Apply Fic questions and a mini rant

Does anyone know any apply fic that does not have one of the main entertainments (ex: SM, Cube, JYP, etc.) as their entertainmet? Like does anyone have an apply fic (or know of one) that has a made up entertainment (like mine PLH)? Because I like those kind of apply fics because they seem more real to me? Idk but I really like those.  I feel like those kind of apply fics are somewhat underrated.  And everyone goes to apply for the main entertainment apply stories.  

I mean there is nothing wrong with those stories, but I rarely see a made up entertainment apply fic asking for a girl group. If anyone knows of one plz~ tell me! Those stories are just different to me lol. 





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Those used to be a bit more popular and more common a couple months ago, but apply fics that deal with girl/boy groups are usually never started and they all sound the same, so a lot of people just view them as 'meh and will pass them over.' It's not likely that girl group stories actually get started or come to fruition often so not many people have a good view for those type of fics, especially if it's an entertainment based apply fic where people try to overextend themselves and have like 5 groups made up for them, which doesn't really make sense, especially if someone tries to make them seem really badass when usually rookie companies are not.

AU apply fics are usually always more popular than girl/boy group fics, unless they're something different like a 'rock group' instead of an idol group or you're focusing on . Anything with EXO is usually popular, even if it seems unrealistic and that people easily forget the other groups out there.