School Updates!

So, school is, as usual, the same actually. 

Except for the fact that I'm finally friends with some awesome girls. :D And boys. 

AND... I finally have some juniors in my choir :) They are all so cute. Especially Bryan ^^ My friends are all in love with him bcos he's tall, cute, gentleman, the list goes on and on. I wish he'll stay in choir and not run away from us. 

Last Friday, I went for my first frisbee practice and guess what? I am a master in frisbee. It's my first time playing in a very long time, and I actually can play with the experienced kids :D 

On Wednesday, Joslyn and I planned to give our friend, Juee a surprise birthday party :) although we can't celebrate birthdays in the school compound. I know, it's a weird school rule -.- so we decided to celebrate outside :D in the morning. If you happen to know Juee, don't tell her okay? It's meant to be a surprise. 

Yesterday, we were talking about birthdays in our class. I'm kinda happy bcos I'm finally not the youngest already :D 

Oh yeah, and we had a carnival in our school last week and we can take polaroid pictures there. I took a lot of pictures with my friends and it's so fun because I don't have a polaroid camera and it's my first time doing it with my friends. 


I guess that's all, I'll write more when I have more interesting things to talk about :)


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