Story Idea

So a few nights ago I had another crazy dream. The dream consisted of me and some guy I had gone out on a date with. I don't know why, but in the dream we were running away from my dad, like he was after us or something. It was very action-y, and we would drive to places really fast and get in fights and stuff. It was cool.

i don't know why I had it, but it gave me inspiration for a fanfic. If anyone has seen Taylor Lautner's movie Abduction, it'd be like that, but a little different. In my dream, though, the guy was white.

So, I'm trying to figure out what kind of KPop star I could use. He has to be kind of Taylor Lautner-ish. I can't think of a good enough idol. Anyone have any suggestions?


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blazingdreams #1
Someone like Taylor Launter? I immediately thought of Taecyeon from 2PM. haha. I think he fits the image well. They are both buff, not too much but not too little. And they can both have that similar stare sometimes xD
how about Kim hyun joong or Kim Soo Hyun I know the latter isn't an idol but he is worthy
Gdragon ? He rich and can do anything he want. *just want to suggest*
alejandraaa #4
Kris or SeHun would probably work well, they got the "image" lol