(-o-) Pokemon Team (-o-) | Mei Ting's Application Form


Mei Ting Lee

Username; MingMingMingMinggyu|Ming|9.6

Tell me your name~

Name; Mei Ting Lee

Nickname; Mei Mei (called by her older brother, means little sister), Cassie (used by people at school because they thought it suit her and it is like her English name- but not official)

Age; 15

Birthdate; 26/10/1998

Ethnicity; Chinese-American

Birthplace; San Francisco, CA, USA

Hometown; San Francisco, CA, USA

Languages spoken; Cantonese (fluent), English (fluent), Korean (conversational)

Mirror, mirror~

Face-claim; Ne Rou

Links; gallery~


- Outgoing --->

- Home --->

- School --->

- Formal --->

Who are you?

Personality; She is the quiet and shy "nerd" of her school. She hates social events because she can't talk to anyone. She can't initiate a conversation with strangers. She just stands awkwardly in a corner until someone talks to her. However, she doesn't tend to captivate people because she talks in whispers until she is comfortable. She gives people the respect they deserve. She will respect others' beliefs and such, but hates it when people don't respect hers. She doesn't like it when people force their beliefs on her. She is very lazy.
The way to pop through her bubble is to get her to laugh. Not a small giggle or anything, but a loud and genuine laugh. Once she gets comfortable around you and you finally get to know her, she is very warm and caring. She tends to give off a cold first impression, so many don't even bother to try to talk to her. She laughs easier with you after she is comfortable. She is still a quiet person (because that is just the way she is), but she talks a little more around you. She thinks that her ideas aren't worth being heard, and tends to not speak out her opinions. People sometimes think she is modest, because when they compliment her on something she is good at she denies it. However, this is not modesty. She truly thinks she did not do something well enough. She rarely gets 100% on things, and usually makes at least one mistake. Because of this, when people tell her she is smart, she doesn't think she is. Despite being very logical most of the time, she has her moments. Usually, when people speak logically to her, she gets confused. There are some moments when she just totally blanks out and gets confused too.  

• Bubble Tea~
• Pokemon
• Pandas
• Stuffed animals
• Cantopop
• Medicine (not taking it, but she is interested in it as a career)
• Crime/Medical shows


• Strangers touching her (just bumping into her on the street can cause her to freak out)
• Germs
• Social events
• Bugs
• Sports
• Heights
• Balls
• Dresses
• Her "moments" (when she gets confused easily ><)


• Piano
• Reading
• Listening to music (cantopop and kpop hehe)


• Tripping over her own feet
• Running into things


• She is claustrophobic (has a fear of tight spaces). It isn't in elevators and such, but when she isn't able to move. She starts shaking and sometimes cries.
• She has a fear of tall heights and has an image in her head that she will fall to her death and her skull will break open for everyone to see her brain.
• She has a fear of balls because she got hit a lot when she was trying to do sports.
• She hates sports because she at them.
• She is really weak and can't defend herself.
• She fears change.
• She is germaphobic.
• She hates messes, unless it is her own home/room. Her home/room is like her little haven where she can be as messy as she wants.
• The easiest and best ways to make her laugh are to say "don't laugh" and to make a weird and funny fac
• She is OCD and will stop in stores to fix displays if they are messy.

My life~

Background; Mei Ting Lee was born on October 26, 1998 in San Francisco. Her parents decided for her name to be Chinese instead of English because they wanted her to stay close to her heritage. Her parents were very strict with her growing up, yet they still loved and cared about her. They just didn't show or express any affection. When she was a child, the only person she would talk to is her older brother. She always loved the piano. Unfortunately, her parents couldn't find any classes. She used to love trying new things. She tried karate when she was 8, but it she was too weak to do anything. She took gymnastics when she was 9, but she isn't very athletic. Then finally when she was 10, her mother found a good piano teacher. Throughout her years, her parents always pushed her to do well in her studies. Extra curricular activites came second (after academics). 

When she was in middle school (age 10), she met her best friend. Anything before that, she was the "outsider". The "loner". They met through her piano class. They met at the spring recital. Her parents couldn't go because of work, and her brother couldn't go because of school. She was waiting outside for her parents to pick her up, when her soon to be best friend asked if she was getting picked up. She just got a text that was her parents telling her to walk home, so she told him that she had to walk home (in a whisper of course). He told her to hop on his bike. She was very hesitant and started shaking her head rapidly to answer "no". He really didn't want her to have to walk home alone (because he is caring like that), so when she started walking home, he followed to make sure she was safe. It turned out that they were neighbors (neither family was social, and they both had no idea who their neighbors were). After that, he saw her at school and decided to walk with her to school. Her, being oblivious, never noticed him. Until one day, he wasn't the sneaky ninja he thought he was. He tripped and fell right in front of her. She stopped abruptly and looked shocked. When he looked up, he told her not to laugh. Of course, she laughed. She started talking to him more, and would walk WITH (as in next to) him to school. They would hang out in school too. Her life was like that for 4 years, but finally when she was 14 she had enough. She hated that she was shy and wanted to try something new for a change. She heard of pokemon from her best friend before, and asked him about it. She found them very interesting and did a lot of research on them. Her best friend is already a pokemon trainer. 


Lee Yook Tao|43|Very strict towards her children, but actually cares for them a lot|Alive|Pokemon nurse|She pushes her to be the best she can be.


Lee Ming Teen|50|Very strict towards his children, antisocial, caring (but doesn't show it)|Alive|Pokemon Chef (he cooks food for pokemon and their trainers hehe)|He pushes her to be the best she can be. They don't talk much because he is usually busy with work (coming up with new recipes).

Sibling(s) (It can be an idol);

Lee Ho Geet|19|He is very caring. He is talkative and logical, but is antisocial. He doesn't like talking to strangers (like Mei Ting)|Alive|University student|They don't much now because of his school, but they used to be very close. They would have childish fights with each other and tickle each other. She loved jumping on his back for a piggy back ride.

My chingu's~

Best friend;

Kim Young Woo|16|He is very outgoing and talkative. He loves to make others laugh. He is very kind and cares a lot for others, even when he doesn't know them.|Pokemon Trainer|They act like a couple, yet like brother/sister. They are very close to each other. She will sometimes hold his arm when she is too tired to walk. He will sometimes pick her up onto his back when she is tired even. They like to tickle each other, and tend to fight a lot over stupid things. The arguements usually end with one tickling/poking/tackling the other.|Piano Recital (look in the background~)


Ivan Chen|15|He is shy too.|Student|They sometimes talk and wave in the hallways.|They were both the shy and quiet ones in school, so they were always oushed together when a project had to be done in pairs.

Forever love or not?


The Love Interest

Name: Jeon Jungkook (BTS)

Age: 16

Birthday: September 1, 1997

Occupation: Pokemon Trainer (training to be the very best XD)

Personality: He is very determined and hardworking. He can be very focused and usually acheives the goals he sets for himself. When he is very serious about something, he can come off as cold and rude. However, any other time, he is a ball of fun. He loves to laugh and joke around with his friends. 

How they interact: Whenever they see each other, they say "hi" and wave (when they barely met). Once she got more comfortable with him and started talking to him more, they act very cute together. They sometimes hold hands, or when she is tired he will give her a piggy back ride. 

How did they meet?: He had just lost a battle and wanted to gain his pride back, so he went on the last route he was on (let's say it is Route 7 hehe) and went to the first person he saw. That person happened to be Mei Ting. They battled, and she won so his pride dropped even lower. He was really sad, so Mei Ting mustered up all her courage to try to console him.




The Back-Up Love Interest

Name: Byunghun Lee (Teen Top's L.Joe)

Age: 20

Birthday: November 23, 1993

Occupation: Pokemon Gym Leader (you choose which city hehe)

Personality: He can be a little shy at first, but he tries to push that side of him away. He exudes confidence and sometimes acts a bit stuck up too. He can get very competitive and usually hates admitting defeat. When he gets really close to someone, you can tell because he likes to bully them (in a playful way... kinda). 

How they interact: He likes to talk to her about her strategies and just things about pokemon. He really cares for her and will try to cater to her every need (but he makes it seem like he won't or he doesn't want to). He is really protective and will try to guard her from dangers.  

How did they meet?: They met when she beat him at the gym. At first, he was mad that he lost. Eventually, he realized how good she was. He wanted to ask her about it, but she had already gone. So, he went out looking for her and when he found her then she was confused and thought she forgot something or did something wrong. He just talked to her a lot and somehow exchanged numbers with her.


Here comes trouble~!

Rival; No rival.



Occupation; (Team Rocket or Team Galactic)


Reason for Rivalry;

How they interact;

Meet my buddy's~!

Pokemon outside~; Squirtle

Starter pokemon; Chespin

Pokemon in your pocket~;
• Pikachu 
• Oshawatt ♀

Pokemon at dr. Shieldburg~;

1. Lillipup ♀
2. Sandile
3. Scraggy
4. Solosis
5. Gothita ♀
6. Cubchoo
7. Deino ♀

Question time~!!!

*Which pokemon did you always wanted to catch? (3 or more pokemon)*

> Manaphy, Snivy, Espeon, Lucario

*So... This year there been new pokemon of X and Y, what do you think of it?*

> I think it is awesome! I really need to play it more though ><... MEGA EVOLUTION haha I really need to finish it

*Ever wanted to catch a legendary pokemon? If yes, which one and why?*

> YES!! I always wanted a CELEBI!! It is so cool and looks like so much fun and I think it is cute hehe.

See ya later alligator~!!

Suggestions??; Welllll..... I don't mean to sound rude or anything but if your character lived in Korea, why doesn't she know Korean? Or is that just a given and not written down?

Scene request: Love interest protecting Mei Ting from dangerous pokemon, Love interest piggy backing Mei Ting because she was too tired

Someting else?;.... Hope you liked my app? Sorry it took so long hehe SCHOOL

Password; Gotta Catch em All!


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