HAEKYUNG ┆ DANI ┆ TEN ┆ PLOT #07ヽ(*・ω・)ノ©

+ full name  kang daeun
+ nickname(s) 
 grace (geureiseu) ; the meaning to her name and the irony that comes with it when girl's about as graceful as a hockey puck. so it's only right that her friends find a mandatory way to remind her, you know? 
"uh-oh, i think grace slipped in the shower again."

+ birthday 
 02 / 14
+ age 
+ ethnicity 
 full korean kimchi
 webtoon artist (manhwa artist)
+ birthplace  seoul, south korea  
face claim & gallery 
 park eunhee & link
back up claim & gallery 
 bambi & link


my two eyes shine
+ personality traits  jaunty, exuberant, spontaneous, acquiescent, fatuous, ostentatious, airheaded, versatile
+ personality  
now, although there's that one singular quote, "never judge a book by it's cover", when it comes across to kang daeun, there really isn't much to judge. she's as cheerful and dumb as her 100-watt smile, as dense and incoherent as her vomit of speech and about as normal as her sweet ability to walk straight into doors. if you have ever once enountered a time as a child where there boys who pulled a girl's hair to get their attention and girls who poked things with sticks out of sheer curiosity, then you'll probably understand just how dumbly immature this creature of thing evaluates to be. she's the one that giggles at her own punny jokes, the girl that trusts even the con-man down the street, and the loves-to-be-in-love 16 year old that falls for boys harden then she's tripping over air. to say the least, daeun is not one to ever be put in charge, merely due to the fact that she can't take life seriously and would probably plumet all sources of victory to the very depths of despair because there was a pretty-pink butterly in view. it also doesn't help, the fact that she's so easily fasinated by even the crack on the road. let's also not forget how gosh-darn gullible daeun is. she believes everything and anything, as long as you make it sound cool. you tell her you were santa claus, and i'm sure that thing's asking you why she never got that pony. 

when you're as gullible and naive as daeun, you have that one inability to see the wrong in - well - anyone. in daeun's eyes, there are no harsh realities and there deems no existance of a bad person. you could be some freakin' axe murderer for all she cared, and daeun would come up with an excuse to say that you were just a, "little cranky poo". her ways of throwing trust on a string is from wanting to see the better in everyone, whether you've done something wrong, or did something without meaing, daeun will always try to forgive you, even if you can't forgive yourself. daeun just believes in too many things, and it has her head too high up in the clouds to really call her back down. the optimism that comes with that fact causes daeun to shed a somewhat irritating aspect. sometimes she's just too chirpy, too discreet or too dense to realize what she's doing. as someone who cherishes affection, she always seems to try to get on everyone's good side, whether it be talking with them (technically her talking for them), or sticking to their side like a pup would to their mother. because of it, she often gets easily attached to others, causing her to get clingy and possessive, maybe a little jealous at times - not to mention whiney. she's always liked being the one treated by the other's affections and it only adds to her childish actions.

there are other times where she can't understand certain situations for, she was  never one to be able to read between the lines from the beginning. say, you're having a bad day and you subtly tell her to put away the shoes she left scattered around the door, daeun would probably miss the tone in your voice and complain about how she's do it later. sometimes she's rather umbearable, too slow to realize her own actions or the idiocy she ensues. she's a child without reigns and causes others to treat her likewise to one. but, despite being like that one annoying little sister and not knowing much about personal space or boundaries, daeun will always mean well. she may get caught into a couple sticky situations, might draw the line more often than once and is figureatively more of a whiney child than her given age, daeun is always willing to be that one shoulder to cry on; that bestfriend needed to cram with for exams, that person who tells you follow your heart, the girlfriend to call when you need someone to listen and the corny comic-relief idiot that laughs even at herself. she may be the girl who cries over the littles things, the girl who babbles on about why the sky is blue, the girl who wants you to look at how cool her drawing is, the girl who dreams about her one prince charming, and the girl who bubbles with laughter too often, but she is also the girl who does the dumbest things just so she can see you smile.
+ background  
seeing how daeun was born and raised an only child, it's a pretty accurate description when i say that she literally bathed in love and affection (to the point where she was babied and even sploit into being helpless without her parents). and no, i'm not talking about being fed with a silver spoon or having maids rush to her side every babble or cry she'd ensure - i'm talking about an extreme love from her parents who basically did everything for their baby. they spoiled her rotten, sprayed her down in sunscreen, caked her in bandaids, held her hand when crossing the street and believe it or not, did her homework if she was struggling (or not sruggling at all). this play continued on until the girl hit highschool - and i do mean, holding hands, doing homework and all.

the love itself wasn't bad though, rather it was more like too much of it (pft, but there can never be too much love). being babied as a kid to being babied as a teenager is kind of what caused daeun to be as childish as she is today. as much as she tries to be independent, and as much as she says, "i can do! just watch me! watch, watch!", the spoon-feeding, the biased praises, the over-affectionate-kisses-to-the-face-in-front-of-friends had her feeling both like a kid and thus, she continued to act like one. but, it's not so bad. they say kids have a better ability to create - and being daeun, it's a true possibility. for, even though she wasn't always as intelligent as she was, the moment she snatched that tube of lipstick from her mother's purse and smeared that crooked flower on their cream-white wall, the artist in her was erupted by her mother's cheery words. "wow! now draw a prince!"

+ life style  
talk about her job (if she has one), how does she act around the house with the girs etc. 

baby don't cry tonight
+ family  
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
+ friends  the format below. only list down the ones that will be relevant to the story. 
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
name | age | occupation | closeness (1-10) | 3 traits | relationship
+ other(s)  rivals, love rivals, exes, acquainances etc. use the format below. only list down the ones that will be relevant to the story
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship
relation | name | age | occupation | 3 traits | relationship

im running to neverland
+ likes; (+5) give reasons if you can

+ dislikes; (+5) give reasons if you can
+ trivia; list as many as you like. habits, fears, hobbies, all of that jazz and anything you can think of. again, things you think will be relevant to the story + add extra information rearding your chosen plotline.

so lucky to have you
+ when did she become best friends with the girls? how?
 high school or college? same class? friend/family connections? 

+ who among the girls is she close/closest to? why?

+ who among the girls is she least close/closest to? why? 

+ what is life like living with the girls? (first pov pls)
 — your opinion about it, first thoughts, how did you adapt, how did you end up living with them etc. 
+ any particular role you have around the house? (first pov pls)
 what are you in charge of eg. taking out the trash, paying the phone bills, cooking etc. 
everyday in my dreams
+ love line  owning love
+ partner  oh sehun
+ backup partner 
 lu han
+ age 
+ occupation  webtoon editor + deputy manager
+ his personality traits  (5+) don't contradict
+ his personality  
doesn't have to be long, just enough to make me understand him
+ their story  
minimum of a paragraph. how did they me(e)t? did they already meet prior to the story? if yes, what was their 'past' like? love at first sight? hate at first sight? what's their first impression of each other? write them all here + i always love reading this section (it's my favorite part yeee) so be as descriptive and magical as you want. add fluff mabe? .-. /dead

+ relationship   
their relationship as of now // how you two act around each other, what s/he likes/dislikes about him/her, etc.
+ trivia; (+5) trivia about him eg. his job (if he if he has one) or/and you two as a couple e.g. nicknames for each other, pet peeves, first dates, first dates, anything interesting really.

an instant heart attack
+ password  好きだよ
+ others — say what else you need/want to say/ask. comments, questions, or suggestions. feel free to write them all down in this little box * ^ *
anything. give us some juseyo. o/ suggest as many scenes as you can. be imaginative, be fluffy, be weird. otl i love inspirations. since they're all legal, there might be some mild ahemratedahem scenes c;





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