`Scenarios for OML (Jung Juah)


Your first day on the show with your partner and some one else's husband/wife hitting on your husband/wife, granted it's playful flirting but what would you do?
Juah: In all honesty, I don't think I'd care much for it. I mean yes, it might provoke me, but shouldn't I give the boy some credit? If she's fooled easily by him, I'll play with her man! (laughs)

Surprise date! The PDs told you and your partner that you will be going on a romantic date to the movies. But little do you know that Kim Shinyoung has to accompany the date and she interferes with you two. How would you put up with it?
Juah: How is that a bad thing? (laughs) She's so cool! I mean, it might be a little awkward if it's the first few weeks of me and hubs together but other than that.. I think it will be a funny episode.

For a mission, all of the kids and their 'parents' have to play freeze dance. Your husband/wife accidentally prods another contestant on the show in the eye, not too hard, but hard enough to hurt. What would you do?
Juah: Oh god... That's rough! I think if that situation happened... I'd honestly walk away to the sidelines where the hubby would deal with it, I didnt do it! 

Upon joining the show you, before you're even 'married' to your partner, you find out that you have a kid! A shot gun wedding is in call for this. How would you react to the PD telling you this.
Juah: I'd freak out! I honestly don't know what my manager have me signed up with, but a kid?! (laughs awkwardly).. 

Later into the show, the girls put on a y proformance for the guys. For girls: During your solo part, what would you do if your voice cracked when all eyes are on you? For guys: What would you do if that was your wife?
Juah: (laughs outloud) Voice crack? Ugh those are the worst. I'd be insanely embarrassed! I might even just crack up on the spot.. (sighs)

Once you recieve a child to take care of, you and your husband/wife are pushing him/her in a stroller and walking along in a park. When an ahjumma who knows nothing about the show approaches and congradulates you on your beautiful child, what would you tell her?
Juah: I have nothing really to protest.. I'd simply thank her!


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