Hey everyone #random

ITS BEEN FIVE DAYS SINCE I GOT ON THE LAPTOP. O_M_G. I think that I might be able to live without this at a time xD


How're all of you doing? I do drop by some of your walls but i cant at everyone so thats why i blog. 


I went on a little trip with my uncles and aunts today, sorta close age cousin - we scraped off the cover of a goat milk bottle and made my sisters drink it. xD Only like an hour later we were like... "You guys drank,...Goat milk, you know?" xD my sisters were so damned grossed out hahhahahhahaha :D xD :D 
We were talking about 50 cent and eminem, x') It was fun,

Where did you guys visit lately?


School is just hectic. -_-' So much work to do, workbooks to finish, sums to check, theroy to understand, bio to study. lol ukw, i like all that work too. Maybe not as much as i like writiing a story, but you know, 

when i get the correct answer for a question that goes like rain is falling 10ms-1 wind blows south to east 30ms-1 at which angle should the person at the bustio hold his umbrella as inverse tangent one over three, I guess the feeling is quite close :D


Physics is kinda getting really awesome, did i say that before?


hows your school/uni/work getting along?


im dyiing to get in touch with you guys but DAMN THIS TIME I HAVE NONE TO SPARE hopefully tomorrow is a holiday but i still have few chapters of chemistry to finish, . . 




I wish you all well. :D KIT, kay?


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