It Makes Me Sad....

That I have friends on AFF that write amazing stories and they don't get the recognition that they deserve.

I posted the Review Revolution blog post the other day and this may be a bit of an extension from that.


I feel lucky that I get 10-20 comments for each chapter I post of my longer fics. Noodle Boy Next Door is a oneshot that's been up for like a month and a half and it has 36 comments and I have so much love for all of the people that appreciate my writing.


BUT there are so many authors out there who are far better than me and struggle to get 2 or 3 comments and because of this they feel like they want to quit. Now, I know we should all write for ourselves, but when we put ourselves out and show our stories to the world we really want to get some recognition, don't we? Writing takes effort and we want people to appreciate that and it's so disheartening if there are no comments and stuff.


Anyway, I just want y'all to know that when my essay is handed tomorrow I am going to take a few day to check out all of my AFF friend's fics, recommend the ones that I love and compile it into a blog post that I want you guys to check out and read and show some love for all of the authors, they all deserve it!


For now though, y'all should go and give some love to visinel for Paradise comes with a price (Yadong), Christmas Spirit (Woogyu), her Woogyu oneshot collection (I especially love Jungle Boy), Prophecy of Flames (ongoing Woogyu/Myungyeol) and Diaphonous Touch (Wooyeol for meeee) and just... read them all and comment, please :3


And check out one of my favorite unnie's fics. She wrote her first (and it is AMAZING) for me and yes, it's wooyeol :P just check it out and comment on how amazing it is because it so is! - Always coming top in the kitchen (by Frosty_Maiden)


K... Thanks.


*blushes and walks away*


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evangeline101 #1
Aww omg you're so sweet^^ I‘ll try to do a blog post on amazing fics that I would reccomend too:)
You are such a sweetheart for helping and recommending stories. ^^
Think it does get discouraging at times, but I will just strive on and continue writing simply because I love doing it. ^^
All i get sometimes are either 'Please update' or 'update soon'
but i learned to move on and just write for the sake of my sanity^^
Yeah-_- It's rare that I get like 2 or 3 comments per chapter... But I love writing so I'm not gonna quit:)
Aww well tbh, I check out all fanfcs and I understand that some ppl get discouraged due to less comments but the reason why we post is because we want too. The views and comments will rise but I love how you're helping
That is so nice of you to do that :) I will probably check out some of the recommended stories :)
YEAH you go!!! =D lol okay that was lame but whatever =) This is sweet of you and yes I will check out all the fics you recommend (even if they are Yeol centric coughcough lol)
Omg, you're so sweet.
I'll go check out your friends' fics. I'll show love for a good infinite fic ;)
I am honoured you recommended my -_-
argh its so silly and weird compared to loads of other people who cna writing amazing !!!
I don't feel worthy of it but I appreciate it :)
I agree with you there's so many good stories out there and sadly they don't have as much love as some stories that aren't that good >.>
You don't have to do that:(
I will just write Do you feel with you and that's all...
Thanks tho
Wow, I'm sure you must have a lot of friends now (especially after the whole Secret Santa deal) and I have to say this is the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Someone's an angel XD