In Which I Doubt my Life Choices

Warning: Annoying personal word vomit ahead.
So I am a science student, I am studying a degree in a Environmental Geography. i study climate change and atmosphere and plants and volcanoes and anything to do with the Earth, generally.
I'm pretty good at it, I like to think. I know my way around the science and I know everything about volcanoes. I'm even pretty confident about the stuff that I wouldn't necessarily choose to study if it wasn't in my course.
So it's moments like these - when I receive a grade and it's a measly 46%- that I start to really wonder if I'm really worthy of it. I worked my off to get on to this competitive and hard course because I know what I want to do when I graduate and I know how competitive the field of volcanology is. I work my off when I have essays to do, I buckle down and I spend maybe 30 hours on one piece of work and I come back without the marks to show it?
It makes me wonder whether I'm really doing the right thing, I could easily drop out of university right now - in fact, I'm debating it. What's the point of doing a 4 year long course and coming out with a ty mark? I feel like I spend every part of my course trailing behind everyone else... I turned down a job at a publishing company to do this course!
Gah, i'm never usually depressed and I never usually say things like this, but right now I feel so disappointed and angry at myself.
Maybe I should just quit and become a professional fanfiction writer.


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evangeline101 #1
Oh my god..though I'm not in college yet, I'm also a science student and I'm working my off to be a doctor and yes there are times when I feel likw giving up but I know that I‘ll be giving up everything I worked for so I hope to say the same to you and I really hope you'll think carefully before giving up something you have been working so hard for.^^

Don't give up! Obstacles may stand it your way now, mountains may seem too hard to surmount, but they will only make you stronger. When you look back, you will know that they have make you stronger and are only the stepping stones for you to achieve your dreams.
I may not know you personally, but just know that there will always people put there who believe in you and will always root for you, wishing nothing but the best for you. ^^
I feel your pain D:

I'm a Political Science Student and it's really hard. Our population is as small as island in the Pacific (I kid you not, we only have 97 first years and 14 fourth years) and I felt like this every time I received a low mark, especially after I spent my whole day memorizing terminologies and I fail. I memorize everything--EVERYTHING, and I still failed in my test. This was my first time ever FAILING at a test I actually studied for. I could have chosen my first course instead and that was Linguistics and Literature but I decided to go with PolSci because it was more usable when I want to take up Law.

Not to mean to sound like some sappy quote or anything, but life always hands as bad lemons, it's our job to make them taste less sour (or, for those who REALLY are just amazing, make them taste like chocolate lol) Now stop that mopping, watch Ranking King all over again, get some chocolate or whateves and continue your studies~!

Being a professional fanfiction writer pays by feels not by money, remember that ;) lololol
Don't give up! You've already achieved so much! Don't let this one low mark hinder you from moving on and achieving better things. Maybe it would help to speak to your professor about this situation. When I first started college, I really did want to get the highest grades and whatnot, but as time when on, I realized that a person can only do as much as they can handle. Don't over stress and make rash decisions. I hope you don't drop out and continue to persue your interest in environment science. Hwaiting! :)
Itscold #5
We actually share a similar interest.
I am dead passionate about environmental science. I have been wanting to study it since as long as I can remember. After highschool I got accepted into the only university in the whole of Victoria, Australia that has a Marine Biology course. However we can't afford the course so I ended up deferring. I've been on a gap year since last year, working on different places. And from the look of our financial status, I'm probably going to have another gap year this year.
Yeah I know this is not relevant to you, but is just want to show you that someone else is fighting as well, and I haven't given up yet. Neither should you. There is not enough Environmental Scientist in this world. It's not a popular career choice. But I personally think it's one of the most important jobs in the world, cuz hey, the environment matters.
I would suggest talking to the instructor about your grade, especially since they'll be able to help point out mistakes/things they dislike about your paper so you'll be prepared for the next one. This can also be a time where they may be able to give you points back, because yes, professors can give points back if they think they've been too hard on you or know what you're talking about.

And I understand where you're coming from perfectly, I'm an engineering major and the school I go to is one of the best schools in the nation for my degree program, so I understand how hard it is. Trust me, sometimes if you get a C in the courses I take, you can easily say they're an A or high B at any other school because my school prepares students better than most and goes more in depth and covers more topics than other schools do. And I've failed courses and had to retake them, so even though it seems terrible that you might not do well, but it's not the end of the world.

And one of the best things you can do is to get internships because having a good GPA doesn't cut it anymore, businesses want people that can communicate and do well with others. And internships are easy ways to bulk up your resume and give you connections into the field. And more often than not, if you're on the good side of your teachers, they can easily write recommendation letters that will be looked at and acknowledged if the professor has done some pretty impressive work in their fields.

So just take a deep breath, talk to the professor (I mean, they're not trying to fail you and if you're proactive in going to see them, they will help and you will notice a difference in how they may grade. I had a class where I was pretty much failing, but talked to the professor rather early on, got help, and ended up with a B in the course.), understand what you might have done wrong, and then work on it next time.
You should be proud of how much you worked to get to where you are now. ^ ^ I know you're upset that you worked so hard to receive so little, but as a high school student, I'm really admiring the fact that you have something you're passionate about. You worked your off to get there because you know what you want to achieve.

I still have yet to decide my major and I'm admiring you're determination.
i may be have similiar story like this, and well i just on my first term in university and now is doing last term exams.
if at very first time you think that this is the best for you, just do it, no matter how bad your score is.
my father said, if you don't have good score don't be upset or stress, just get over it, life is long, you have a chance on your choice but timing is not now just keep going.
well, i just can tell you this. at least, i hope you don't give up, just do what you like until the end. it will paid off.
as a person who has graduated college, you have to accept that all of your grades will not be perfect! do you know how many people asked me my GPA in job interviews? none!
i'm a perfectionist too, so bad grades used to really bother me. but once i accepted that you can only do your best, it got alot better! fighting! <3
Will get better*
Come here, squish <3333 Don‘t quit, it is your dream and nobody should give up their dreams! Things will better, you‘ll see!
Can you imagine if all of us started publishing books ROFL
Awww I actually know how you feel but if you really like it don't give up yet give it a bit of time and if you don't see any change well you can always change the course ^--^