An explanation to my status message

Hey guys,


A few of you have seen my new status, and asked me if it's serious or a joke. Yes it is serious, I am not a Baekren shipper anymore. I don't really see the point of shipping them anymore when they are completely ignoring each other and they are obviously not as close as they used to be. I know they have had these peroids in their relationship soooo many times and I was waiting patiently till my lovely OTP act kind and lovey-dovey towards each other, but I am fed up with their ups and downs. If they are only friends, then I am not someone who ships friends. If they are/were lovers, then I don't need to see this crap they are doing with each other. My feels are gone, I can't get excited about them anymore (like they even have moments to get excited about)

So that's my short explanation, I may be judged, but I don't care. Some people stopped talking to me cause I am not a Baekren shipper, like life is only about shipping... fine, if they cut conact with me because of it, then I don't think that's a big loss for me. 

I am sure you guys are mostly worried if I'll continue my stories like this or not. I actually don't know. I told myself that even if I stop shipping Baekren I'll continue and maybe I would, but I may not have time in the future. I am working hard on getting a job, I shall find out in two weeks' time and if I do get this specific job it will include a lot of extra work time at home as well, the weekend is my family's, so there is no way I can write. I will see very soon.

I am just asking everyone not to hate me. Because we all stop loving a ship after a while, either because you are not interested in them anymore, or the boys of that ship decide they are just not into in each other anymore...

An additional message. I have deleted my tumblr, but I am very active on twitter. I am saying this in case I don't have time to come on AFF and you feel like talking, I check twitter at least once a day.


Thank you for reading :)



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Koreanlover1995 #1
I understand I'm just sad is all and if you stop writing can you not deactivate your account I can still be happy even with your unfinished stories.
Here, I thought I would make you feel a bit better and feel for a while. I found this on my tumblr page.

It made me really happy to see it!
I understand. I'm a huge Baekren shipper and Minron shipper, but lately...I just can't get excited over them anymore. They're on break and hardly any shows with them on it and it's just like...why bother?

It's why I'm taking so long to update my Action!: Nu'est M fanfic. I don't have motivation because they're not active right now. It's sad.

But I totally understand and agree with you. I'm waiting patiently too, hopefully they'll turn things around soon.
Why would anybody hate you? It is your decision, maybe not even decision, just thing you can't affect.
I am just sad, because they seemed to be big part of your life :) but it would probably came eventually. And maybe you will start ship them again.
I hope you will still support Nu'est anyways... (i shipped Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen. Maybe shipped isn't right word because they were really together... and then they broke up. I didn't want to, but I was upset and sad and I couldn't even see Adam for a while... and I just kinda stopped loving him. I still like him but it is not as it was before... so I hope it won't be the same with you and Nu'est...)
I hope you will continue with stories, but job and family and real life are more important, so I will keep my fingers crossed for you :)
Its okay- i loved reading your stories not because of baekren or nuest but because of the plots tbh. I wasn't interested in them before but because of you i ship them now. Its okay tho, i still love your stories. I hope you'll continue to write- baekren or not. You're my favourite author.
kijara #6
Of course i dont hate you its a choice and im happy you.are so honest about that. Still I enjoy your storys very much^^
...//Cries in corner//

I understand how you feel..But omg TToTT
Monchi , just wanna tell you that i love you still TToTT
geminicastor #8
Are you sad about leaving a ship you've asides for so long? I would be! You're very strong for being able to that but I will always respect people's decisions and ships are people's decisions :) the BaekRen ship will miss you!
And although I don't want to ask you to do something you don't want to do, it would be lovely if we could all keep reading your stories....but don't let anyone get you down!
Yep it is sad to hear that coz I know u one of the biggest shipper of the two... But really Im not mad... just like what you said people have own rights to not to like them anymore... =) but I hope you still like NUEST. ^^

It is right that JOB is more important than this so keep your heads up and shine in your job just don't forget us~ our friends and subscribewrs of your work. =)
Mandaline #10
Although it is sad that you no longer ship BaekRen, I won't judge you because of it. I tried to stay away from NU'EST's OTPs for a while, tbh, after I saw how immature some of the shippers were. I didn't want to be a part of that, so I understand why you might want to leave. Chin up, Monchi! Everything will be alright :)
snowangel245 #11
I'm so glad that you're gonna continue with your stories, I understand hiw you feel that happen to me with chunjoe and I'm not as much as a baekren shipper as I was before so I will continue to support you if you think baekren is not the right shipping for you
But make sure u keep writing if not I'll cry my eyes out then send them to you to make u feel guilty for the rest of your life XD
miyocca #12
oh igen, jól rám hoztad a frászt, de senkinek nincs joga beleszólni, hogy kit shippelsz. Őszintén? Megértem :( ezzel együtt is szomorú vagyok, mert imádom a sztorijaidat, de azért remélem nem vesztjük el egymást ebben a fantengerben :) követlek twitteren Andie névvel <3
I understand,there are so many couples that I've stopped shipping,so its not a big deal. But doesn't it hurt to stop supporting a couple that you've shipped for so long? I know it hurts me 유ㅡ유
I'm so sorry if I ruined your life! If I said something that made you hate BaekRen please you have the right to stab me tenfold!
I do understand working though big like others since it's a family business, but I want you to get the job you want! I will follow you and your stories and support your decisions!
as time goes on people change and so do their OTPs, it's cool. people shouldn't say anything about what couple you ship or don't ship. I just hope you don't give writing in general because you are a great and amazing writer.