「 THE FIRST CLASS ♡ son chaegyun

baekhyun: this is all for our private yearbook, im telling you. so you phesants better answer this shiznit honestly. you dont have to give me names (except for crush huehue), just describe the following. first pov only pleasus muchos grazie

zodiac sign: "uh- i dunno? airy? ariels? aries? something like that?"

first love: "david beckham, spot on. he may be a married man, but i just know one of these days that man'll be all mine! i mean, have you seen the way this guy plays forward? like, are you kidding me? his body even screams perfect! how could you not fall in love with him?! and that accent man.. that accent.."

first kiss: "dunno if you'll actually considerate it a first kiss, but my was with david beckham! yeah! i mean, i kissed him first, but-.. what, you won't count posters? well, sorry for having lips then."

classroom crush: "uuuh, i don't really have anyone I like right now, but- that kris guy seems pretty hot? he's on the basketball team, he's tall and he speaks english. that's pretty hot in my books. oh, and that luhan chick too-- oh, what? luhan-ssi's a guy-?"

what you look for in a boyfriend: "er.. well, i'm not really interested in dating right now, but as long as the guy loves me for me, i guess? someone who would be there when i needed him. someone who would do the most cheesiest things just to get a smile out of me.. someone who's willing to play soccer with me without even knowing how! you know, someone who would put effort into our relationship and to love me inside and out. not like that damned oh sehun though. no, no, nonono. he has to be someone cool. not sehun. someone fun. not sehun. someone who's willing to try the things i like because i asked him - and again, not sehun. just someone who's the complete opposite of sehun, and i'm sure i'll be able to accept him! oh, and he should be pretty good-looking too.. mmn, yeah. maybe sehun."

something you want your (future) boyfriend to do: "play soccer with me, obviously!.. okay, no. maybe not always just soccer, but i wouldn't mind going on a trip with him. somewhere we can have lots of fun. just have the two of us travel the world and explore.. i'd love to spend time with him as much as i can, i guess? and-- whoa, whoa, what? k-kiss- hug--?? se-- no,slow down there! i-- i uh-- maybe a-a date- what- i-i don't know! i'm not good with this love- dating- thing- so- what's wrong with wanting to play soccer?! asdfg--"

the perfect date: "as long as he's with me, even a date in a cardboard box would be fine. i'd prefer something simple and fun over an expensive night out.. don't think i'd be able to get my mind off it anyways.. all dem dollar signs.."

- now, that wasn't so hard right. well done, pet, well done xoxo baek


hiyeom ♡



haekyung / ten / dani

name: son chaegyun
son cherry ; a nickname that means, "". used by her idiot moron jackass bestie sehun bcz he knows chae a little.. too well.
— chae ; a simplisic way to say, "chaegyun". used by her homies - i mean, people she's comfortable with.
— byunchae ; a play on "byuntae", and her current highschool nickname (from a majority of the taehwan girls and specifically by her bestfriends), because she's a bit of a touchy person and may or may not have d her friends from time to time.
(chae: it's not my fault. really, it isn't!)
birthday & age: 04-12 & 18
hometown: seoul, south korea
where she grew up in: seoul, south korea
languages: korean [fluent&mothertongue], english [moderate&learning]
ulzzang& back up:
baek sumin & ann

appearance: being chaegyun, appearance isn't something she really takes seriously. if it wasn't for her friends, the girl would possibly walk around in a tank and boxers. i'm not even kidding, this chick doesn't know style. her hair, style and appearance is because she's demanded to. her hair is usually straightened, her eyes a dark brown (she wears contacts), and good skin care. makeup isn't something she cares about, but she's started using it recently. mainly to cover up those blemishes here and there, maybe a bit of eyeliner if needed, but that would be all. she's often known for carrying a pokerface, but once you get to know her you'll learn that she's so easily approachable it's not even funny. and although she doesn't seem to be the tallest person in the world, 163cm deems to be an average height, as well contrasted to be 56kg.

style: chaegyun's never been a fashionable person and ever since her friends have been choosing her waradrobe, she's learned to dress more femininly since highschool started. now, she switches from swag to fab. be it tanks, sweats, jordans, shorts to jeggings, convers, sweaters or tees, in general her style is symplisic. chaegyun never wants to grab attention from her attire, oh no. she'd much rather do that with her personality! you're never fully dressed without a smile, you know? then again, you can never go wrong with a snap-back. but, don't be surprised to see her scoring her older brother's graphic tees and shorts one day - because believe me, she totally will.

personality traits:
(+) exuberant, jaunty, audacious, witty, individualistic
(-) ostentatious, cheeky, ditzy, impetuous, blunt

— resident tomboy :: she's that one over-the-top tomboy that drools over good-looking girls, gets aggressive over the next big soccer game and may just happen to know a few pro-wrestling moves. she also has a lot of girl-crushes (since she was attending a school full of girls).
— awe, poo :: her parents are divorced, which is why she takes after her mother's maiden name in place of kim. she does it to feel closer to her mom and it's also why some people think she and her brother are dating. ew!
— bend it like beckham :: seeing how she's currently part of taehwan's female soccer league, chaegyun has always been a fan of david beckham.
— hyungnim :: she's always been a little iffy about the honorific of, "oppa" and having an older brother of her own, she's grown a habit of calling older guys, "hyung" rather than their given synonym. also, don't get her started on being called, "noona". she'll slug ya'.
— pardon me :: as a tomboy, chae has never been overly affected by her own actions. she burps, and she scratches like it's nobody's business.
— fabtabulous :: she's a bit of a show-off when it comes to the things she's best at. it's from being overly competetive with her hyung older brother and from trying to impress a few girls here and there.
— klutzilla :: okay, so sometimes she plays a little rough and is a little too dense to realize it - just, don't be surprised if you accidently get nailed in the face over her awkward, spazzy hand motions, if she walks into a wall, a door or even trips over air like a bo$$.
— senpai pls notice me :: she's an attention-, hyung-, unnie-, everything- - she just loves it when people notice her.
— skinship desu :: skin-nope ; she loves affection and goes through plenty of skinship - but, when it gets too flirty, she squirms. especially when it comes to sehun, bcz that bastard does it just to spite her.
— kawaii desune :: she may try to act cool, but she can get really shy and blushes easily, which sehun often takes advantage of.
— no sankyuu :: she doesn't like asking for help and usually chooses to do things on her own, even if she doesn't know how.
— pants on fire :: lying isn't her style. or talent. or skill. she's only ever lied and only has lied about her first kiss - other than that she's completely, utterly honest about everything! she'll even tell you her undie color if you asked her. i'm not even joking. she will.
(sehun: /nods.)
— ooh lala :: because of her cold, stotic image, people often mistake her for a y, ice princess - but then her loud-as- exterior kicks in and they learn they're totally wrong. (sehun: bc she's a man. chae: shuttup!)
— witch doctor :: she's hopeless when it comes to love and as of now she insists that she isn't interested. her love for beckham doesn't count.
— troublemaker :: she always seems to cause trouble whether it's from making girls feel uncomfortable, not handing in homework or from just not paying attention in class bcz, "saem, there was a pretty bird outside."
— gluttonous :; she eats more than what her image provides.
— english :: she's always been interested in the language and actually enjoys studying it! (might get her closer to beckham, you know?)
— brotherly love :: she currently lives with her hyung older brother in an apartment not too far from campus.
— byunchae ; following up to her love for affection, chae has always been known as a touchy person that invades personal space. in most cases, she's been called a lesbian because she's probably slapped a few butts.. mmn, more than just once or twice?? let's not forget that overly, erted mind of hers. you could just scream banana and that stupid thing's probably snorting her brains out.
— part-timer :: to help her brother with rent, chaegyun goes around as a hopper. she sells ddokbokki one day, runs newspapers the next. other times she's babysitting and so on, and so forth.
— big book of everythang :: she loves to read (genre usually varies), which others find un-characteristic of her because she becomes awfully quiet when she does. and yeah, okay. it includes manga or manhwa off her phone, but she carries a pocket book some time or another.
— animals :: are her weakness. if it's cute n' fluffy - she's hooked. well, unless they're giant dogs - then she's in the closet crying.
— screech :; she has a super high-pitched squeal that occurs when she's excited, surprised or even scared of something.
— boo :: she's a total scaredy-cat. hates ghosts, zombies, etc, etc. oh, and bugs! let's not forget bugs. the thing cries over butterflies.
— let it go :: she loves all series of weather, and sometimes goes out in shorts in the dead of winter. (her brother nags her about it, though).
— duties :: her house duties consists of washing dishes and doing the laundry because she can't cook or clean. the end. (tbh, she has the self-proclaimed job of creating the mess for her brother to clean).
— harhar :: sometimes she hates her laugh because she has this awful habit of snorting and clapping her hands if she laughs too hard.
— tralalala :: can't sing or dance to save her life.
— mother-of-jesus-of-all-that-is-holy :: she swears like every other teenage girl (like seriously who doesnt?), but being aware of her surrounding she tries censoring herself a lot, where is a duck, and is a betch. this doesnt often happen around that damn ing sehun though- "you mother ing you no, just no, argh sTOP-"
— boifren :: despite what she says, chaegyun actually had her first boyfriend at the fresh age of 13. lasted for about a week though and she's never told her parents or her older brother (only sehun knows).
— saem :: she has a habit of calling her teachers, "saem" instead of "seonsaengnim", which is considered rude.
— say cheese :: she's extremely camera shy and probably wouldn't hesitate to get all super saiyan if you came at her with a camera.
— once upon a time :: although soccer deems to be one of her hobbies, her friends don't really know about her passion for writing. well, she doesn't considerate one, but she does spend more time writing up useless fragments of stories on her laptop than she is working on homework at home. (it caused her brother to give her a set, computer-time).
— megane-chan :: she only ever wears her glasses at home and wouldn't be caught dead with them out of her house. (they're ginormous and dorky. just like her personlity!)
— lefty-lucy :: she's left handed, but can use her chopsticks with her right. she doesn't even know how, but she just can and she thinks it's weird.
— meep :: she eats when she's upset and is in love with take-out. hamburgers, fries, pizza, etc.
— morning-glory :: mornings aren't her thing, and she's pretty much dead by 7:00 am. probably from her habit of sleeping at like 1:00 am.
— sigh :: she sighs a lot when she's frustrated and will more than often rack her hand through her hair.
— silent treatment :: when she's upset or angry at you, she goes into a treatment of silence that lasts for like a day. then she's crawling back at you with teary eyes and you're like, "dafaq woman."
— history-hi-history :: she hasn't lived a spectacular life, but it's been pretty averafe and she really isn't complaining.
— oniichan :: she respects her brother a lot, and loves to drive the guy crazy - because she thinks they spend more time together that way.
— tickle-tickle :: she's ticklish to the point of wanting to shoot you.
— papaya? n'aw. panono. :: she hates papaya. hates it. h-a-t-e hates it.
— mermaidia :: she's not a strong swimmer, but she knows how to float. as long as she's not floating in the ocean - she's good.
(chae: meep.)
— she-male :: out of everything she hates the most, it's when sehun is calling her a full-blown male. ("like, are you even a girl?" "well, i--"). her tomboyness gets so bad sometimes he scolds her about it.
— chuchuchu :: she actually had her first kiss with sehun when they were about 11 years old. it was on a dare for five bucks, and after not actually receiveing the payment, she's shunned it to the back of her mind that it never actually happened. she lies and says she hasn't had one yet, and is pretty much in total denial that she ever kissed the guy. sehun often forgets about it because he doesn't think of it as a big deal as she does, but when he does remember, it's usually in use of blackmail.

school life: although her character often screams out to you as a dumb, overly hyper-active sort of person, son chaegyun isn't, by all means dumb in a sense that she can't properly calculate a simple formula. surprisingly, chaegyun is rather good at school. somewhere along the points of a c+ and up. her grades are often shabby from not doing her homework, or not attending classes. maybe from fooling around or just not paying attention in class, but when it comes to tests or projects, she does a little better. she's more of a visual learner than anything (which helps her when it comes to soccer and even writing). she just finds school a pretty boring and because of it doesn't do a lot to study or participate in her classes other than p.e. her school-life pretty much revolves around friends and her soccer games, since she happens to play forward for taehwan's angels (they're only current female soccer team). if it wasn't for her coach threatening her to get kicked off the team or her older brother hiring her a tutor, she'd pretty much be sitting at home doing what she'd love to do most: eat, sleep, play and write. 
as of now, she doesn't really know what she wants to pursue in the future. her brother often suggests soccer, but she finds that more of a hobby than anything. chaegyun is generall confused on what she wants to do. her parents don't seem to help the fact that they see no hope in her future either. she honestly doesn't have any plans for college either, and even if she does have this urge to go into novelity, she feels she's lacking something - and she doesn't know what. she also hasn't felt very confident with her writing, which is why she doesn't speak much of it to her friends either. chae might just continue working as an all-rounder, seeing that she hops as a part-timer here and there. if that's the case, she might not even go to college, but is currently fighting the issue of telling her parents that.


{ "hyung, you're the best!" "yeah, yeah. i know." }
older brother / kim woobin / 24 / resturant manager + head chef
— despite sharing a cold, outter appearance like chaegyun, kim woobin is nothing of the sort. rather, he's more of a soft-hearted, gentleman than anything and he always seems to have an eye out for his little sister. although he's extremely intelligent, there are times when the guy's a little airheaded; another trait he seems to share with his sibling. his caring nature often causes the guy to become a little naive, but as sharp as he is, he can easily overcome it (he's just a little slow). knowing this, chaegyun often tries to trick her brother into things, most often ending with him chuckling at her and legitmately sitting on her on the couch. "ahh, so you tried to fool me, again?" "d-dammit! it worked for like, a second!". as an older brother, woobin will often pester his sister more often than their mother does. be it from cleaning her room to putting on a jacket, if chaegyun hasn't been scolded, then this man will do the job. and although, outside of the house, these two don't seem very close - they're closer than you think. he knows when to avoid papaya in his dishes and she knows when to obey her older brother, because believe me, his spatula has more purposes than just one. and although most little sisters call their older brother's, "oppa" - in this relationship, "hyung" just deems fortunately stable. (or, rather - woobin's just gotten used to it. as well as her stupid nicknames. woowoo, binbin? oh brother sister.) let's also not forget about chae choosing to share clothes - woobin doesn't mind. or, he doesn't anymore.

{ "neh, abeoji." "mmn. that's a good girl." }
father / kim woonseok / 58 / psychologist
— having said the fact that her parents are now divorced, chaegyun has never really held a strong relationship with her dad. in fact, it was rather distant. because her father is sought more to be quiet than jolly, she's never really been able to show her true colors around them, in fear that he won't accept her. chae's dad just always expects to much out of her and often gets dissappointed in her choices. maybe it's due to him idolizing his son a lot more than his daughter (which has chae comparing herself to woobin sometimes), which has woonseok choosing his daughter's path for her. seeing how chae lives with woobin now, they're barely ever together anymore and often talk on the phone - and that's all. it's sad to say there really isn't much progress in their relation, considering he only ever asks her about school and she's only ever talked to him in honorifics. it's personally stressful for the both of them. sometimes, talking with her dad drains the life out of her.. and knowing that this may never change, she's just stopped putting in effort. she loves her dad, despite how they are - it's just neither of them know how to show it.

{ "aish- eomma!" "but, chaegyun-aaaaaah~." }
mother / kim (son) youngchae / 54 / un-employed + traveler
— it's just one of those typical mother-to-daughter relationships where the mom pesters her daughter to try on cute, summery, dresses and the daughter kind of wants to wear shorts for the rest of her life. you could say chaegyun got her over-the-top personality from her mom. too perky, too cheerful and one heck of a blabber-mouth, this woman is just your average over-achiever just striving for attention. her mother often says that's what caused their divorce - her dad just didn't show her enough love (which chaegyun doesn't find hard to believe). their relationship isn't particularly close though considering chae's boyish habits. her mom finds it rather annoying and more than often pinches her daughter for them. when she's sitting like a guy, she'll pinch her leg. from swearing, she'll pinch her lips and if chae just doesn't hear something she's said - yeah, it's the ear. you probably get the point. since she was little, chae's mom has always expected something from her daughter as her dad did. but, it just seemed like chae wasn't the kind of daughter her mom wanted, and youngchae was just trying to cover it up. chaegyun has even witnessed her mother lie about her. said how good she was at this, how good she was at that. how boys liked to chase her (she chased them away), how other girls respected her (more like, make fun of). and it wasn't until chae turned 17 did she decided to flee the coop early and live with her brother. it was probably due to her mother's remarriage. and like she and her dad, they've grown rather distant. i guess the struggle to express emotion runs in the family.

friends, etc:

{ "yah, you erted old man!" "but, i'm only 24." }
tutor + woobin's friend / lee jongsuk / 24 / professional tutor
— there's nothing creepier than having an overly attractive tutor that spends more time talking dirty than talking freakin' algerbra. it to have a tutor who's extremely misleading too, because chaegyun finds it difficult to read this guy. it's like reading hyreoghlyphics - upside down. this guy is entirely myrsterious and it scares chaegyun less. when this means that, that means this. when that means this, this means that. it's just so difficult finding this guy's motives, other than trying to get in her pants or thinking of something, mmn-mnn, nasty. jongsuk is personally fascinated by chaegyun, simply for the fact that she has the most dorkiest reactions. if he so much as brushes shoudlers with her, the stupid thing is falling to the floor in a fetus position. chaegyun really can't handle this guy, especially with the way he talks. she's only with him to get them grades up, and because if she doesn't she'll have to face woobin and his spatula. if only he didn't have her going, "ah this cunning of a human! /clenches fist."

{ "byunghun-ah?" "haha- long time no see." }
ex-boyfriend / lee "l.joe" byunghun / 19 / student
— she's not really sure if she can really consider him her ex-boyfriend, since they only ever dated for a week. but, remembering how they actually had a stable relationship, she'll say so; they never really see much of each other now, and them dating has been pretty forgotten, but they do bump into one another occasionally. l.joe really hasn't changed since the last time they were together - generally sweet and caring, as she would put it. always being that person to say, "ladies first" and what not. yet, still not entirely out-going as she remembered. he's surprisingly popular despite being a quiet guy and even after their short-term break-up, they still manage to have a good conversation or two. don't expect to see any sparks though, since they really were just kids when they started dating. inexperience is what broke them up, but if they stayed friends a little longer before dating back then - maybe. just maybe.


— first choice: oh sehun
— second choice: kim jongdae, park chanyeol

relationship: bestfriends / childhood friends
— she's the se to his hun, the chae to her gyeun, the lady to his tramp, the sheldon to her amy, the pb to his j, the dumb to her dumber, the - yeah, i think you get the point. let's just say when someone says joint to the hip, they really mean joint to the hip. they were born on the same day (differenced by a year), lived as neighbours, attended the same pre-school, middle-school, plan to maybe attend the same college and even when you think having their schools merge isn't enough, they even live in the same apartment building (he's on the floor below them). since they were kids, their parents have always been friends, which lead the two idiots to being best, childhood buddies themselves and despite their love-hate relationships now, they really are the best of friends. i mean, what do you expect from two kids who shared the same bath-tub for the last 8 years of their lives? if it weren't for the sudden change of puberty, i'm pretty sure they'd bathe together despite their denial towards it. it may not seem like it now, seeing how these two are either screaming at each other for no freakin' reason, but if you watch closely, you'll catch their closer relation. you might see him brush the hair out of her face, see her lean her head on his shoulder, watch him lace their hands together and her reaction to pinch his inner thigh. sometimes even smacking each other in the . a majority of their skinship though, comes from sehun. the boy even kisses her on the cheek just to see her blush. it's unusual how chaegyun gets so cozy around other people, especially her other friends, but when it comes to sehun she'll be either too comfortable or too embarassed. their relation really confuses some people because sometimes they're getting pretty friendly or duking it out (and i do mean kicks and early class-room wrestingly; headlocks and all). most usually see these two as brother and sister, whilst others say they're a perfect match for each other!

chaegyun is entirely opposed. sehun? not so much. he's even told people they were dating - but, as soon as chae found out, she kicked him in the family jewels; it's safe to say that their highschool seperation was a good thing. afterall, they were the ones who put that tack on mr. jung's chair, and that frog in tiffany hwang's desk in seventh grade. from slapping each other's butts, pinching each other's thighs, calling each other "" or "fatass", coming over to play C.O.D or even having late night sleep overs because someone couldn't handle a scary movie - whatever it is, they're always together. the two peas in a pod; it's funny when someone says they're not dating, because that's kind of how they act. i mean, your bestfriend goes out of his way to buy you a pad, and you dicuss what you guys are eating for dinner - what else are we supposed to call you? although chaegyun calls in a really good messed-up friendship, sehun calls it progress. he's been harboring feelings for chaegyun for so long, he doesn't even know if he has a good taste in girls anymore. you should have seen how thrilled this bastard was when the brother-sister schools were starting the first-class experiement! (with chaegyun no less!). no more having to wait her out at lunch. no more having to sneak to the "bathroom" during class. now he could have all the dumb- chaegyun he wants! but, he'd never show that thrill since sehun's a giant tsundere around chae. ("ugh, i see your ugly face too often." "s-same with me!! you stupid jerrrrk!"). now, during class, these two are basically at side-by-side. they even go as far to sneak out of class together - maybe even cause a diversion so they can go out for ice ceam. ("saem! my stomach hurts!" "i'll take her to the infirmary!"). and if it's not in class, they're pretty much together 24/7. only when chae goes out to work - but, other than that, they're biking to the beach, renting out movies or having plenty of sleep overs. having their school's merge is neither lucky or unfortunate: it's special. but, it's also somewhat of a curse. with an equal competion of both girls and guys, both the two seem to be a little cauious of their surroundings. when you're both two dumbies that get easily attached to other people - getting jealous over nothing is as simple as breathing.

(+) versatile, assertive, attentive, candid
(-) obnoxious, cheeky, meddlesome, egotistical

love line: born on the same day (chaegyun being older by a year), and from their parent's friendship, you could say these two grew up together. having said that their parents were pretty close to one another, becoming bestfriends wasn't that hard. since pre-school to middle-school, the two only ever made friends with each other (until chaegyun's besties came along of course). they often attened the same day-care two, or their mothers would take turns starting play-dates and such. you could say, from spending so much time together, they just got really close. bathing together was just one thing, but sharing the same events and activities too. they're connection as kids were so good in fact that when one of them cried - so did the other. it's what had their mom's calling them twins and started their joke about arranging their marriage. it wasn't until puberty hit did these two change a little. argumentsbroke out a littlre more, playful, yet serious. there was a time when sehun went through girl's diary and when he made fun of her for being so oddly boyish. at the same time, chaegyun would about his weird hair choices, both of which being his mother's fault  from when sehun thought rainbow hair was cool. but, despite their insults and violent actions, they were still closer than ever. sehun was still chae's shoulder to cry on, and chae was always ready to hear his voice on the phone. having to attending two prestigious schools though was a little devistating, even when they were on the same campus. it really just caused the dumbies to find more ways to spend time together, which they eventually did.

now, during that time of friendship and childhood, one of the two actually found themselves falling for the other. that victim being sehun who discovered his feelings through their middle-school dance. since they were the types who didn't wanna be suggested to be loser of any kind, they attened that dance just like anyone else - except dateless and as friends. at this time, sehun knew he had some sort of feelings for chae (especially after having kisses her already at the age of 11). those feelings were only confirmed after sharing a really, awkward slow-dance with her. sure, she was clompy and overly-clumsy during it - but, holding her close and sort of getting lost in those dark brown eyes had done the deed. from then he started seeing chae as more of a girl than his tomboyish, best friend. the same could not be said about chaegyun when she was never the type to be interested in love. she even tried to set sehun up with krystal jung - but, that never really happened. the moment chaegyun started dating that one l.joe guy was the moment sehun started initiating skinship more. around that time, sehun found himself getting jealous a lot easier and it was all chaegyun's fault. he was so opposed against their reltionship and even celebrated with chae after she dumped him. "i'm not interested in dating anymore", she said. and he's never been more happy about that. and even now, sehun's never been more happy about a girl not wanting to fall in love. the issue now is trying to the girl to fall for him because he can always see that glint in her eye when he smiles at another girl.



scene requests: 
— they're having a sleep-over at sehun's and chaegyun wakes up on his shoulder after watching a movie - only to find him taking a video. she shrieks and smacks him in the arm, covering her face. "you bastard!"
— woobin let's sehun in their apartment un-scheduled and he catches chaegyun with her glasses on. she freaks out about it and starts pushing him out the door. "awe, but you're cute-" "no, shut the up!"
— sehun and woobin attend one of chaegyun's soccer games and they embarass the out of her. pompoms and everything. even a fan-chant!
— one of them walking in on them changing. (trolololol)
— sehun getting jealous of l.joe when they make an accidental encounter. "you've gotten a lot prettier." "well, no duh. i'm 18 now~"
— while walking down the hall, some guys seem to notice how chae's skirt is up a little too high, and sehun kind of tugs at her skirt.
— altr. scene. while walking down the hall, sehun notices some guys checking chae out, so he wraps an arm around her waist or shoulder.
— sehun kissing chae's cheek, holding chae's hand or telling chae's she's beautiful out of the blue.
— chae is stressed over her parents and sehun goes to comfort her when woobin's away. "so, is that extra cheese today or pepperoni?"
— woobin finding out about chae having a boyfriend at 13.
— woobin finds chae's clothes on the floor. "kim chaegyun!" "it's son chaegyun, hyung! son!"
— one of the girls commenting about how handsome her brother is. "ew. you serious?"
— in the midst of confusion towards her feelings towards sehun, he confesses to her. she hesitantly rejects him, going on about how it's weird of him to like someone like her and how she doesn't know how she feels, "i hate the way you make me smile, i hate the way you make me laugh. i hate how your hands are warm, how your hugs are just too perfect.. i hate how you confuse me, and i hate how i might like you and-" in the end, he kisses her to shut her up and the rest - you probably know?
— more to come if i think of any!

suggestions/questions/comments: hooplah! finished! ok, there is so much writing, too much trivia and i feel like my writing's really ty. i sorry. ;;; hopefully it came out okay, considering my laptop is a little lagging and skips stuff here and there. i'm a little lazy to proof read right now (i'll do it later) so please forgive me errors if any! orz asdfgh uh i usually have a lot of stuff to say here, but right now i'm drawing a blank. :'D i hope it's okay of me to make them besties?? idk. and for back-ups i actually chose chen and chanyeol prior to chaegyun's personality and how well they'd match. i actually don't know if chae really suits sehun, but but but sehun is one of my bebbbsss. kai and sehun are the exobebs i apply for desu. wubwubwubw. anyways! thanks for reading my application and i'm sorry it's a bunch of word vomitttttt. love the concept! authornims hwaiting! (wow havent said that in a while LOOL) oh, and also, i hope you don't mind chae saying beckham's her first love instead of l.joe. she didn't really think of him as a first love. more like a minor crush and he asked her out because - idk, some kids are just like that LOOL. are they not? also! is it alright of chae and woobin to have their names like that? chae going by her mom's maiden name and all? ;;;

this is the end: oh sehun's.


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