
I went through and removed almost all my blog posts on this account. There were a lot of things that just aren’t in my best interest to have public (even if it was just dumb I wrote in high school) but re-reading those posts gave me a bittersweet feeling. Now I’m here thinking about things that could have been, and things that shouldn’t have happened.

2018 has been a painful year. The more success that comes the more I feel sadness. It’s a strange thing. 

I’m going to sleep now. Goodnight everyone.


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Hey, you're okay. Better days will come when you believe. There will be one day when you look at today the way you look at that high-school memories. Time will heal :)
You need to stay strong and remember that you are human, and humans fall and get injured, but they also get up and heal. Give yourself time and don't feel bad about the past because all of those words have only made you the person you are right now. As painful as they may be, we need to be thankful to our memories because they helped morphed us into better people. You take care and if you need someone to talk with, I am here for you, fam! 😊
Never give up. Believe in yourself believe more in your dreams :)
I hope that time will come for you to be truly happy