A Princess // (Cha Eun Mi)

Be ɱy Princess
{Cha Eun Mi}

The Real You
what should i call you?: Ming
activeness: 9.6
This is My Fairytale
Character's Full Name: Cha Eun Mi
Nicknames:(by who & why)
Date of Birth: October 26
Age: 17
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Blood type: B+
Languages: Korean, Cantonese

She is very shy and quiet. Whenever at a social event, she is always the loner standing in the corner. She can't initiate a conversation because she is too shy and she sometimes gives off a cold first impression. She doesn't glare at people or anything, but because it is like she is in her own little protective bubble. She tends to shut people out and is not good with expressing her feelings. She doesn't really have an "outside voice" and doesn't usually voice her opinions out unless someone urges her to. She just doesn't think her opinions or ideas are good enough to be heard.The for sure way to make her open up to you is to make her have a laughing fit. Once you break her bubble, then you will find she is actually a very warm person. She is very kind and caring. She is one of the most loyal friends you can find. Once she trusts you, she really trusts you. She will do almost anything you say and won't argue with you, even if she is upset about something. She is very logical and is very good at her schoolwork. She usually gets high marks. However, she has her stupid moments. She knows things like not to go with strangers and stuff, but she can get really confused really easily. Although she talks to people logically herself, she often gets confused when people speak logically to her (this mostly happens when she is tired). When she has something else, like sleep or food, on her mind, it takes longer for her to process what people are saying. She respects others' beliefs/thoughts, but she wants the respect to be mutual.

Background: She really doesn't mind being a princess. It has it's ups and downs, but overall it is okay. When she meets people, she tries to have them think of her not as a princess, but as a sister or just a regular friend. She doesn't like to be treated special or anything, and will not accept being special. She started off being taught by private tutors and such in the palace. However, when she turned 10, she asked her father if her birthday present could be that she goes to a regular public school. Her father denied the idea immediately, but this was one of those things that she did voice her opinion out because it was something she really wanted. She didn't like being stuck inside with nobody but her tutor/teacher. She wanted to be in a classroom full of people her age, all being taught by one teacher. After much begging, her father finaly agreed. She began school at a public school. She really didn't like it when people asked her how it was like to be a princess, and hated it when the teacher treated her special. During her freetime, she likes to read. It is her passion.  

Likes: • Pokemon • Books • Bubble Tea • Pandas • Medical/Crime tv shows • Cantopop/Cantodramas
Dislikes: • Strangers • Being treated special • Social events • Public speaking • Heights
Trivia: • has a fear of heights • claustophobic • Strangers touching her (even if barely) freaks her out • She likes public school • Not many people stay long enough to break her bubble
The Princess I Am
face claim: Park Seul Ki
link pics: gallery
back-up face claim: Kim Seuk Hye
link pics: gallery
Like This, Like That

reaction to king's 'announcement': At first, she was freaking out because they were strangers. She has a fear of strangers and hates strangers a lot. She was curled up in a ball in her room, thinking about all the horrible possibilities that could happen. Maybe he is a killer? Maybe he has a horrible disease she could catch? Maybe he liked skinship? /gasp that's the worst one/ She was rocking back and forth and back and forth. She creates horrible visuals of outcomes that could happen and gets even more scared. She didn't let anyone come near her (not even any of her sisters) and just pushed everyone away. She needed time to think about this. Once the idea settled into her head, she decided that if she really needed to she could run away and never go back. She realized that it was for the good of the kingdoms, and that she could give it a shot. She really wished that her father and their father could just figure it out themselves, but since she cares about the kingdom then she will at least TRY to get along with him.

In My Heart
{Adventurous | 7 | Eun Mi goes to her when she tries to overcome her shyness (if she wants to talk to someone, etc.), or if she wants to try something new.}
{Hopeful | 10 | They are very close to each other. She understands Eun Mi the most and is very protective over her.}
{Dreamer | 8 | Eun Mi always goes to her when she wants to dream. Eun Mi likes the real world, but often times she wonders what could be and goes to her to listen to all the things she wants to do.}
{Defiant | 5 | Honestly speaking, she kinda scares Eun Mi. Eun Mi thinks they should always do what is right, and she basically goes against a lot of what Eun Mi believes in. Eun Mi respects her, but doesn't really talk to her at all.}
{Independent | 6 | Eun Mi goes to her when she needs advice or needs someone to listen to her problems.}
{Brave | 7 | Eun Mi envies her braveness and sometimes tries to act like her when she wants to feel brave. Eun Mi goes to her when she needs words of encouragement.}

When He Comes..
love interest's name: Lee Sungyeol
age: 22
personality: He is very fun and outgoing. He loves to joke around and play pranks on people. He loves to laugh, and likes to have an upbeat environment. He likes to make people laugh also. He loves skinship and will often put his arm around the shoulder of someone he just met. He hates it when someone is crying, especially when that someone is a girl. he never knows what to do and freaks out. He tries to do everything he can to cheer her up. He is very "happy-go-lucky" and can turn almost anybody's frown upside down. He is very determined and can focus on something when he wants to. However, it is very rare to find something that will keep his attention for that long. Even when he is feeling sad or upset, he masks it with a smile because he doesn't want to bring down someone else's mood.

back-up love interest's name: Kim Sunggyu
age: 24
personality: He is very manly and takes care of business. He loves to take command of things, and has a very "leader" type of feel. However, in reality, he is just lazy and wants others to do the work for him. He can be very protective of what he claims as his. He isn't always serious and has a fun side too. He can get very confused, and is sometimes in a daze.

This Is The End
questions/feedback/ideas: I CHOSE INFINITE haha after much thought... Hope you like her and sorry about the layout with words out of boxes and stuff... I write a lot hehe
requests: Love interest trying to break through Eun MI's bubble
password: I'm a Freaking Princess


credit. layout


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