Old Poems

I'm organising my computer and just found some old poems I wrote and thought I'd share them with you. 


The first one is... very me. It has a bitter edge of humour and I actually laughed outloud when I read it just now: 

I took out the key to my heart and looked at it closely.

Every person I gave it to misused it.

Every person who held it ended up breaking my heart, leaving me with just pain.

I took out the key to my heart and looked at it closely.

I made my decision and swallowed it.

Now no one can break my heart again. 


The second one is written right after I got out of the abusive relationship I was in. It's very... depressed: 

Broken in a million pieces.

You don’t know me anymore.

You have no claim on me.

Feeling so alone.

Darkness all around.

No one here to save me.

No one has the key.

Like Rapunzel.

Just cut my hair off.

Sitting in the tower.

Stuck forever with no escape.

Like the Swan Princess.

A curse is over me.

One at night, another at day.

Only want to fly away.

Like Briar-Rose.

Only no prince to save me.

Don’t want a prince.

Just want to sleep for eternity.

Like Little Red Riding Hood.

Let the wolf take me.

Don’t need a man to my rescue.

Just want to disappear and never return.

Broken in a million pieces.

I don’t know me anymore.


And lastly, one that I actually really like. It has a very dreamy air to it, I think:

Take me on a flight to the rainbow

Take me to a place where the sun shines

Take me away from this lonely world

Light my day, so the darkness surrenders

Lead me to the angels

And tell me where I belong in this world

Keep holding my hand, don’t let go

Show me the colours of the world

Look deeply into my eyes

And see the sadness slowly disappearing

The colours slowly taking over

And my eyes will be shining again


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Well those were nice. My poems are so ..... not logical when you read through them.
bookworm83197 #2
These are such beautiful poems. I don't know how you do it! You are an amazing person.
kpopoppa #3
Wow you're an amazing poet...:D