Twelve Gemstones Application- Lee Eun Mi

Application Form


AFF Name: MingMingMingMinggyu

AFF Profile Link: Here ~


Name: Lee Eun Mi (Lee Mei Ting is her chinese name)

NickName: MiMi (used by her older brother because he thinks it's cute)

Age: 17

Birthdate: October 26, 1996

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Nationality: Korean-Chinese

Languages Known: Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, English

Currently Living in: Seoul, South Korea

Ulzzang Picture (except Baek SuMin):

Ulzzang Used: Lee Dasom

Backup Ulzzang Picture:


Backup Ulzzang Used: Kwon Su Jeon

• Bubble Tea
• Cantopop
• Pandas
• Pokemon
• Shanghainese Dim Sum
• Learning Languages
• Sleep


• Social events
• Strangers
• Bugs
• Heights
• Dresses
• Noise (noisy things that annoy her like sirens)


• Baking
• Playing the Piano
• Listening to Music


• Biting her lip when she is thinking
• Shaking her leg
• Tripping over her own feet
• Running into things


• Piano (she has been playing since she was 4)
• Math (she is really good at math and skipped grades- she goes of her school campus to take college classes because she already finished all high school math classes)

Personality: She is very quiet and shy. She doesn't talk much. She hates social events because she doesn't like talking or interacting with strangers. She can't initiate a conversation and is always just awkwardly standing there until someone talks to her. Even then, she will talk in mumbles. She doesn't have an "outside voice". Once she is comfortable with you, however, you will find that she is very warm and caring. Because of her shyness, she often leaves a cold first impression. The way to get her to open up to you is to make her genuinely laugh. Not a smile, not a small giggle. She respects other people's views, but she wants the respect to be mutual. She hates it when people are forcing their beliefs on her. 

Background: Lee Eun Mi was born as Lee Mei Ting in Hong Kong on October 26, 1996. Her parents met because her mother visited Hong Kong from Korea to see her favorite group, Four Heavenly Kings (a cantopop group). At the concert, she met her future husband (Eun Mi's father). They decided to live in Hong Kong because her mother always loved the culture. Her birthname is Lee Mei Ting, but her Korean name is Lee Eun Mi. Eun Mi lived in Hong Kong for 6 years of her life. She learned Cantonese because it is the language of Hong Kong. Her father taught her English (he knew it because he has a business job and learned it for his work), and her mother tauht her Korean. She began her education at age 4 and always succeeded. She was always the smartest one in her class. Some thought it just came easy to her, but she actually worked very hard. Her parents weren't very strict or hard on her. It was Eun Mi that pushed herself to be the best she could be. When she was 6, her family moved to Beijing, China for her father's work. She was bullied there because her Mandarin wasn't that good. She would sometimes mess up a tone or get mixed up with her Cantonese. She lived there for most of her life. She would've been depressed if it wasn't for her best friend. She met him in Beijing. While the other kids bullied her for her pronunciation and for being a "nerd" and for being quiet, there was one guy who didn't laugh. He didn't say anything. And afterwards, he walked up to her and asked her if she was okay. They became best friends after she finally warmed up to him. He found her interesting. During the summer of 2012, her family decided to move to Korea. Why did they decide that? Because her best friend had to move to Korea and Eun Mi's parents knew she would miss him a lot. They decided to move to Korea too. (Their families were close too). Her family is nice, however she really only feels super close to her older brother. Her mother was always cleaning and had her moments when she would get fed up and yell. Her father was rarely around because he was always busy with work.

Father | Lee Ming Teen | 46 | Businessman
Mother | Lee Ha Na | 43 | Stay at Home Mom
Brother | Lee Min Jun (chinese name: Lee Ho Geet) | 21 | University Student


Gemstone/Power: Rutilated Topaz

Backup Gemstone/Power: Moonstone

Love Interest (from exo, Kai is taken): Zhang Yixing (Lay)

Backup Love Interest: Do Kyungsoo (D.O)


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I might make her a year older since she's too young to be with Lay