Two Moons - Ask the Character Answers

Hello my lovely readers! I asked you four questions for the characters of Two Moons and here are the answer. (I will try to answer the question like the characters would answer them) We will do it ála script writing. So now, welcome the cast of Two Moons.

Baekhyun: Do we have to do this? It's not like we have something better to do.
Chanyeol: Oh, come on. Be nice. It's not like they are going to kill us with their questions.


Okay, let's start with the first question from Keystonesminds. Rui, do you feel a special connection towards Siyeon? And Chanyeol, do you know women well? 
Chanyeol: What kind of question is this? Of course I know women well! It's not like I haven't had a girlfriend before!
Kai: Yeah, sure. Of course you know women /sarcasm. 
Rui: Can I answer my question before you two continue your quarrel? Yes? Thank you. well, I can't tell what exactly it is but there definitely is something there but I think you should know that already.


Next question is from Kpoploverlee2 to Rui. Have you ever loved a girl?
Rui: ... Do I look like I never had a girlfriend before? Yes, I have loved a girl before and I had girlfriends, just like every other person as well.


Kai, the next question is for you from BanaWarrior. Is summer your favorite season since your coreworld contains a beach and the sea?
Kai: Of course it is. Every other season is pretty ty. Winter is too cold, autumn is too rainy and windy. Spring is okay, I guess but summer definitely the best. I mean... you can get to be at the beach nearly every day and you can walk around half if it is too hot!


Angel4589 has a question to all the boys in the harem.  How would you describe the way you feel about Siyeon or how would you describe her?
Chanyeol: Harem? Why do we belong into a harem? /confused
Baekhyun: /sighs/ Just get over with this, okay and don't ask stupid questions.
Kai: I like her... I like her a lot! I mean, she is cute, friendly, understanding, sweet...
Baekhyun: Annoying, nosy. Strong willed and calm but definitely annoying.
Kyungsoo: Don't talk like that. I agree with Kai. She's cute and very friendly. I like her because she has a great personality.
Sehun: She isn't as fake as the most girls in our society, though she has her secrets, of course. She is not dumb but she also lets her heart speak quite often. Not a bad part of her personality, if you ask me.
Chanyeol: Everyone of us thought of her her quite lowly, I have to admit that! But she is such a cute and strong girl! I wish she would come over more often so that I... I mean we can spend more time with her!
Mao: Agree with everything besides that grumbling idiot over there.
Baekhyun: Shut up! y teacher!
Mao: She's y. Like... hell, she's a nice body/snickers/ Besides that, she is also very diligent and learns quite fast. It's always so funny to because her reactions are simply too cute.
Yixing: Mao, don't drool over your student's body like that. Baekhyun's right, you are a ert. Besides that, I can't say anything new. Everything has been said already. I like Siyeon.
Rui: She seems nice and she knows what she wants and she definitely isn't as weak as someone certain told me /glares at Yixing


Handcuffed asked: Chanyeol, if you could be someone from your group who would you be? And why? Mao, when did you notice you have the hots for Siyeon?
Chanyeol: Uhh... I would be Kai, I guess! I mean, he has self-healing abilities. That's pretty much one of the most awesome things I know and it is qzite convenient.
Mao: Let me think about it. I think it was during our training time, I guess.


Kjerena had a lots of question for you guys, so here they are:
Yixing: Why exactly did you ask Rui to protect Siyeon? And from where do you know him?
Sehun: Do you wear the ring Siyeon returned to you every day? If so, why? Is it maybe a keepsake?
Hikari: Why did you decide to befriend Siyeon? When the others rather tried to keep their distance...?
Rui: Where do you have your pendant from?
Siyeon: Do you stil feel like you would have been better off not being a Mageiya but a normal human instead?
Siyeon: Have you had a boyfriend yet?

Yixing: Ohh such interesting questions but I don't think that I owe you an answer. Sorry ~
Sehun: Yes, I still wear the ring because it is precious but I don't think I have to answer more.
Hikari: Siyeon seemed to... lonely and confused. I didn't even know at the beginning that she didn't know of us, to be honest but she was nice, so yeah. Sorry if this is a weird answer!
Rui: I don't know. I simply had it. Does that answer your question?
Siyeon: This is difficult to answer, to be honest. Sometimes I still want ro be a human but being a Mageíya had opened up my eyes to a lot of things. I really can't answer your question. As for the other one, yes, I already had. I had three boyfriends up until now.


MinYoung-Ah asks these questions:
Siyeon: I'm curious, how would you describe your relationship with the guys?? 

Ara: where on earth did you learn those knifes skill? Did a teacher taught you or did you learned alone?
D.O: Is there any special ability you have that we don't know of?? I'm really curious about your powers

Siyeon: I would describe it as a difficult friendship, to be honest. We are... some kind of friends but not really friends yet and they are sometimes so confusing and secretive but I respwect their private life.
Ara: My private teacher for Elementary and Junior High School was aknife obsessed one and he taught me a lot of things about knives and how to use them, of course:
Kyungsoo: Yeah of course there is but it wouldn't be a hidden ability anymore, if I would spit it out now, right?


Auxiliare asks:
Siyeon: Who do you think is most compatiable with you? or like, someone that is your ideal type?? (choose from the group?)

For all the boys: When are you going to show Siyeon to your parents? (like seriously... we can tell and we're waiting for it xD)
Sehun/Luhan/Sehun's father (?): What exactly is Sehun's relationship with Luhan? (I mean we all know that they are cousins but that time Luhan asked about Sehun (or was it the other way around?) and they're father shut them up immediately... something is fishy, EXPLAIN! :D )
Rui: Do you have any memories of the past? or are you like Siyeon, who got her memory sealed?
Mao: Why are you so erted? xD?
Todd: What's your role? What are you (warrior? isos?)? 

Siyeon: uhh.... Actually... oh well, okay. From the guys, Kyungsoo is actually close to my ideal type. Friendly, not too intrusive and very gentleman like but actually but strangely I mostly end up with someone who's not close to my ideal type. In that case... Mao and Kai, I guess?
Seokyong: Who do you think you are to ask me such an answer? Do you think I owe you anything? I do not and don't think that you could order me to do anything.
Rui: ... Such nosy people here /walks away
Mao: Because that's who I am??? Do I have to explain my character to you?
Todd: I wonder... /Smiles sweetly before turning away


Nadeshioyukai asks:
Iori, what are you doing at the moment? We haven't seen you in a while.

Kai, you're dad's not going to the hospital to visit your mom, what do you think is the reason for it? Heartbreak?
Siyeon, we've only seen parts of your training, any other training sessions that left an imprint on your mind?
Matsuda and Mao, your parents are unknown/unseen by the viewers, what rank are they in and are you on good terms with them?

Iori: At the moment I am busy with learning for College. I am just very busy ~
Kai: My mum isn't in a hospital. We have enough private doctors so she doesn't need to leave the house. Besides, he can do whatever he wants, that ty father. I don't know what is going through is mind. Don't ask me.
Mao: Aka-chan already mantioned that our father belongs to the second council, so it already got mentioned, sweety.
Matsuda: Besides, we are on good terms with our parents. They pretty much let us do what we want and aren't too strict.


Myungsoo_Mina asks:
Siyeon is ever a day that you think that they have secret about you but they dont want to know and what will you do if ever a person that you believe is backstab you?

Siyeon: Every person has secrets and so do I. I don't think about it too much. Well, about the backstab thing, since it hasn't happen to me, I don't know what I would do, to be honest.

kpophearts2 asks:
1. Do you plan in find out what happened and who are your biological parents? 
2. Did you ever saw Kai in a romantic way? 

Siyeon: Of course I do. Who wouldn't want to know their real parents?
Seeing Kai in a romantic way? /confused look
Not... really, actually, I guess.


Sehunter asks:
Rui, what do you think of Siyeon? Is there an attraction even if it's just a little tiny bit?

Sehun, how do you feel about losing the fight to Rui?

Yixing & Mao, what do you think Siyeon's full potential is? What will she be able to do with her powers? 

Rui: And again such a weird question. /sighs/ She's nice and friendly and that's all you need to know
Sehun: Nothing in particular. I just wanted to check him out, nothing more nothing less. I didn't expect him to be that strong though. I was bitter about it but just a bit.
Yixing: To be honest, we really don't know and can't give a proper answer to your question.


Hilya96 has a question for Baekhyun. What happened between Kyungsoo and you and what exactly is your relationship to him?

Baekhyun: I don't think I have to answer any of your questions. It's none of your business, so don't be so nosy.






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LisaNguyen4112 #1
You so have sense of humour
haha that was funny I love their answers x)
bacon_overdose #3
Haha wow I really like this and it helped me a lot thank you!
lol this is fun XD
TT n TT sehun's fadah is rude xD but can't expect anything xD most of my questions weren't answered TT n TT /sorry for being nosy, cries/
damn baek can you just be nice like in one minutes . you do know that you have alot of fans right.
Really nice. Kai, you baka, talking like that.. ugh, so conceited, walk half- if it's too hot. Do you think Siyeon will like that? LOL

You portrayed them greatly. I can relate to Baekhyun. People are just so nosy. And I realized just now that Mr. Zhang is actually a part of the harem and Matsu-nii is not. Matsu-nii, why? (PS. I'm calling Matsuda that cause I want someone like him to be my brother)
hasegawa_asuka #8
omg...u really can demonstrate their characters here! funnt and i love it very much!

i think some answers is just kind to be told like Luhan is Brother of Sehun! Mao amd Matsuda's family are second council and Kai's mother is lying in a remote part of his home where there are life machinese. Kai will talk to his mum ... thanks for the patience dear!
aanukilita_14 #9
okay now i am utterly confused :/// so what are sehun and luhan to each other?? brothers or cousins??? as for myself i am sure that they are brothers right??? pliiz tell me >< p.s.Mao is super crazy guy... i would love to know and be with someone like him :D life would be interesting and adventurous
Hahah, wow, thanks!! XDD I kind of knew I wouldn't get all my questions answered, hehe ^^ Sorry, if it was too personal...! *><*

And no, I don't think that's a weird answer at all, Hikari! I think I get your point. :)
And to Rui, yes that is answer enough, thank you . :) I was just curious whether you remember someone giving it to you or if you've had it from way back. So, this answers my question perfectly! ^^
@Siyeon: It opened your eyes to a lot of new things? May I ask what new things? XD Oh, and you already had three boyfriends before? Haha, that kind of makes me wonder how old all of you are exactly... ^^

Anyway, thank you for taking your time and listening to our questions!! XDD
angel41195 #11
Hey, so, I have a question for Ara..... will you teach Siyeon and/or Hikari the proper way of knife throwing?
KylieLe_123 #12
love them answers ♥♥
Where's the answer to my question?? /pouts/ :/
Lol this is daebak!!! XDDDD
asdfghjkpop #15