DAME || Lee Han Bi









Character's name: Lee Han Bi


Stage name: Han Bi


Other names: Anastasia


Nicknames: BiBi, Stasia




Age: 18 (korean age is 19)


Date of Birth: May 14, 1995


Place of Birth: Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Hometown: Daegu, South Korea (3 hours outside of Seoul)


Nationality/Race: Korean/Russian (Korean and Russian)


Religion: Roman Catholic 




Individual fanclub name: Tutus


Individual fanclub color: #ffcccc


Persona: Creepy Doll 


Solo job: modeling 




Height: 178 cm


Weight: 55kg 


Shoes size: 250 mm (8)




Twitter/Instagram: none


Facebook/Tumblr: none


Phone's name: iphone 5








Personality: Han Bi is a very quite girl on the outside, but a firework waiting to explode of hapiness on the inside.  She has a creepy part of her brain though that can leave everyone in wonder, like an Alice in Wonderland imagination.  She does not care about what people think about her and does not want to change to make others happy, or else she won't be happy with herself.  Puts God, family/friends before herself and loves life to the fullest. She can also be very sarcastic if someone is rude to her. 




Background: Han Bi was born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, the second biggest city in Russia.  She grew up with a very big family who was into ballet, so she came into ballet at the age of two and has been dancing ever since.  She grew up with one older brother, and two younger brothers, so being the only girl she would have her special moments. She was also very close to her grandparents, and helped her start going to dance competitions and would sometimes get high titles, but was always in the top 5.  
So fastforewarding to 2005, she heard of the Wonder Girls when they debuted, along with Super Juinor, on youtube and begun to get more interested in KPOP, so she would practice their dances, and learn their songs, and immediatly fell in love with KPOP, but she was scared of how she would be judged by her family and friends.  So she kept her secret hidden for a year.  But in 2006, her parents saw a flyer in her room of auditions in Korea, and they thought it was for ballet, but once she actually explained it to them, they surpringly agreed with her decision since it was what she wanted and in two weeks, her whole family flew to Korea.  She then auditioned for J.Tune twice and became a trainee ever since and has been very dedicated.  While in Korea, she attended the Sacred Heart Girls' Middle and High School, and now likes to learn.  






Fashion: 3 different daily styles: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=109967636 
really anything floral or checkered or indie print, dresses, jumpsuits, rompers, anything




Likes: [ -10 ]
Her Cannon Camera
Nail Art
Rabbid plush 
Flowers or Floral Print
any Michael Kors
Disney movies


Dislikes: [ -10 ]
People who think they are better than everyone
Those scary mazes 
the color pink
Small cars




Hobbies: [ -5 ]




Habits: [ -3 ]
Moves around when she is anxious
her legs shake when she is scared 
bites her nails when she is in an awkward situation




Fears: [ -3 ]
Car crash
Plane Crash
Saesang Fans




Trivia: [ unlimited but upper than 5 ]
Owns a French Bull Dog named Luck
Likes to look back at her old ballet pictures
She likes to think of Music Video ideas
Has two tattoos a cross on her left hand: http://www.celebritytattoodesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/demi-lovato-cross-hand-tattoo-150x150.jpg
and a heart on her right hand: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/09/24/article-1314803-0B54EF0B000005DC-22_224x340.jpg


Faceclaim/appearance: Hwang Ji Min


Links/gallery: http://data1.whicdn.com/images/15201939/hwang_ji_min_370662_large.jpg 


Back-up faceclaim: Jo So Yeon


Links/gallery: http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/6505/tumblrltuwz9o5jt1qfj8rb.jpg








Love Interest: Tao | 20 | EXO


How both of you react?: [ you can leave this in blank if you want me to make it for you ]


Relationship: Friends 




Back-up Love Interest:  Sehun | 19 | EXO ]


How both of you react?: They pretend to be serious around one another and just stare at each other, but in a few minutes, they are laughing every second at something they do together that is usually stupid. 


Relationship: Friends








- [ starts with here ] [ format: Lee Young Jin | 39 | dad |  4 | huggable, strict, sociable, hardworking  ]

                                       [ format: Lee Arina | 36 | mom | 5 | creative, trusting, warm, reliable, generous ]



- [ starts with here ] [ format: Lee Joon Ho | 20 | bro |  5 | accepting, confident, open- minded, polite, good- natured ]
                              [ format: Lee Kun- Woo | 6 | bro |  5 | energetic, adventurous, helpful, creative]
                              [ format: Lee Jun Seo | 3 | bro |  4 | adventurous, creative, outgoing ]








- [ starts with here ] [ format: Kim Jin Ae | 20 | Photographer | 9 ]
                             [ format: Lee Jin Won| 22 | Dance coach | 10 ]
                              [ format: Jung Jessie | 18 | Ballet Dancer | 9 ]




- [ only 1-2 ] [ format: Hyejeong | 20 | AOA | while Han Bi is a trainee, she went to go to Music Core one day and accidently bumped into Hyejeong when she was walking, since then Hyejeong just has this mean thing against her  ]












    IS THIS A BYE-BYE?    


Comment: i'm so excited and hope i get picked!


Request: C. Main vocalist, Main dancer, Center.


Anything else?: nope~




Message/motto: Hello lovely fans! How are you all today! I hope you are all having a good day.  I would like to ask for your support for DAME and i hope you will love and support us.  I hope you have a blessed day <3 I love you tutu's! 





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