Nuest fans

Hey! Sorry guys for disturbing you but it has been a while since I have been on Aff and I decided that if you didn't know then you maybe you might need to know.... Nuest is adding a new member. I know that most people might already know but if you didn't know then.. His name is Jason and he is Chinese. I didn't find out until today so I had to get out to my peoples... (Just Stop)          P.S. Please don't mind this format because it is so late at night and I had to upload this as soon as possible.


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wow so happy cant wait
NU'EST is only adding Jason when they are promoting in China (NU'EST-M). For everything else it is still the same five.
I already knew. I found out because I watched show that they did with Jason (Don't remember the title.)
I didn't know...I cannot believe this!