This is my second year going to AODSF! [Even though it was in Burlingane, not SF, but it was near the SFO airport~]

Anyways, it was super fun there!

Even though I was alone.. TT_TT

All the pictures are all facebookkkk. 

Quoting from my facebook:


I ended up forgetting to take pictures in the con until I remembered I had my camera. I still have a clip of Little Kuriboh's [I wasn't able to get his autograph, since he was busyyy] TT_TT panel though! [Which was absolutely amazing.]

I didn't buy a lot since I'm saving for FanimeCon [AKA THE MAIN EVENT] xD and hopefully cosplayy.

However, here's pictures of stuff I bought/got~ 

Favorite moments: 
-The Yugioh 5DXal Fan Panel
-LK Hosting in the Voice Dueling Contest
-Remembering I had my camera. xD

Here's some of it, everything else is on fb.. ^^ll


T-shirt! This is a inside Yugioh Abridge Joke... xD [The keychain is also] 


And ladies and gentlemen, this is all we have time for~ 


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it is Burligame(sorry to be the grammer nazzi kinda XD)