I'm...desperate. Please.

I really, really need a co-author! Pretty pretty please?

As of now, I have wayyyy too many multi-chaptered stories on my hands. SNSD's James Bond?!, my very first story on AFF which greatly balls, is on a hiatus because I am simply out of ideas and too lazy to update. I think the Hoobae one is the worst though. It had a strong first chapter and just...fizzled out after that. Two Different Worlds is pretty much the only one I want to keep. I'm so tempted to delete SJB and MSLH, but I can't because I have promised to never ever delete any stories=_=|||

I guess this is what you call karma.

The Kingdom of Super Generation Oneshots is pretty much the only story I have lots and lots of ideas for, and I'm pretty proud of all the chapters there, because I think I did my best for those. SJB was like, horrible, lol. I wonder how I never got any negative feedback.

I'm transferring Of Kings and Queens to SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa soon, she's my classmate^^ So do support her!


The whole point of this blogpost is to desperately request for an co-author who preferably has good grammar so I don't need to like, vet the chapter every single time. PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE, ANYONE?!?!?!


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I'll help! :D