more ranting....

It seems like no matter what I do, I'll never get it right....

Im not pretty

im ugly





thats what they tell me....

the voices in my head and...

the eyes of others are always telling me that.

Am I really that disgusting?

Why do you all hate me?

What did I do?

I know im ugly

i know im disgusting

i know im stupid

 i know im useless

i know im hopeless

The voices... there always there....

make it stop!.....





please.... make it all stop....



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...You're perfect.
Don't care about the others. We love you, with everything you come to us.
You may be ugly, but what is really "ugly"? Not being plastic or wearing a lot of makeup? Not flirting with everyone you see? Well then damn, I'm also ugly.
You may be disgusting but hell, are we here to please everyone? Are we suppose to be everything they like? Because then damn, I'm also disgusting.
You may be useless, but you know what? People are not mean to have a use! After all, everyone works for the they want, don't we? I see you here. And you're here because we can find a friend in you! That's useless?! Then damn, I'm also useless.
You may be hopeless, but who are they to judge? Hope is in us, in YOU, Not in what they think about us. If hope was in the others, then damn, I'm also hopeless.
You may be trashy, but we aren't made for tags. If that was, then how comes that NO ONE wears a "bulley" or a "bad" or a "cruel" tag?! How do they know we are in that tag? Do they really know us?! Because if we are tagged, then damn, I'm trashy too.
And we're all stupid. Because we let others tell us that! Not because we are. Because if I ever dreamed about something, the most biggest stupidity would be giving up.

The voices in our heads are echoes. Echoes that we can't control. But you know the place where echoes come from, don't you? Words. And people.
And then we ask to each other if we are really disgusting, trashy, ugly, useless, hopeless and all those things they say. And we think they hate us.

But there will always be someone who loves us even if they don't say it. So, power up, you awesome person! No one can bring you down if you don't let them. And always remember, that we love you, because we do.
each person is unique.
everyone has shortcomings and excess.
You just do not know or have not found what your strong suit.
moreover, the voices that continue to disturb because you start thinking like that. postive thinking,. okay?
Dude!! Do people say this to you? Because if they do then you have just one sentence to tell them. And that's SHUT THE UP. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, LOVED AND MOST DEFINITELY NOT USELESS. You can't believe things that you think about yourself. I know, that people judge themselves WAYYY harder than they judge others. It's the truth. But you are going overboard! You can't possibly believe all of that! Come on, I hope the people around you aren't giving you a hard time about your looks or whatever the makes people so superficial and stuck up. Please don't feel bad about yourself. Think about what YOU CAN do, also think about how YOU contribute to groups and to everyone's happiness. Because I'm sure you do.
You are not ugly disgusting hopeless and whatever they said you are beautiful useful smart and we dont hate you we are all like your family we love and care for you your everything a guy may wont in the feature and anyone that says that your ugly and other stuff is dead wrong no one should be called that your more than that your like a precious pearl that god made and he wouldn't had put you here to be useless cause your not your useful pretty no your beyond pretty byour beautiful so dont let anyone tell you yout boy okay cause your up and it will get better soon just try to be patient it may take a long time but it will be worth it I promise okay so just keep your head up high saranghae and just messag3 me if you ever need someone to talk to I am here for you
You're ing perfect.

Don't do that to yourself. In the end, it's only you to blame for listening to others and listening to yourself. Don't be stupid.
It's harsh, but it's true. You're making yourself like this. So do us a favor, and build your self-esteem up. I mean, you've got all the support you need here on aff. So don't take it for granted and actually listen to what we are saying. Take it in. Because you deserve to think of yourself higher than this bull.

I love you bro <3 all the best.
You are not a disgusting, ugly person! You are more beautiful! Those who are disgusting dont know the actual meaning of how to stay with the one that they love!! Instead they hurt them.... You are not one of those people!!! You are not hopless, stupid, or useless!!! You know that there are people out there in the world who think you are the opposite of that! Please dont lower you self-esteem!! It makes me wanna cry when there are people like this!! I see this happening very often around my school and i try my best to help them out!! So please dont think yourself as a person who is low......
By admitting this, you're doing nothing good.
All you're doing is getting pity from others, YOU need to believe you're not hated by everyone because it's obvious you're not. Please, you're only making yourself feel worse by saying this. People are trying to help you by commenting and they're trying to talk to you but I only see more and more depressing blogs.
Show the voices in your head that they need to stop by being happy. It may be hard, but it's better than being sad all the time: the outcomes will be amazing.
I'm not trying to be harsh........ just saying the reality.
I know it hurts cause I know how you feel it but it's your life. You're the one that control your life. Don't let them, don't let the voices make you down. I can see that you face a lot of struggles, you still breathing right? You still standing tall right? See how strong you have been :)
almost the same situation with you but except the part people didn't tell me but I just realize about everything about myself eventough people did praise me anything I just still believe I'm ugly, I'm disgusting, I'm useless :/ but I just living with that fact even tho I tried my best to change, I just still feel that way. so, although it hurt, just be strong. ignore those voices & how do I say this err ... at least you know about yourself more than anyone. I know saying is easier than doing it..
*hugssss* u r not anything the voice r telling u. u r unique, special, and super smart!!! just b the way u r..the special u that make u an individual. if someone don't like u for who u r than it's their problem not yours. ignore them and don't pay them any attention my dear :))
kpopluvr27 #11
You're not ugly, you are beautiful.
You're not disgusting, you are quite clean.
You're not stupid, you are a bright individual.
You're not hopeless, you can be full of hope...if you let yourself.

The voices are telling you lies!

Don't listen to them!
I don't hate you.
I am here for you.
I know how you feel I go through that everyday.