Do you guys keep fit? share your secrets please! (non-kpop related)

On phone so sorry about the format of this post. Okay, so I'm having a crisis. I realised the other day just how unfit university has made me. I used to do so much exercise before I moved on account of my competitive high rope climbing but now I've pretty much stopped that and I'm getting chubby and so unfit. I was wondering how you guys keep fit. I eat (relatively) well, considering I'm a poor student and i can't cook. I ran a mile the other day and it killed me. I'd join a gym but the membership costs too much! Anyway, I go away in 3 months and i want to be able to wear my bikini confidently so I want to know your tips! Please help. I especially at motivation.


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uh, drink lots of water! drinking a glass in the morning before breakfast makes your metabolism faster and it burs calories faster or soemthing. And a glass before going to bed will help eliminate toxins! And drink green tea, that helps too... it's all I know at the moment XD
swimming~~ or simply do a lot of activities stuff and make sure you are eating well and enough~~ i used to exercise so muc and eat so little that i have gotten sick a lot .-.
Agree with the swimming, it'll tone your whole body; core, abs, arms, back, leg, etc, instead of running might only your legs. If you have a pool nearby, start slowly, graduall build up your yardage, I think that'd help the most. :)
go swimming. it sheds body fat like crazy. Of course, you'd have to force yourself to follow through on all that. Since my mother made me join the swim team, I can't slack off or get lazy.
First step i do for keep my body fit is balance the vegetable and fruit. i used to eat oatmeal mix with fruit and tea free-sugar at morning, when lunch is coming i eat baked potato (max. 2) and dinner, i eat vegetable. once a week i eat meat twice in a day. I exercise with skipping rope, jogging, and gymnastic through the gymnastic dvd i bought.
but the big secret is drink 8 glass of water in a day.
I‘m the most lazy person ever, I have to exercise more:(
But I lack motivation:(
The hardest part about working out in my opinion is starting it! I can't express how hard it is sometimes to get myself to the swimming pool and make some laps. But I find once I actually start, it's easy from there carrying out the workout for the next hour or so.

It may not work for everyone, but I actually having working out planned in my school schedule. I'm still in senior high school and I don't know what college is like yet XDD
It has a lot to do with your mind and metabolism, i could suggest keep on avvpiding milk or start to eat vegan. Its amazing but eating vegan really makes you loose your pound because you fon't eat to much wheat. Though i'm not a veganer myself i do try to eat vegan often my healt and to the love for animals. I don't think you need to be supper strict with your self on eating. I'm in dhape because i have a dog but after christmas we both need to lose some pounds T.T si food amount down walking tours linger and extremer. Though my dog is cheating she always steals food if i don't look >.<

Anyway swimming is great i don't like it because in our swim bath/pool are many mean people and it's annoying. But i love swimming maybe i will try it this year in the river to avoid people

Anyway runnibg could be good to. I also love to do a special sport (don't know english name) you can do it at home with your own body wait instead of going to a gym. Dancing too burns calories if you don't drink alcohol. Or yoga
Against the motivation make it to a ritual for you like every morning after a ritual it becomes a habbiz and somewhen you can't dtop anymore
yolochinchins #9
always eat to maintain your metabolism and slowly cut off anything with too much sugar/carbs. drink lots of water and decaffeinated tea and slowly work into a regular work out session ouo doesn't always have to be running, though that's the easiest, doing sets of sit ups and jump ropes always helps though and i think swimming is ideal because it works out your entire body. fish and veggies are always good to eat, fruits as well but they have more sugar than veggies and veggies also have more water content. remember, it takes about 21 days to turn something into a habit so you've just gotta stick with it. if running a mile killed you, then you should just try walking/power walking them at first until you get back into it. if you're eating relatively well though, i wouldn't say you need to cut back on eating, just change certain foods that you might consume into healthier ones or ones with less calories so that you can burn more than you consume without starving or losing nutrients.
Maybe you should cut down on eating chocolate... And I go swimming quite often to keep my muscles toned.
Baravois #11
If you try and learn the choreo for your favorite songs
it's a good body and brain workout
and you get to enjoy your hobby as well:)
your university doesn't have a gym? that's lame!
i run 2.4km for 2 days every week? and eating wise, eat like a king for breakfast and a beggar for dinner. i suggest eating fruits for breakfast(it makes you full and provides you with vitamins) and maybe simply bread for dinner? if that fails, try an apple diet? you simply eat apples for three days straight. nothing else. after that, slowly start eating light food since your body wont get used to the sudden change from apples to staple food. at least thats what i did. helped me lose bout 5kg?
I eat poorly...never exercise and I'm relatively fit... .-.