need writing advice + update on xmas presents

So I don't know if it's a thing, but I've been having trouble finishing projects for a month or so now. I'll start stuff, get like 1000 words in and just be unable to finish them (seriously, I have stuff written for most of my stuff and yet nothing to publish just yet), and I have no idea why. And it frustrates me because usually I'm pretty good at not getting writer's block and doing stuff like this. And I'm just wondering if I just need to step back or maybe try another method to get back into the groove of things, because it's not being able to do something I used to be able to do easily. I know I wasn't one of those people that could write a couple thousand words in an hour or so, but I was someone that could buckle down and get that much done in 2-3 hours tops. 

And it because I actually do have ideas I want to write about and I do want to finish the stuff I've written and posted and eventually complete all those Christmas presents, but I'm stuck and I hate how I've scrapped certain ideas or what I've written multiple times because I'm unsatisfied with it. Seriously, I should have had that Hongbin/Myungsoo done weeks ago, and yet, I scrapped it like 4 times because I would write and I would just hate how I had written it.

So I'm thinking that instead of trying to do prompts for some of the stuff, I might just write that pairing instead (having a rough estimate of what you guys read/write) and make something of that. Because the prompts aren't helping me at all (except for one that was similar to one of the ideas I wanted to write in the first place - the Seokjin one) and I still want to give you guys presents. So just a heads up, if you gave me a prompt and wanted it to be filled, yeah, you're just going to get something of that pairing instead (I might just do drabble/sentence theme sets for a few and see if that gets the juices going). Sorry about that, but it just needs to be done that way until I get my mojo back.

But yeah, does anyone have any good writer's block advice or stuff that helps you write that aren't the conventional methods that you hear (i.e. I like to listen to music when I write...).  


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When I have ideas but not the right words, I wrestle the bunnies until they submit. I kid you not. The best and worst advice there is, is to just write. Take a break, then write again. Also, write crap. There's a need to write the right word at the right time, and there's an even more obsessive need to write the right string of words at the right time, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. So write crap until you run out of it and hopefully the good stuff comes out on your next try.
The first part describes Me right now. Still not done with that chen oneshot for that user whose secret santa went awol. Eh, don't stress about the gifts or the prompts. They were supposed to be fun and not burdensome. So why don't you just close those documents and then do some physical activity outside. Get yourself tired. Get exhausted to the point where your brain stops filtering ideas (usually happens after a day at school) and then take a shower. The water would relax your mind and body and then just loosen the tight control you have on your thoughts. Whatever that comes into mind, write it, don't worry about our prompts :)
I feel you. I haven't published anything but a drabble in the last four or five months. I think I needed to step away for a bit yet somehow now I find myself in the mood to write again. I think one of the things that really helps, other than finding an idea you're passionate about writing, is to write little passages without characters or just descriptions. Lately, I've been trying to find inspiration in little things like a few words from a song or an observation I make when I'm walking around during the day and then write something small based off that.

As for the number of words you can produce, since I don't have time to write thousands of words at a time, I try to write over 500 twice a day. You can also switch between fics or ideas during that time.

To be honest, as I'm writing this I'm kinda giving myself the same talk in my mind because I definitely need to get back on track OTL. Good luck to you :) I'm sure you'll get out of your writing slump!
Ughfghfgh I know, man. I have like five story ideas I want to try to write (and growing) and it's utter torture.

I always use the technique of walking away for a day and going outside. When I go outside, I can usually gain some inspiration back or even just some motivation that I need. It's good to just stop writing all together because if you keep writing...well, you won't be satisfied, right? Trust me it took me awhile to get a fanfic done for an exchange, and I kept feeling worse and worse about it. A good break is always nice.

Another good thing is to just go back, reread slowly all of what you've got up to that point. Start picking out things you like, and try to build on them. You may not use it, you may bump those paragraphs down to the end or wherever, but you'll be writing related to the story, and that's what counts. You'll get back into the groove of things.

Just like what the comment below says, don't stress over it. Writing is something you have to enjoy in order to submerge yourself in it, so if you're not feeling're not enjoying it. To quote a story: "Writing is self exhaustive. Everything comes out of your soul."
So always take some breaks.

I'm rambling again, so I hope that I didn't distract you any more from what you're working on. Good luck and I'm sure everything will turn out perfectly! :3
I just started writing a comment and it disappeared because my laptop and died, so I'll rewrite it but shorter. My only advice (and it's common, typical advice) would be to stop writing for other people and start writing something that YOU want to write. Even if it's utter crap and it never sees the light of day, writing something that comes easily can get you back into the writing vibe.

I've been suffering the same lately because I haven't had the time to work on a fic for like a full day with the Secret Santa and everything, so I lose motivation to finish things unless I push myself too hard. I usually take some time out and hang with my housemates and go out or watch a movie or something if I feel really bummed down. I just take myself away from Fanfiction completely for a while.

If the Bean/Mingsoo one is mine then don't stress over it! I can go without or wait until you feel it! If you really feel the urge to write me something then I adore anything fluffy/romantic and pointless, so go for it! :)

Hope it all gets better for you though, writer's block is never fun to deal with! :(