Siwon dating Kim Yunseo?

There are rumors of Siwon dating his co-actress in Poseidon, Kim Yunseo. We all know that it seems that like Siwon always have a girlfriend. But it hurts when it was announced. 


It's no secret that I'm a Guardian, a SooWon shipper. My love for them is unexplainable. It's even written on my twitter bio that 'SooWon is ♥' after my 'Heechul's Wifey ♥' description. I felt like crying when I read that.


Real or not, it broke my heart. And to heal my heart, I shall write another SooWon oneshot.


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a_chuu #1
wait... it's official? .. :'(
siwon is always on the rumors having girlfriend. ALWAYS. im kinda used to it. Unnie don't worry maybe it's not true.
kim_seul_young #3
where did you get that news? it might not be true. those could be rumors...
Is it confirmed?