There Is A Blue Mouse In My House(I Am Not ing Kidding)

Ok I thought I was seeing things or something, but no. There is a ing BLUE mouse. It's aqua coloured, and my mom saw it too. OMFG WTF. Does anyone know why a mouse would be blue? I mean, we've had a mouse problem lately because of winter, but the other mice are all normal brown and grey.. then there's this IING BLUE MOUSE. WTF.

Someone tell me how this is even possible. o_O


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cakefrosting #1
maybe it's some kind of undiscovered species?
if it was, you can name them after your name. though it must be really disturbing to have your name as a rats name. kekeke
or maybe the aqua color was actually the reflection of the snow?
Alien mouse!!! haha, LOL!!! Yeah, I had some too because I`m living in the mountains but I`ve never seen them! ( just heard ). oh, Buuut last summer I got one outside and took a pic of him!!! (that thing was dead) haha, my mom was screamin like crazy!!! I will come and help u, I`m good! haha
dukielovesuuu #3
Well, i would try to catch it without killing or touching it, cause killing it would be sad and mean and touching it is nasty and not safe, then i would either set if free outside cause thats where it came from, or take it to some vet or something. Good luck ^-^
candypunch #4
Yeeeeeeah you might need to call someone to get that thing.......look it up it could be a rare type of rodent ....*shrugs* oooooor kill it .......... it could have fell in something blue or it could be an evil demonic spawn trying to the lifeforce from your family to then take over and have a rodent party....... idk just be careful!!!!!
Maybe it fell in like some dye or something!
BunnyBandit16 #6
Maybe it was experimented on or its possibly cold from the weather o.o I don't know but that's weird >.< I've seen mice and they're usually time I saw a brown one though OuO
Slytherinese #7
What in the worldddd?Blue mousee?eww im crying
smurf mouse perharps *okay not funny*
Jeezus. Ok, so seriously, I would be freaking out. Like ting myself scared. What are you going to do with it?! But holy frig. Why is it blue?!!?
It's an extraterrestrial... No jk I've had a mouse before in my house and that's just crazy maybe it was experimented on? O_o