〈 ` Choi Jungsook still wandering 〉— apply.



a lost soul in the world
TheLandofBrownSugar || Anna || The Known Name || GMT+1 || 5/6


name: Choi Jungsook
nicknames*: Choi Jibae (jibae means dominating, which is a nickname her classmates gave her due to kind of bossy and strict attitude)
birthday: 11 January
age: 25
birth place: Incheon, South Korea
work: Catering company

ulzzang: Ahn Su Kyung
gallery: Click
ulzzang: Min Kyung
gallery: Click

height: 171 cm
weight: 56 kg
description: At a height of 171 cm and a weight of 56, Jungsook is definitely not the kind of girl you'd think of calling "petite." She has a slender body with long, lean arms and legs. Her skin is fair and free of blemish. She has a heart-shaped face framed by long, wavy brown hair. With a pair of chocolate brown eyes, a ponty nose and a pair of plump, pink lips, she is a girl with youthful looks and an appearance to be envied. Just looking at her will make you realize she is taking good care of herself, with thin but strongs arms and stomach abs that is the result of hard work. She has a dancer's body and is someone with plentiful of flexible muscles and body parts.
style: Jungsook has a very casual sense of style. Her closet consists of different kinds of jeans, a lot of denim and also a few dresses with floral patterns. She prefers simple garments and often buys a lot of the same item, such as similar-colored tops and several identical jeans and tank tops. She does have a few dresses for special occasions and summer, but she normally wears a pair of jeans, a shirt and a jacket suitable for the weather. She enjoys clothes that emphasize her waist and show off her long, lean legs, although she always makes sure to maintain a sense of modesty throughout her outfits, not showing too much skin or revealing inappropriate body parts in public.
extras*: Both of her ears have been pierced once with the addition of her right helix. She has a scar on left hand after burning herself badly on a stove and one on her knee after falling on the blunt end of a nail.

traits: Pacifist, leader-like, knowledgeable, sociable, adamant, not easily fooled, assertive
Jungsook is a leader and fighter, a guide and protector; she is a person who thinks before taking action and is more willing to compromise than jump straight to the battle. She is calm, cool and collected; at least in the eyes of others, because she gives off a feeling of someone friendly and kind. Whenever someone new enters her life, she is sure to guide them in the right direction, to show that whatever they're fearing isn't so bad after all. She enjoys making sure that everyone's doing all right. She's always ready to let people rely on her, but she's a bit more hesitant at relying on others. 
While Jungsook can appear distant or absent-minded, she knows people, to keep it simple. She can look right at someone and almost immediately tell what kind of person they are. There are times where she is right, others where she's been wrong. She doesn't rely on this, but it does help some part of the way when getting to know someone. If you ask for an opinion, she'll give you the truth. Sometimes it can be a bit harsh or brutal, but she speaks her mind. However, as she lives in South Korea, she does know her limits, although might be a bit loose at times. 
In the privacy of close friends and family, Jungsook is honest, outspoken and not afraid to speak her mind. She's bold, brave and athletic, but also a big dork who enjoys being the centre of attention. Still, Jungsook is a humble and good-natured individual with an odd obsession with Harry Potter and magic. She's a bit of a geek at heart, having a great interest in comic books and video games. She's not fond of choosing sides during an argument, being one of the few times where she prefers sticking in the background and letting the argument solve itself, but steps in if things might get physical. 
Secretly, Jungsook can be rather insecure. Not about herself, but what she is unable to do. When she gets to do the things she loves, she becomes happy and has a lot of faith in herself to the point of becoming a bit arrogant. Expectations from others and expectations towards herself has led to a lot of hard work, but also a lot of crying herself to sleep at night and long hours awake to perfect her mistakes. She wants to become someone for others to be proud of, and is very insistent of continuing something she's already started. To people meeting her for the first time, there is a friendly smile and a gentle handshake ahead of them. She may seem delicate, but she is indeed a very strong person on the inside.


Coffee // She can't function properly in the day without it. Caffeine is her heaven on Earth.
Oolong tea // She is also a fan of green tea, and the aroma makes her relaxed and at ease.
Detective novels // Mystery is her secret passion and she loves the suspense and action of figuring out the mystery before it is solved in the books. Her favorite is the Hercule Poirot series by Agatha Christie.
Clocks // She loves them, especially when they're really vintage and worn in untraditional ways such as rings and necklaces.
Anything with wings // Wings are the symbol of angels, and she has always been a fan of angels.
Porcelain // It's very pretty and delicate, like the ideal girl of China. She loves the story behind the porcelain trade between the East and the West, knowing it was a huge step in uniting the world during the ancient times.
Movies // A good way to spend her time, and she likes the foreign ones the best, although a lot of Korean classics remain among her favorites.
Animals // She is an animal lover and loves most creatures, although she is more of a dog person herself.

Cooking // She had to learn to fend for herself once she moved out of her parents' place, and she finds it more fun than just pure stress and a waste of time.
Playing games // She has a thing for role-playing games and often uses it as a way of practicing socialization and her English.
Cars // She has a thing for old cars and would like to buy one of her own someday.
Making movies // It can be hard to believe, but sometimes Jungsook needs a creative outlet, and she often does it by making short films and picture animation.
Ancient history // She is a history buff, and the further back in time, the more interested she is. She finds ancient civilizations and cultures to be the most fascinating part of it all. Second place comes the Earth's story.

Fake people // Those who can't act true to themselves, aren't people worth getting to know in Areum's mind.
Beer // The smell and taste makes her nauseous and gives her a headache.
Science // It wasn't her favorite subject back in school.
Being taken advantage of // She hates being used to others' benefit. She finds it to be dishonest and a bad example of friends.
Those who won't listen // She is the kind of person who is willing to make deals and meet people halfway, but can get very annoyed when someone refuses to be moved or stand at their spot when they're clearly in the wrong.
Volleyball // She doesn't hate it, but she's always had something against the sport ever since some idiot put one of those balls right into her stomach by kicking it off the field and straight at her, an innocent passer-by.


Sings English ballads in the shower.
Mutters to herself when she's under pressure.
Hums quietly to herself when she's having difficulty falling asleep at night. It helps her relax.
She's a closet cuddle , a habit that comes out in her sleep. Family, friends and her roommate have had the "pleasure" of experiencing this more than once. She becomes a human octopus with an iron grip. Tip: Give her a pillow, and you'll survive.
Sometimes she throws out random facts which are most likely not related to the topic being discussed.

background: Choi Jungsook was born on the 11th of January in the city of Incheon in South Korea. She is the daughter of an architect and a former ballet dancer and the second youngest of three siblings. While growing up, she had always been a very active and friendly child; she was often seen climbing in trees, exploring the park and coming back home with reports on bruises on legs and arms from running and falling somewhere along the way. She had little to no trouble making connections and creating bonds in people with a strong belief on the topic of soulmates. Her parents were soulmates themselves, even though they almost got divorced once. They got back together after a few years and lived like a newly wed couple, as if it'd never even happened. Jungsook was raised in the Catholic belief, even though she isn't all that religious nowadays. Jungsook was 13 when her father was relocated to his company's main office in Seoul. At first, she was very uncertain about the sudden change, having to leave her friends behind, but she soon found it to her satisfaction.
Jungsook attended Hansung University and graduated with a degree in Business Administration. She had a few odd jobs at different companies before she finally landed a spot at Wangja Catering in the same city as she had been living and studying in for the past decade. She was happy to find a work place closer to her home and found herself a good apartment, which she currently shares with university friend, Gayoon.

family: Jungsook is very close to her family. She is the middle child out of three siblings with an older brother, Taeho, five years her senior and a younger sister, Yewon, three years her junior. Her parents are Choi Sukwon, a well-known architect in Seoul, and Park Jimin, a former ballet dancer and housewife. Jungsook had a good relationship with her parents, and she was particularly close to her older brother while growing up. She was often fighting and/or competing against her sister for their parents' attention, but Yewon was such a drama queen at times, making her earn the nickname Yeowang (queen) from Jungsook.

Heo Gayoon - 24 - 4minute / Nurse / Very close. They're flatmates.
Park Sojin - 27 - Girl's Day / Catering company employee / They're good friends and co-workers.
Min Sunye - 25 - Wonder Girls / Hospital intern / Gayoon introduced them to one another, and Jungsook found her fun to be around. They are close; good friends.
Kim Yubin - 25 - Wonder Girls / Catering company employee / Yubin is Jungsook's co-worker and a potential partner for hitting bars during weekends.
Choi Sooyoung - 24 - Girls' Generation / Actress / Sooyoung is a friend of Hyoyeon's and someone Jungsook looks up to.
Kim Hyoyeon - 25 - Girls' Generation / Dance instructor / Hyoyeon is Jungsook's classmate from her time back in Incheon.
Park Chanyeol - 23 - EXO / Teacher / Chanyeol is Jungsook's first ex-boyfriend, but also a great friend of hers. They dated back in their high school days.

Park Yeeun - 25 - Wonder Girls / Catering company employee / Yeeun is Jungsook's rival at work, as they both strive to beat one another in being better at their work. Yeeun is a young and promising co-worker, Jungsook admits that, but she finds her attitude to be sour and in need of a reality check. Yeeun finds Jungsook unsuitable for a superior position over her.

the other girls: 
The Unwanted Name
The Fake Name
The Lost Name
The Romantic Name
boyfriends: Back in high school, she had a boyfriend named Park Chanyeol. He was a nice guy, but they broke it off because they felt more like friends than romantic partners these days.
soul mate thing: Jungsook always had a strong belief in the matter, but it never got in the way of her love life. She knew she would find him eventually and didn't mind dating others in the meantime, but she was saving her truly special moments for her loved one.


idol: Dongwoo
group: Infinite

name: Jang Dongwoo
birthday: 22 November
age: 27
work: Head of Wangja Catering

personality: Dongwoo is the kind of guy that makes you look three times before judging him. He looks like this smart, cool and collected young man who would be perfect to take home to your parents, but there is much going on behind that sweet face of his. At work, Dongwoo is intelligent, professional and always there to help out those who need it. He always asks for other people's opinions and is not afraid of treating those around him like an equal. A very open-minded individual, he is easy getting to know and emits this aura of someone friendly and gentle. However, Dongwoo is also this goofy kid with the mentality of a six-year-old at times. He loves to play games and pranks on other people, although he saves that behavior for friends in his time off. Dongwoo always gives you a smile as you walk by him in the corridor and is quick to help out the one who just lost all of their equipment on the floor. He is friendly, genuine and honest, a man trusting of others and loyal to those who return the favor. 
background: Jang Dongwoo was born on the 22nd of November in the Gyeonggi Province of South Korea. He has two older sisters and a family who he is very close to. He moved to Seoul when he was 20 in order to study Business at Dongguk University and graduated from there with a degree. His friend, Sunggyu, had just started a catering company and asked him to join him on the journey to success. That's when he began his career as the head of Wangja Catering along with him (Sunggyu) at the very top. When he was 23, he had a girlfriend (Lee Sunkyu) who he was supposed to propose to, but who died as she gave birth to their son, Minkyu. He had always been on search for his soulmate, but thought about giving up on it when he met Sunkyu. He continued his search while continuing his work and taking care of his little boy. 

history: Dongwoo and Jungsook met during a meeting for the new employees at their company. He introduced himself to them and asked them all to tell everyone their name, where they were from and a thing they enjoy doing during their spare time. When it was Jungsook's turn, she got up and introduced herself with her hobby being "games." She became embarrassed as she had blurted it out of nowhere, having been a bit spaced out right before introducing herself to her peers. Dongwoo found her interesting and kept a subtle eye on her for the rest of the round, but didn't make any huge number out of it at the time.
Dongwoo was such a great catch, Jungsook realized soon after seeing the man himself for the first time. She had heard of his accomplishments and connection to some of the bigger names in Seoul, but didn't think he'd be quite this ... warm with such a lovely smile of his. Being her senior as well as her boss, she kept her distance from him and treated him respectfully as a junior of age and rank should be doing.
On Dongwoo's side, Jungsook seemed like a beautiful, smart and fun woman to be around. He liked her honesty and good work right away and always kept an eye out for her during work hours, even though he mostly did that with everyone. He knew she was younger and treated her like such, but also with a smile and few subtle glances every now and then.
They were quite fascinated by one another. As they get to know each other, they bond over their relationships with their families, both being very family friendly and such. Jungsook realizes she may have a type rather quickly, always attracted to those cheerful, fun-loving men. Dongwoo is hesitant to move on after losing his girlfriend, but he is also aware of his growing attachment to the young woman and wants to get to know her even more, despite the distance and lack of knowledge about one another aside from the formalities.

soulmate: Even though he dated and almost got engaged to someone else in the past, Jungsook is definitely Dongwoo's soulmate. 


the other girls: Dongwoo knows The Unwanted Name girl due to her close relations to Jungsook and knows most of the others at least by their names and what Jungsook's told/telling him about them. He finds them to be generally nice people, good people for Jungsook and some of them as rather sweet individuals at their best. 
- He is very clean, but he is a mess when it comes to organizing his stuff.
- Not that great of a cook, but he does it well enough to feed himself and his son.
- Minkyu, his son, is named after his late girlfriend.
- He likes to write and often puts down his thoughts on paper in the form of a journal he keeps underneath his pillow at home.
- Dongwoo is fond of snowboarding.
- He cries easily if watching a sad movie or listening to slow piano music.
- Fond of stuffed animals, he sometimes wonders who really is the kid; him or his son.
- Despite sometimes playing pranks on others, he is actually very gullible and can believe anything coming from the right people.
- He has a phobia of bleeding.

other options:
Lee Donghae / 27 / Super Junior
Kim Sunggyu / 28 / Infinite


comments: Excuse my English, it's my second language, haha! I have to say I was enjoying this application a lot while in the making, and I hope you like it just as much as I did myself. ^^ This took me some time, but I'm proud of my little Jungsook! If you find any errors, please do not hesitate to tell me.
request: Interactions between the girls and love interests of plotlines! (That's all I have."
password: No.



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