Worst Kids movie ever?

i think we all know by now that there are some kid's movies that should have NEVER been marketed towards children. movies we grew up on that we now look back on and go "what the F**K was i watching?"

for me, it's movies like 'Dark Crystal' and 'Watership Down'

truth be told, i'm 21 and 'Dark Crystal' still freaks the out of me. don't ask me why, i don't know. i mean, i watch a lot of horror movies and none of them can freak me out the way that 'kids movie' does. maybe it's the lizard-bird people. i mean, they're just so messed up to look at. or the main chaacters looking just human enough for thing to be weird. either way, the whole darn thing is pretty f**ked up if you ask me

as for 'Watership Down.' anyone who's ever seen that movie knows EXACLY what i'm talking about. for those who haven't, here's a sample: the opening 10 minutes involve a bunny having a vision that who whole group of bunnies (forget what you call a group of bunnies) is going to die and that "the feild. it's covered with blood". now, i have to ask: who the F**K thought this would be a good thing to market to kids? it doesn't end there either. between one bunny getting caught in a snair and almost dying and another trying to kill everyone (google it) this movie isn't something i'd recommend showing to little kids. don't get me wrong, the book it's based on is awesome and the movie is too if you aren't young (plus the 36 episode long tv show is cute), but a kid's movie? no.

so, anyone else got a movie they remember from their childhood that seems pretty f**ked up now? i'm sure you can think of something


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Omg all I did was look at the images for it no no no abso-ing-lutly not will I ever a day in my life watch this. That bunny looks like a ing zombie like the hell!? Why is this a kids movie it's worse that Disney!