New Semester!

I know I've posted an entry like this before and it stands just as true this time around as it did before.  As of tomorrow, I officially begin my second semester of graduate school and things look to be just as interesting and hectic, if not more so than last semester.  While I will do my best to continue writing (beyond the required academic work I will undoubtedly become a slave to at some point  ;)  hehe), as per usual, I cannot guarantee anything.  T_T

I didn't get half as much writing done over the break as I wanted (I blame Not Your Fairy Tale Romance - a BangNa fic for that one), and I will be leaving my other stories on hiatus until such a time that I can continue to complete them one by one.  I'm currently working on Daehyun: Valkyr of the Gods (a BangDae fic) and Partis Nex Vita - Six Point Magic (a BTS fic) at present.  They will be my focal points until such a time that I manage to complete them (whenever that will be), or something entirely random crops up out of the blue as these ideas sometimes do. Yes, I am currently battling several right now.  >.>  I do know the BangDae fic is getting close to the ending and maybe I'll be able to pull another off the shelf after that.

At any rate, I just wanted to give a heads up so if I stop posting for any length of time, I hope you will understand why.  I'll still be around so feel free to write on my wall or pm me or whatever suits your fancy and take care.  For anyone else going back to school or if you're already there, good luck and I wish you a great semester.  To everyone else, take care and have a great day/week/month/year/etc!  ;)  Bye for now!


Amalya out!  XD


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missbb247 #1
gd luck i have an exam this tuesday and assignments in friday, then 2 weeks off until i start the 2nd semester of my 2nd year of degree. Would luv to know if you've had any more thoughts or ideas on the fic you offered to try writing for me, no pressure just thought i'd check in. I'll be checking out the fics you mentioned in your post so i'll let you know wat i think wen i read them :)cant wait to read them