These. Fanfics.

Now, don't get me wrong here. I've done these as well, and it's hard to break a habit, no?
But they're SO overdone. I sound like a total here, so I'm sorry.
But like, are you legit. Fanfics with:

Who starts a sentence with a conjunction? -.-

"FIERCE" Girl Protagonist(s):

  • She is the sassiest ever.
  • She will slap anyone.
  • If she has a job and her boss tells her to do something she doesn't want to, she tells off her boss, and her bOSS JUST TAKES IT AND LEAVES.
  • Is the insanely jealous girlfriend.
  • Is "different."

Like, nonononono. No. This girl would not SURVIVE in this world. If you're sassy, no one will like you. You'll be labled as a even if you aren't, society man.

Lesson for the children: if you slap someone, it's unlikely they will run away crying. Nor is it likely you will need a reason to actually use physical contact. Don't scream. Talk it out. If the other person is screaming and you're talking normally, guess how the crowd around you will react, "Wow -insert screamer's name- is a total ."

Lesson 2 for children: You always have to listen to your boss, no matter how idiotic you feel he or she is. You don't, you're fired. You sass him or her, that's even WORSE. Do not sass. Just it up.

If you are insanely jealous, your boyfriend will not find it cute. Nope. Nuh uh. He will dump your petty . Of course, he may understand on a level, but if he's just chatting and you get jealous AS EFF, say goodbye.

You're not really all that different. You like rock? You play sports? You actually stand up for people? You hate dresses? Those are common traits among females.


  • Girl is often hit
  • It's ONLY a girl getting hit
  • Why is this even being written


If you know how abuse actually works (yes I KNOW how it is...don't ask and it wasn't me being abused so don't worry) the person being abused isn't always beat. The person who hit them usually buys them a gift and shows a lot of affection until their spouse or partner is comfortable, then they start abusing again. Or that's just one scenario.

Not only females are being hit. Men go through it too.



  • Makes NO effort to make friends
  • To be honest, I think that's it. Staying with your cheating boyfriend is actually a thing, not a good thing but a thing. Not being able to stand up for yourself is also a thing :(

Well, I mean honestly not everybody in the school is a total jerk . You can probably make some friends. You just don't try.


  • Uber
  • Bully
  • Dumb

Sometimes the popular girl is NICE! That may be one of the reaons she's...Idk...POPULAR?!

Again: Some of the more popular girls are popular BECAUSE THEY ARE SMART.


  • Literally cannot talk. Will end up barfing or something
  • Is uber smart
  • Cute
  • Pretty
  • Glasses
  • Walks fast in the halls
  • Wears ugly clothing

Too many complaints about this one.

Okay, some shy girls can have an awkward chat without spitting or blushing or something okay? Stop.

Sometimes they're idiots, that could also be a reason as to why they're shy. They feel/know they're stupid so they don't want to talk/make friends or else they're afraid they'll do something idiotic and lose their friend(s?).

Some times she's ugly af. Ain't no thang.

Again, ugly af. Ain't no thang.

Sometimes they have perfect vision, chill. And who would choose ugly frames? Like, maybe one or two people think they're ugly, that's fine. But if everyone, even YOU, thinks they're yourself a favor, okay? >:/

I'm shy, but I take my time. Well, okay it's a moderate pace. I hate when people walk slow in the hallways, like thanks for making me late....

Some have decent clothing, not just all barf green knee long skirts. I'm sorry, most kneelength skirts...aren't...the BEST looking. Ankle length ones are fine, though, so don't think I'm calling it ugly "just because it's long."


  • Queenkas
  • Kingkas
  • students
  • Bully queenkas.
  • Do you even HAVE classes?!
  • Classes with every single one of your friends
  • teachers
  • Too nice teachers
  • Do you HAVE homework even?

Hey, you know what? Sometimes the school is chill af and there aren't any queenkas or kingkas and it's just a chill af school.

Sometimes, the students can be not douchebag-like. It happens.

Hey, if she's popular, it's most likely people will catch on that she's bullying. People realize how bad bullying is, and even if they don't stop it, they'll start gossiping and wow, guess what the whole school just found out?

You have classes in school. That's it. Like most fanfics don't even show classes...just mindlessly/aimlessly walking around the halls for hours...teachers/school staff are going to end up seeing you...there are cameras, like just saying.

Okay, it's lucky if you get one friend in one of your classes. /experience/ BUT EVERY SINGLE ONE? EVEN ONES YOU'VE JUST MET THAT YOU MAY END UP WITH FOR LIKE YEARS TO COME? Luck...AND UNLIKELY. Although, it can make the plot do with it what you will.

Some teachers are average. Just saying. They're normal.

You don't have no that's total B.S I've once spent a striaght 3 hours and 53 minutes on homework...hell yeah I was counting. You literally cannot spend 10 minutes on homework done. Maybe for one class, fine, but I have 8 classes a day, the majority do give for real.

Okay, I think that's all the ranting I needed to do for now. Hey, maybe if I need to rant I'll make another blog post.



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I actually agree with you on this one. But I feel like the girl character in similar in all my fanfics. *pout*
how can i love this blog

please how
this is soo accurate thank you for making this lol
BWAHAHAH Those things happen so often it's disturbing to read >.>
But you've nailed it. The "typical" shy or mean girl is SO over done. Some characters are just so...perfect. It's disturbing.
What bothers me the most is when characters get "abused" and they "enjoy" it. sick. very sick.
Well, it's hard to meet everyone's expectations haha XD
lol how do i upvote this? XD Thanks for the enjoyable read.