Tagged by leficklerabbit!



1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them


  1. How are you today? Compliment someone you love or wish to know more about on aff here! You are awesome, nanny_yo! Thank you for waiting so long for me to come back. Since you and Jenny have finished the HSC, I am working on my AFF Comeback (oh yeah!). 
  2. Play some random music in the background, and write the lyrics of the song at the 2:03 and 2:56 mark! At 2:03; it translate to, "shivering lips, my heart won't last much", and at 2:56; it translates to, "time goes tic toc, time goes by tic toc."  (10 points if you can guess the song)
  3. Your favourite band, musician, idol... list them here! B1A4, B.A.P, Block B, Bangtan Boys, Infinite, Zion T., Primary, Leessang, BEAST, SHINee, SISTAR, SNSD, EXO, K.Will, EXID and many more that I can't remember right now. 
  4. List your favourite people in the whole world~! Parents, sister, aunty and two cousins.
  5. If you have been to a concert, what about the experience did you enjoy or not? if you have never been to a concert, describe your dream concert here! I went to the SBS end of year concert in 2010 and I loved the part where the children took the role of the idole groups. It was so adorable!
  6. What kind of lifestyle do you lead, and would you change anything about it? I wouldn't change anything about my introverted life. 
  7. You have to list 11 people to tag right? Make their day by doing something for them here, a some thanks, compliment, whatever! Umm... If you wanted for me to come back, I am??
  8. You would die to meet this person, who is it? Ooh... not to sound too pretentious but I don't think I would die to meet anyone. 
  9. Inspirational quote~ list one here! "In life, unlike chess, the game doesn't finish after checkmate." - Isaac Asimov
  10. Favourite movie, something that made you cry, or laugh really hard! The Blind Side. 
  11. Something that your friends on AFF do not know about :) My right arm is more tanned than my left arm. 


Okay, I'm going not going to tag 11 people but instead, I'm going to tag the people who read this. So TAG! YOU'RE NEXT! Here are the questions for you to answer.  =)

1. What was the first Korean drama that you watched and in hindsight, do you think that it was a good or bad drama?

2. If you were given $100 to spend on merchandise, what would you buy?

3. Who do you speak to the most on AFF?

4. What advice would you give to your 12 year old self? (That is, if you're over 12...)

5. What is your favourite song at the moment?

6. Open up your music player and play 5 songs randomly. Then use the titles of the song to write a mini story here.

7. What was the best thing that has happened to you this year?

8. Who is your favourite YouTuber?

9. What was the last drama that you completed? (Not the one that you're currently finished.)

10. If  you could travel anywhere in the universe, including other planets and galaxies, where would you go?

11. Today is someone's birthday here on AFF. Go find someone and tell me, what's their name? Did you say happy birthday to them?



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