Serious Times Call for Serious Measures (hiatus)

Bad news...

Seems this lil break I've been taking is gonna last longer than estimated. I'm sitting my exams soon, and it's time I started knuckling down. So unfortunately for a while at least, I'm semi-deactive.

Rather than putting a time limit on it, I'm going to do my best to update whenever possible. Meaning, whenever I have free time, I'll be here writing a chapter. One last quick update soon!

Like I said, I'll be semi active, on here just writing chapters. Updates will be spaced over a longer amount of time, and I won't be blogging or chatting (unless of course we're like aff buddies, or any one wants to talk, go ahead and pm!). So in other words, my personality will be disappearing for a while (along with my social life... screw exams maannn).

So yeah. I guess that's it. In other news, I'VE DECIDED TO TAKE WRITING IN FURTHER STUDIES! YAAAY!


See ya guys <3

- Ay

(... woah this was a boring update... my personality is already fading ._.)



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Good luck on your exams! Ace them ~ I hope you don't get too stressed (if possible, lol). Come back to writing your lovely stories when you have the time and motivation :). I'll be waiting patiently for your 'IYM, YTO' update <3.
kitktykatty #2
Good luck on your exams~!