The Strawberry Kisses Project

This blog is written for my dearest Gyumate, informantxgirl, who oddly has the exact same taste of men as me, not only one, but the whole bias list! And not just that, we also like the same traits of the man of our top bias list and we have similar thoughts, very similar that sometimes it's scaring me.

But she's not feeling very well lately, so I'm going to ignore the fact that I'm not used to show my affection through words, and write a blog. Please bear the awkwardness of the words I'm going to say write..

Here it goes..

Dear Gyumate,

After I read your last post on Jan 15th, I knew that you're feeling down, stressed out even. And then you told me how this issue was wearing you down. But like I've said, I'm not burdened, instead, I'm sad that it's affecting you that much, to the point that you might leaving. It worries me.

And it's not only me that is concern of your condition. Our dear Achini is too, and came up with an idea to cheer you up or at least make you feel better, to write a story or gather your friends and readers to write a blog for you. Together, we reached them and asked if they are willing to help us. I guess the others are as concern as us, because it didn't take long for them to join us. You don't believe me, don’t you? Okay, here are the proves..


See how we love and support you? You don't have to feel so down, because we're here, and we are waiting for you to chat with us, to write another fun blogs and update your stories. It would be a lie if I tell you that I understand what you feel, because I'm not, and I don't know how I can help you, other than be there when you need to. Of course it’s not only me, the others are too.. We are willing to lend an ear, or two.

And as for me.. You are my gyumate, where I can share my gyuspirations, my fellow gyutiful gyugirl who is suffering this epidemic gyufever too, the translator of gyulet, writer of gyudictionary, the captain of gyuarmy who is wrecking people's bias lists.. You understand every little details that I love from that man, and even wrote them perfectly in Stand and Deliver! And we both have the same dream, to conquer the world with gyulove! How can I do it alone??

Noona-nim.. Stay.. Let's talk about monkey and tree..
Or heart prince and his captives..
Or eggs and bananas and brown sugar..
Or about mic stand and tushy..
Or about a group of sane-less kiddos..
Or dizzying date and gaga's poker face..
Or gyugyver macgyver..
Or darcy coats and turtlenecks..
Or pink bow..
Or speedos and rice sack.. *ehm
Or let's just talk about bundled up cutie comander whose chubs is even more precious than muscles..

Noona-nim, your blogs are my crack, so get better soon and come back ^^

*send you namgrease hearts and namkisses*


ps. and I still owe you the hug-train gif, and that video of myungsoo confused of his personas, and that fancam where gyu had his sleeve stuck to his belt.. But I wont give it to you in the near future, so you'll stay here longer~ lalalalala~


Hi! This is Achini here!

I will add my message for you from here.

Dear informantxgirl Unnie.

I know I sent you this kind of messages myriad times, I might have sounded desperate even, but for an Unnie like you, it’s just worth it to be desperate, I really don’t mind.

I have pretty much told you what I need to say, but since Pinocchi and I got together to bring you the Strawberry kisses project like this, and also she put in so so much effort into making it a success to bring our thoughts to you, I must leave a message too, I hope you don’t think I’m a desperate annoying dongsaeng, well, even if you do, it totally doesn’t matter.

First of all, we must be thankful to you, you did justice for us, for yourself as well, for all the writers on AFF who try so hard to stand up on their feet by their very own effort. In this context, Unnie is a hero on AFF that gives you one big reason to hold on to this site, it gives you more importance to remain here with us. Thank you Unnie! You deserve a lot more than this, but I know, even this little project, you will accept with a smile.

And then, well, as to the thief, justice was served, so there’s no point of talking about it. It’s all gone to history!

Unnie, I told you this once, but I don’t mind telling you twice. Of all the AFF authors, you are special. In a small cyber space where we young authors struggle to share our thoughts in words, you stand like a great pillar. Trust me. You inspire us. You have any idea how many people follow your path? Whatever you write is a masterpiece, because you put your whole heart into it to entertain us the fullest. I swear, some stories I read so many times to motivate myself to get writing.

Oh, and unnie’s honest. I mean, who on earth would go and tell others that you’re a ynoona? You do! And that’s just brave and awesome. What I learned from you, ‘Be yourself’. You’re following this quote just perfectly. Unnie is simply being yourself. Aren’t you proud? Oh! WE ARE! And I don’t mind calling myself a ydongsaeng now.

Plus you talk to all of us without any language barriers. You’re from Thailand, Pinnochi is from Indonesia, I’m from Sri Lanka; and I’m sure there are so many other girls from divers’ countries we’re from totally different countries going crazy over Korean idols! OMONA! Anyone else would think we’re crazy, guess what? WE ARE CRAZY! And I totally don’t mind that, we’re crazy because we want to share our thoughts. It’s a special bond we shares, and it’s Unnie who connects them all. And we have become one big family. (Oh my Gyu! The lot of wifeus he has here!)

Have I gone too long? Oh Gyu! I have! Excuse my craziness, Unnie knows how I can’t stop when I start right? So yes, I better stop here. So concluding my message to Unnie, I would like to repeat my famous phrase which fits Unnie so well. Unnie, always be the lotus standing out from the rest; untainted and pure, always.

(Ps; We all love you! Shall I make my favorite list?
Chairs, tables, floor, walls, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamster wheels, hamster cages, monkeys, a particular banana, t-shirts printed with Gyu intellectuality, some…err…thing particularly in ledue [not pinkeu, DEFINITELY] all of these, they love you too!!)

We will always be there for you, so never think you’re alone.

*Showers Unnie with strawberry kisses!


(Pinnochi again) My fingers are itching to add mic stand, scarfs, sweaters, turtlenecks, boots, leather jacket, and speedos pants in Achini’s favorite list, but I have to keep them to myself, because ledeu something is, uh, provocative enough, lol. Ledeu, not pinkeu!

And even though the one who should be banned is banned, and you’re here, I can’t help to complete my (and Achini’s) initial goal, to cheer you up and finish this blog. Honestly, I still have a lot to say, but since you told me that you’re back and we planned to get cutie comander drunk, I got too excited and forgot everything *sigh*

Anyway, I hope you now know that your supporters are here beside you, your friends love you, your readers too, you’re appreciated, and you don’t have to worry alone. Gosh, I’m so not used writing blog. I was going to say some touching words, but I can’t remember anything. Even the ending is very awkward.. I’ll just have Achini ending this blog properly.


• Pinnochi ^^

(Achini, you need to write the ending)


Aww! Thank you Pinnochi! I’m glad to take the honors, truly. Well, Pinnochi, you have pretty much said that what I wanted to say therefore I haven’t much to say. But Oh my Gyu, this blog is 16 pages long! So we’ve pretty much covered it!

So in conclusion, I must thank you all the fellow Gyu stans who helped the two of us to carry out the strawberry kisses project, it was fun, Pinnochi and I met loads of friends (Pinnochi actually thought my name was cute! Lol) and Unnie, see? You’re one special Unnie who brought together one big BIG Gyu Stan family. It’s not only Gyu that we have in common (Ahem…*y alert*) but a strong bond of sharing tears, happiness, cries and laughter. So this is something we have to conserve for a life time so that one day when we have grown old (And made hamster babies) we can look back into our lives and see all the wonderful times we had. We are some crazy pack of silly women going wild over the Gyu and his Banana (That particular one he liked) and ledue and pinkeu, err…stuff and all sorts of crazy things, and that’s just great! Unnie be happy of what you have brought this far, it’s a family, one big Gyu girl (boy, men, women, cat, dog, rabbit, horse, unicorn, hamster, wall, floor, mike stand, slipper, door…etc.) family, a family who would constantly give you its unwavering love!!

So Unnie, and every Gyu girl (And everyone/thing listed above) let’s get together and spazz till the end!!!


From yours truly,




PS; Pinnochi, I hope I did well!! You did well too!!!


*Throws strawberries everywhere!

This was the STRAWBERRY KISSES PROJECT for an Unnie/Noona-nim we love so much.



PS ; Thank you for these lovely people who helped us..

dongjjangyeol, xiearf, Loserchick87, kpopoppa, NumberOneShawol, mystic_waters, -Tigress-, xdreammerx, lexayoo, azstreet, conchobar, Frosty_Maiden, mambokinoki, RADIANCEsy, Wonachan, StarlightSpirit, dikashter, PrincessGyu, crazyforkoreanmen..

SRHYnamwoohyun told me to send you her concerns too, since something came up and she couldn't manage to write the message. She missed you and your blogs, and AFF is not the same without you. She hopes for you to get it over and settle the issues.



Blog by pinnochi and Achini,

approved by dancing Kim ‘look at me ladies, I'm cute’ monkey hamster Sunggyu.







© gifs to their owners


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You two are very awesome people:) I would have the exact same reaction as informantxgirl if someone did this special blog for me:) I am happy that I was able to be apart of this even though I'm just a reader/subscriber/fan(hehe).
Gosh, you two did such a wonderful job! I was wondering if this project would make her cry, but by looking at her comments, I think we all know what kind of state she currently is in.

She's so lucky to have great friends like you guys! :)
These messages are all so nice. I'm so happy I could be a part of this. Unnie, if you're reading this, I love you <3 haha
aww such a beautiful kisses XD
I need to find a dentist bcause of this strawberries =_= hha jk!
welcome back Unnie!! \^^/
I'm on my phone so I can't see it all...but congrats to unnie...^^
Both of you, seriously, pinnochi and Achini - I'm putting payment in kind on a week's hiatus and writing you each a oneshot. seriously. PM with what scenarios you want!

/crying like a baby bit by a hamster, but happier


I love you so much right now, I can't even...I only just made it through the first few messages and I am now a sobbing mess.