Black Pearl... or The Pearl

Today I was sitting in my room thinking of EXO's Black Pearl, when it reminded me of a book called The Pearl.

To make this long book summary short, this man (Kino) finds this black pearl and he was going to use it for payment for his sick son. But once people learn that he has the pearl they come after him, and along the journey the man becomes greedy and attached to this pearl. Once his wife (Juana) realizes that all the pearl is bringing is greed, she tries to get rid of it and Kino hits her.

Now I'm just going to skip to the end. The family is being tracked and the baby starts crying, and the trackers shoot in that direction thinking it's a coyote cub and Kino shoots killing the trackers. But when he turns back, his baby was shot and killed. And the couple begin the journey home, carrying their son and Kino throws the paerl in the ocean.

.. Yeah, that book as pretty intense. And I read that in 6th grade!

But anyways I was thinking, what if someone wrote a story like that? Well, not to that extent of drama but one that shows how greed over a materalistic item can cause bad outcomes.


But with EXO~

So yeah.. I just thought I'd share it. Have any of you read it? It's by John Steinbeck.

Leave a comment if you have~





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