How many times do I have to say this to you?

Chen not resting is not sm's fault. Sm is not forcing him to work.

It is completely up to Chen whether or not he continues to work while he is sick. 

If Chen says that he can work, sm has to let him. If he says that he feels like he can perform, sm has to let him.

Sm cannot stop Chen from working; only if he is risking his health to an extreme can they tell him to take some time off to rest.

It's not sm's fault that Chen caught a cold okay? And I am really tired of things that are out of sm's hands, being blamed on them.

All sm can do is get him to rest as much as he can and keep him medicated. They aren't keeping him from resting.

Yes, this flying back to China and Korea may not be helping, but at least he is getting some form of rest. 

Also, there are somethings with exo's schedule that cannot be avoided and Chen will have to take part in it. 

It cannot be helped.

Just trust that if he gets any worse, sm will force the little to take a break to get better.


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