For real this time.

I should not have called an hiatus, I should have just stopped writing. Now I have two unfinished stories which will probably never be finished because I am planning on deactivating my account and removing my stories. I apologise to anyone that I have disappointed and betrayed by not finishing the stories. It is my fault and my mistake to start writing again. To my subscribers who I have started to call my friends, I am really sorry. This is a selfish move on my part but it will be less painful for me if I just deactivate the account. I am hoping that not many of you read this so I can update the chapters I have saved up so far without the guilt of leaving you guys. I am also hoping you guys will forget about me. I'm already taking forever to update so long absences are already expected. I am hoping that this is hurting me more than it hurts you. I don't know when I will do this but just in case it's sudden, I love you and goodbye.


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