Hello, I'm Dainty's Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Oh Hyemin~!

Oh Hyemin
THelandofbrownsugar // anna // 9.5
» Plotline Chosen
NICKNAME: Ms. Fix-It-All
DATE OF BIRTH: 12 April 1993
AGE: 21
PLACE OF BIRTH: Incheon, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Incheon, South Korea
LANGUAGE: English (basic), Korean (fluent), Chinese (basic)
» Showtime
POSITION: Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

With a lot of spunk and a member of a rather stubborn family, Hyemin is used to fighting for her goals and making sure they happen despite all costs. She knows she's not the prettiest, smartest or most talented girl around, but she knows she is among the most hard-working high school students in all of Yaksok, be it her love life or her academic performances. She can seem a little lost and absent-minded at times, but she is always seems to manage finding a way out of some mess of hers as she has an unfortunately habit of screwing things up quite a bit. 

Hyemin has never had much of a problem when it comes to socializing. She loves meeting new people and finding out things about them. She is a curious individual who spends a lot of her time studying other people in order to learn their ways and find out how to get along with them more. Despite this, she is someone who knows the difference between friend and foe, so she isn't one to jump right at the chance of becoming friends with an enemy or someone who makes her feel bad. She has her close friends with an outer circle of close acquaintances and isn't the quickest of them all when it comes to opening up her inner circle to people. She is the kind of person who enters a friendship from an "I see your needs, I see my needs" state of mind. 

Believe it or not, but Hyemin is actually a rather patient and gentle girl. She grew up in a family used to taking care of each other and has never been afraid of letting people rely on her as well as relying on other people. She can be quite motherly to some people and likes taking care of them like her own. However, she can also be rather oblivious and jealous at the same time, not fully seeing the intention of others towards her while fully seeing others' intentions towards someone close to her. She is a protector and likes to keep a safe distance.

Hyemin, a stoic girl? Ah, you must be on the wrong planet, my friend. She is more like an open book; her emotions are as clear as day like a big, black permanent marker across her face. Her eyes are big and very expressionate, telling people exactly she is feeling and sometimes even what she's thinking of if obvious enough. Some people, those who don't really know or understand her at all, may find it difficult figuring out her true intentions. She seems like a girl who would've gone in the streets shouting her thoughts out with a megaphone, but she can be surprisingly quiet (mentally) at times, especially if she's sad or angry about something. Negative emotions makes her eyes more cloudy in a way, while being happy and positive gives others a chance to see how that mind of hers work if lucky.

» Background

Oh Hyemin is a Korean girl who was born on 12 April 1993 and raised in Incheon, South Korea. She is the daughter of Oh Jungseok, the owner of a company for pharmaceuticals, and Lee Sungsook, a designer and co-owner of wedding gown shops in Seoul and Busan. Growing up in an upper middle class family, she had always had anything she wanted within reach, but she was also taught to be gracious and show gratitude for any gift and always remember to pay off a debt or favor to someone else. Hyemin is the oldest of two siblings with a younger sister who is three years younger than her and an aspiring actress herself. They had a close relationship back in the days and still have one to keep holding on to.

Hyemin was in her first year in middle school when she first started showing interest for dancing. Her mother had taken her along to a dance class where a friend of hers went and became very into the art of moving your body to a rhythm. She was allowed to enter a class of her own and showed great potential in the art. She started attending gymnastics as well in order to make herself more flexible and to manage the different moves with more accuracy. It became an interest which made mother and daughter bond and become closer as a result.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Music
  • two: Sports
  • three: Coffee
  • four: Sweets
  • five: Cooking
» Dislikes
  • one: Cleaning
  • two: Spiders
  • three: Fake individuals
  • four: Dogs (allergic)
  • five: Chocolate
» Fears
  • one: Spiders
  • two: Loneliness
  • three: Rejection
  • four: Heights
  • five: Flying by herself
» Hobbies
  • one: Dancing
  • two: Gymnastics
  • three: Swimming
  • four: Tennis
  • five: Photography
» Habits
  • one: Curls her toes when she's nervous/excited.
  • two: Raises her voice when she's angry/frustrated.
  • three: Sings self-written ballads in the shower.
  • four: Swings her head from side to side when enjoying a song or a certain rhythm.
  • five: Recites swimmer's moves in her sleep.
» Trivia
  • one: She is allergic to dogs.
  • two: Knows how to play the guitar.
  • three: Hates to clean, but hates messing around as well.
  • four: Won a swimmer's competition back in 2003.
  • five: She is left-handed.
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
» Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
BACKUP: Lee Donghae

Dongwoo is a very sweet and sensitive kind of guy. He can seem a little insecure and even childish, but he is always there to protect those he loves and help the ones in need. He has big eyes that are ready to read and he finds it annoying to be unable to hide what he is thinking about. He is an optimistic and positive guy who gives off the impression of someone kind and friendly, which isn't far from the truth. He can secretly be very possessive and jealous, but doesn't show it very often. 

He is very straight-forward and honest, never really seeing the point in hiding the truth from those around him. He is open-minded and goofy, often having the mentality and energy of a six-year-old boy. When it comes to romantic partners, he is very considerate of his partner and is always there to remind them how amazing and wonderful they truly are. He is loyal and a bit of an idiot, but has a big, kind heart of gold and a smile worth a million.


Dongwoo and Hyemin are a little similar in terms of their personalities. Both are cheerful, hard-working and sociable with a not-so-secret romantic side to them, but there are also differences. Dongwoo can seem a bit air-headed and not serious at times, which Hyemin finds adorable and a personal favorite of hers when it comes to him. She finds him funny, considerate and kind, affectionate and a little shy at times. They are quick to open up to one another, wanting to know more and more about each other as time goes by, even it seems like it's standing still when they are alone together. In the beginning, the relationship was a little awkward due to Dongwoo's status as a famous artist and their , but as they grow closer over time, they become more and more like equals and feel like they can trust each other about a lot, even though they haven't really known one another for that long.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Hello, author-nim! I hoped you liked my character! If you find any errors, do not hesitate to tell me! ^^ At the near top of the application, you had put in something about a chosen plotline. I was not sure what you meant by it, so I just let it stay here in case it would be useful later on.
SUGGESTIONS: I can't think of anything at the moment.
SCENE REQUEST: Dongwoo feeling jealous about Hyemin and her relationship with another male artist.
PASSWORD: Click here for ultimate enjoyment of applicant's ultimate bias~
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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