversation if it saved her life. When someone starts a conversation with her, it always ends quickly because she repsonds with short and quiet replies/answers. She isn't one to open up easily to anyone, and most people's first impression of her is that she is cold. When she is super focused on something and needs to get something done perfectly, she will shut everyone in her life out until she is finished. Rule breaking is a sin for her. She knows what is the right thing to do, but sometimes doesn't want to do it. However, instead of leaving it, she will do it unhappily. When people believe in something she doesn't, she will respect their beliefs but expects the respect to be mutual. She usually tries to think of the best options that will work in her favor. She has trust issues, and especially doesn't trust anyone when it has something to do with her grades. She is that girl in school that is alone in the corner reading a book that nobody likes.

She can open up some, but it will take a long time. The first step that will make her opening up much easier is to make her laugh. However, it is also the hardest part as she doesn't laugh easily. It's a process that could take 1-2 years. After you make her laugh, she will slowly open up and start talking more. However, like i said, slowly. She never just opens up to a person. Many have tried talking to her, but the majority of people don't stay long enough to find out what she could be like. She is very loyal and will never talk bad or anything if you are her friend. She will listen to any problems you have and sometimes give advice. She is an amazing shoulder to lean on when needed. She is very trustworthy, and no secret told to her will ever escape her lips to someone else.
background: Lee mei ting was born on october 26 in hong kong. Being brought up in a very strict household, that is how she was raised. Her first language was english, taught to her by her parents. when she turned 2, her parents started speaking to her in cantonese so that she would pick up that language (native language for hong kong). When she was 3, her father began teaching her how to play the piano. When she was 4, she was put into the school system. When her classmates tried to talk to her, they usually stopped and stayed away from her afterwards because she is not exactly friendly. Her parents started teaching her the basics in math, but went on further than that. They were teaching her things like multiplication and division already and she would just learn it. They would practice english with her and started teaching about science also. This went on through years of her life, and by the time she was 9 she was already doing calculus. Her parents made her study science books. Her only two choices for her future were to either become a doctor, or become a lawyer. Considering her social skills, she decided she should become a doctor. So, she tries to study math and science more than her other subjects, but gets straight a's anyways.
However, throughout her life, she has always been compared to her older brother. Her older brother who can play the piano and the violin and many other instruments because of this. Her older brother that always gets 100% in every class, on every assignment, on every test. her older brother that not only knows cantonese and english, but also self learned japanese and started trying to find japanese people he can practice conversing with. The older brother that always chooses education over everything else, and graduated school early, and does everything perfectly. While she is different. She can only play the piano and her weakness is theory. She usually makes mistakes and gets a 96-98% on things. she only knows cantonese and english, even though she has wanted to learn another language, she can't self learn. It is too hard for her. She likes to listen to music and watch shows for enjoyment instead of always studying and reading. She is on track to graduate with everyone else her age, and only excels in math. She makes mistakes. Those mistakes have cost her many nights without dinner and banning of anything that is enjoyable. Including good books. She would only be allowed to read study material that will help her with her future. Her phone is taken away, but it's not like she uses it anyways.

When she was 13, her family moved to korea because of her father's work. He is a private physician, and one of his clients is moving back to his homeland, korea. The client wanted to keep her father as his private physician, and payed a lot of money so that they would move to korea with him. At first, the language barrier was a big problem. Not only was she unfriendly, but she also couldn't speak well in the same language. Her existence at school is only her name on the roster and any awards she achieves. The same year her family moves to korea, her older brother moves to america. He was accepted into the prestigous harvard law school and plans to become a lawyer. However, it just made it worst for her. Her older brother is the only one that would help make her smile at the end of the day. The one that would tell her that everything will be alright. Even with him gone, she was still compared to him. "When he was your age, he was already in a higher level class" "you need to work harder so that you can graduate early like you brother" "your brother wouldn't need help in theory homework." Two years passed in korea, and it was torture for her. Nobody would even notice her at school. She would have to follow all the rules so that she won't get in trouble. She tried her hardest to get 100%, but still made mistakes. Nobody was there for her to cheer her up. Nobody was there to support her. One day, she snapped. She was tired of every "be more like him" comment. She was tired of being invisible at school. She was tired of always being miss goody two shoes and felt like she was going insane.



mother; Lee yook tao | 40 | strict, cold, professional, persuasive | lawyer | She is very strict and will never show any compassion for mei ting. She is barely ever home anyways, but when she does see mei ting she will give her study material or tell her to try harder.
father; Lee ming teen | 45 | strict, loud, passionate | private physician | he is usually in and out of the house and doesn't see his family much. When he is with mei ting, he will tell her something like she isn't good enough because he thinks it will motivate her.
brother; lee ho geet | 20 | smart, caring, uptight | law student | he is the one thaat kept her sane all those years. but, he is also mei ting's biggest rival because she is always compared to him. He always looks out for his little sister and cares about her a lot. Sometimes, he would sneak food to her when she wasn't allowed to have dinner.

friends: maximum of three

relation; name | age | key traits | occupation | relationship


love interest: do kyungsoo
key traits: laidback, rebellious, reckless
personality: Despite his deceiving looks, he isn't what many think. Many think he is a good boy who follows the rules, and will always act cute. He is far from that, practically the opposite. He thinks rules were made for losers and that acting cute is a sin. He will make a mess of anything and everything. He hates being called cute, and will hurt anyone who does. However, he has a sensible side to him. If there isn't a reason for one to get beat up, he won't beat them up and will help if someone is in that situation.
background: Being an only child, he grew up to be very independent. His parents were always busy and he learned to fend for himself. at one point, he was the good boy that would follow the rules and do what people tell him to do. He learned at an early age that life is hard and nothing comes easy. After learning this, most people would try to make the most of their life. And that's what he did, only his own definition of making the most of his life. He didn't find the point in school, and started making it so that he was only barely passing (he knows that he has to pass classes). He has always been sensible and done things to benefit himself. He could care less about what others do, but has a set of principles that he still stands by. However, he became a violent person and will beat up people if there is a reason. 
case: many things. He drowned his sorrows in alcohol, although he is underage. He is violent and has/will hurt people. he has stolen numerous things from numerous places. And, at a very low point in his life when he was drunk, he began to have suicidal thoughts.
how you first met: seoul rehabilitation centre. not exactly a place where mei ting fits in. It was lunch time, and everyone was eating. Those who have made friends were talking, those who haven't are sitting there alone. The latter is the category mei ting is in, while the former is the one kyungsoo was in. A loud slam signals a very angry guy walking in. His name is shin sangho. He is known to be the bad guy that everyone is afraid of, which makes sense since he is in there for violent acts that are just okay enough not to be counted as attempted murder. Someone has made him angry. Someone in this rehabilitation centre. To take out his anger, he finds a loner that nobody will miss and starts to beat him/her up. Or at least, that is his plan. However, the girl he picks is lee mei ting. All eyes are on him to see what he will do. He grabs mei ting by the collar and puts his fist up. When he is about to punch her, his hand is stopped. He looks and the person who stopped him is do kyungsoo. sangho asks what kyungsoo is doing, but kyungsoo just tells him to let mei ting go. Sangho asks what mei ting is to him and starts teasing, saying he likes mei ting. However, kyungsoo ignores it and asks sangho what mei ting ever did to him. Sangho decides to turn back to mei ting and try to punch her again, but again he is stopped by do kyungsoo. Sangho got angry and dropped mei ting to the floor. He decides that it would be beter to take his anger out on kyungsoo. Towering over him a good 4 inches, he starts to attack. Kyungsoo avoids the first few attacks, but sangho got in one good punch in the face. It ended in blood and unconciousness on kyungsoo's end, and contentness on sangho's end. Mei Ting is in a state of shock, and goes to kyungsoo's side. whether she is in a rehabilitation centre or not, she still knows when to care for someone. She got towels and alcohol and start wiping the blood and disinfecting the wounds and bandaging them up. she checked to make sure he was breathing and everything. When he woke up, the first thing he saw was mei ting's face and got shocked and scrambled up, just to hurt himself. mei ting asks if he is okay, and he says yeah even though it's a lie. she asks what his name is and he tells her kyungsoo. She says "hi kyungsoo, I'm mei Ting. Thank you for saving me back there." and then she left.
interaction/relationship: She doesn't talk much around him because she isn't comfortable with him yet. Also, she is extra shy because something about him makes her feel different and she doesn't like it (since she doesn't like change). He will sometimes wave when he sees her and will do small random acts, such as carrying her to her dorm (or room... where she sleeps) if she falls asleep doing her studies or something. However, she doesn't know of these acts. If she did, she would most likely freak out.

back-up love interest: luhan




what happened before you entered sra: I had run away from home because i was sick of being miss goody two shoes and always being compared to my older brother. I was tired of never being good enough. I wasn't thinking when I ran away, i just knew I needed to get away from my parents and my life. I decided to go on a random street and ask for many, when a man started asking me questions like if i was a student and where is my family. I told him that i dropped out of school and ran away from home, and he suddenly took me.
what do you think of the enviroment?: it's okay. it's clean enough and comfortable enough. It doesn't feel like torture and nobody is telling me i am not good enough, so that is good. The food is okay but i have always been a picky eater, so that is probably why.
what do you think of the people there?: they scare me. many people have big muscles, and other ones just have this look. I have a feeling that one day when i am least expecting it, someone will kill or injure me, or force feed me alcohol, or I will die from second hand smoke from cigarettes people sneak in.
is there anyone you don't get along with? why?: I don't get along with anybody. Like at school, I am invisible here.
what do you like the most in sra?: I like the fact that nobody treats me like I am demented for running away and that I am not being compared to anyone.
do you have any plans on what to do when you are released?: I plan to try to go back to school and get as good a job as I can. I want to be able to meet my brother again and make him proud of me.
if there was anything and anywhere you can be right now, what would it be?: I would be in America with my brother because I miss him. He was the rock that helped me all those years to stay strong.


username: MingMingmingminggyu
what do i call you?: Ming

Sorry if it's long... I write a lot ><
scene suggestions: kyungsoo (or love interest) doing a small random act for mei Ting
password: Cute~

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