My random goal.... the title states, I have decided to share with you guys, a random goal that i have....

my friends and I were talking about random things when I decided that I wanted to open a nightclub of my own sometime in my future.

random eh?

hahaha well, I am actually quite determined to make it happen :)

I already have people who are willing to invest their time and money in my dream and people who are willing to work for me too!


But sadly, I still have a long way to go.....

Would u guys support  me??? (ill give you guys VIP passes if I ever meet you!!! heeheehee )

yea......this is really random .....but ill share this random goal with you guys anyways...


P.S would u guys go to a nightclub that also sells bubble tea??? cuz i think it would a pretty cool idea to serve bubble tea in a nightclub, but of course, ill have all the other stuff a nightclub has.....just a little bonus to have bubble tea too....anyways... what do you guys think???


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kpoplover11 #1
Bubbble tea? Definitely, I would go because bubble tea is just too awesome not to have in a night club. If this is something you want to achieve, then I'll support you :) So I wish you all the luck in the world for this to happen and count me in on it (even though I'm still underage to go to one).