Straight Minor teaser 1

new VIXX bar!au ~ what do you guys think? ovo



"Are you okay? You don't usually drop things."

Hyuk sat down and groaned in his hands. "... I was d." He shivered a little at the memory.


He glanced suspiciously at the blank bartender. "Why are you saying it like it's a normal thing?"

"Well, I've been d a number of times," Hongbin shrugged. "Wonderful perks of being a bartender."

"You mean you're okay with people groping you?"

"Of course not. I'm saying it's common in a place where you're surrounded by drunken people. You might as well get used to it." Hyuk shivered again at the thought.

Leo came by and sat down next to the groaning busboy. "Lemon."

"Sure thing, Taek." Hongbin looked around before beginning to prepare the tea.

The singer caught his glancing and asked. "What."

"Oh, no, I was just thinking that N should be—" 

"TAEKWOONAH!" The aforementioned boss appeared out of nowhere and attached himself to Leo's backside. "Hi, lovely!"

"—glued to you."

Hyuk stared at them oddly. "You guys made up already?"

"Of course!" N nuzzled his nose against the back, which the redhead pointedly ignored. "I can never stay mad at this cutesy-poo." 

Hyuk fought the urge to hurl; Leo probably had the highest tolerance for idiot ever.

"I heard you guys were talking about groping?" N asked, blinking curiously. 

"Of course," chimed Hongbin. "Can't have a conversation about groping without the master."

"Oh yeah," Hyuk groaned again. "He d my before."

"And what a fine you have! Almost as nice as Taekwoon's!" N dodged a slap from the singer. "Let's see here. Where were you d?"

The busboy sighed, already tired of this BS. "Same place. My ."

"And there proves my point!" The boss placed his hands on his shoulders. "Hyuk my dear, everyone, including myself, think you have a nice , to the point that they want to touch it. You should be flattered that you were born with such lushness to your cheeks! Thank your mother."

"Thank you mom, for making me -material. It's nice to know that old men think my is lush."

"That's the spirit!"

Ravi arrived at the bar too. "What's all this talk about butts?"

"We're talking about groping!" N replied happily, as if it were a normal thing. "Hyuk here had his very first . I'm so proud!"

"Uh, congratulations?" The janitor awkwardly scratched his head.

Hongbin noticed something on his hand and gasped. "Wonshik! You're bleeding!"

Ravi blankly looked on the side of his hand and saw the blood dripping out of a small cut. "... Huh. I guess I am. Must be from the glass I cleaned up earlier."

"Wait a minute," Hyuk stopped him. "You specifically told me not to pick up glass shards with my bare hands, and then you go pick up glass shards with your bare hands?"

"Because I can," Ravi answered snootily.

Hongbin came up to him in worry.  "Wonshik, are you okay?"

"I'm fine; I'll just on it." 

"No you won't," the brunet grabbed his hand and pulled him behind the bar. "You should be more careful."

"O-Okay," murmured Ravi, slightly flustered at the touch. 

As Hongbin disinfected his wound with rubbing alcohol and bandaged it, N continued their stupid conversation; Hyuk fled before it could start up again.

"I remember my first ," he sighed dreamily. Leo choked on his own spit when it was said.

"Who." The singer demanded, anger slowly starting to build up in him. 

"I don't remember," N replied indifferently. "It's quite a fond memory though." 

While Leo silently gritted his teeth, they turned the conversation onto Hongbin. 

"Hongbinnie's been d quite a bit too." This time Ravi choked on his spit.

"You were d?!" The janitor asked of the man putting a Hello Kitty band-aid on him. "By who?! When?!"

"Huh? Oh, you know... I'm the eye candy of the pub, so it's not weird if people want to touch me," Hongbin answered calmly. "It's not a big deal."

"It is a huge deal!" Ravi was red with anger. "People just can't touch you like that, especially if you don't like it!"

N coughed the word 'desperate' into his sleeve.



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I love it! can't wait to read it! :D
Seems interesting cant wait to read more. Where is Ken?