Help please?

Hey Everyone! Well I don't know if some of you remember me, mimi ring a bell? :) haha it's okay really I haven't been quite active or done what I promised to do here, I'm sorry bout the longated times I said I would update and do certain things for you all :(.

I have a slight problem, I know it'll sound odd since I'm at the age i should know but really that's it it's just I don't know. I'm not knowlegeable in the romance/relationship area, I've never had a decent relationship nor one that was long enough, I've never been in alot of them now that I mention it. Majority of them just didn't seem right so called it quits and I was just being used, didn't match up to what they wanted I'm guessing?. 

I told a couple of you especially hanyhany and HushedxAngel about this guy I met in school that I started been talking to ever since he initiated a conversation at the coffee shop (found out he was 1 year younger than me, loves food and is a adventurer?? LOL), I kind of knew who he was since my friend showed me who he was cause she thought he was HOT and he was in Drama class after me so haha yeah. So ever since then we would have small talk whenever I came to his job @ the coffee shop, added on fb, exchange numbers and texted, went out to lunch, talked in school and during this time my friends were telling me that he's been checking you out, he's been staring at you, or hey this guy likes you!! and such. I'm blind to this stuff or think differently so I was always like no. But then I though about it and such. So overtime we got to knew each other. He asked me out on a hangout with him to go hiking! He always somehow had his arm near my waist and when we got to the top of the bunker it was so windy he came in front to block it, then we went to another spot and then I leaned agaisnt the railing just looking out at the scenery he comes up behind me and does the same but with me caught in the middle and just him laying head on my shoulder. And you probably can guess how I was feeling, he did that quite a bit or just sweetly teased me or such. Than there's times he would text me how nice or cute or adorible i looked. On New Years I confessed through a text (I was a bit intoxicated and he kind of knew i was a lil) with the help of my aunty and he called and I asked if I [really sent that and I said yeah and he said "guess what?" I said "what?" " then he said "I like you to!" and i was phasing out like huh??. Since then we texted sweet things he'll tell e I miss you in Korean (he is Korean btw lol) call me the usual or nicknames we gave each other, and just the gushy stuff. There was times he didnt talk back but i knew he was busy, he's told bout his past relationships in a talk we had a couple times and how he wants to focus on school and not be in a relationship. But what confuses me is why do these things with me? Are messing around ir what? I know he told me he doesnt like to lead on or such or hurt girls but if knew how I felt and whats been going through my mind would you keep doing this? 

School started again and things seem a lil different? Idk I could be overthinking or just basing off past to current. I'm just so so confused cause he told me he liked me but idk? there's some things he don't say anymore but cant always expect that right? I know its kind of the beginning into school, I can be patient and won't rush but it hurts cause you've told and done these things that are constantly bothering me, I just want to sit and talk to you without any of our friends round and see what's up. I sound childish but I never been so much sure of my feelings for someone than him, it's thanks to him that I started to risk and chance with a guy again. I'm terrified of getting hurt, I constantly cry from time to timeabout him and it cause he doesn't know ! I'm sorry I'm just losing it. I can be nice and sweet but I've had enough with games, just tell me, be honestly and truthful. It's yes or no, cause if you don't then please stop leading me on and building my hopes up for something that could never had happen in the first place! Did I do something wrong? Is it because majority of my friends are guys? is it because I don't show how i feel? I'm bad and very bashful to do that...Like what is it??. I really do like this guy, I'm sure of how I feel but does he is the thing...



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You knoe the best thing is talk to him about it. Maybe tell him about hoe he made you become stronger because of your past. Just tell him how you feel. Maybe he felt that you are pushing him away from him. But yeah. Just talk and let him know more about you. And maybe encourage him to talk about what he's been keeping in.