A hundred questions (stolen from Kara)

1. What is your name?


2. How old are you?


3. What is the link to your website, blog, or MySpace?

I don’t know coz I have none of those :D




4. What is your height?


5. Do you have any siblings?


6. What is your eye color?


7. What is your hair color?

Jet black but recently it looks a little brownish…I think I’ve been in the sun too much :(

8. Do you wear glasses or contacts?

I should be wearing glasses but….heeh

There are many  things that I should be doing yet I don’t

9. Are you right handed or left handed?


10. Do you have any piercings?

On my ears

11. Do you smoke?

Not unless I’m set on fire

12. Do you swear?

Yup….you fiddlewanker (and that one was a mild one…you don’t wanna be near me when I get really angry)

13. Do you get along with your parents?

Yes I do…doesn’t mean that I don’t rebel or fight with them though

14. Your fears?

Anything creepy crawly….including the human kind

15. Goal you would like to achieve this year?

Take up step further in my career

16. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger?


17. Best physical feature?

Eyes…the rims look like they always have kohl on them so I don’t even have to bother with makeup ….wait….now that I think about it, I used to get told off by my teachers because of it…

18. Your bedtime?

Extremely random but usually after midnight

19. What time do you arise in the morning?

5.30-6 am

20. First thoughts waking up?

Ugh….its morning already???

I want a public holiday….one that extends forever

22. Do you shower daily?

Yes…twice…hygiene is important in my line of work


This or That?

23. Bright or dark room?

Depends on my mood….or a mixture of both I guess

24. Chocolate or vanilla?

Chocolate~~~~~ I like my endorphins on overdrive…weeeeeee~~

25. Dogs or cats?

Neither….our house pet barks at me since he was adopted while I was away from home. I think that he thinks that  I am the pet

26. Pepsi or Coke?

As long as its cold, I don’t really care

27. McDonalds or Burger Kings?


28. Ant or dec?


29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

Iced Chocolate….lol

30. Cappuccino or Coffee?

Coffee (I sometimes have blood in my caffeine system too)


In the last month have you......

31. Drank alcohol?


32. Gone to a mall?


33. Eaten a box of oreos?

A few cookies but not the whole box….it got stolen by my niece

34. Eaten sushi?


35. Been on stage?

Life is a stage and we are but just actors right?

36. Been dumped?

I have to date to get dumped and dating seems like such a chore right now~

37. Gone skinny dipping?

Hihi….I wouldn’t want to scare somebody

38. Stolen anything?

No I am a good child


Have you ever.......

39. Laughed for no reason?

Doesn’t everyone?

40. Been caught doing you weren't supposed to?

Oh….too many times to mention….AISH~

41. Been in love?

I don’t really know

42. Fired a gun?

Does my neighbors’ water gun apply? It’s a New Year tradition in Fiji….to play with water and splash people with it

43. Been drunk?

Ahhh…..the memories that I don’t remember….

44. Been called a tease?


45. Been beaten up?

No….I can be pretty scary when I want to be…

46. Shoplifted?

No….but there was this one time when we went to this farm place when I was about 7 or 8 and there were mandarin trees of my height at the time and it was fruiting and I was hungry so I picked them and ate them even though there was a sign nailed to the tree saying to not pick fruits….so basically I ‘farmlifted’


What was the last........

47. Furry thing you touched?

My friends Pomeranian

48. Thing you've said?

“Oh you should watch this,” to my friend who was looking at me weird coz I was laughing like crazy while watching an episode of Super Junior’s Foresight. It was episode 2 and the end bit where Hyukjae is being the silly man that he is as he head bangs with that long wig on

49. Song you've listened to?

Leona Lewis – my hands

50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

My best friend

51. Movie you watched?

A hindi one called Dhoom3

52. Things you were doing before this?

I was reading this fic by cryingmochi called Pathos. This girl is uber talented…professional level. It’s a YunJae fic, should anyone want to read it

53. Time you cried?

Last night when my father prepared a birthday surprise for me

54. Song you've sang?

Happy Birthday to…me

55. Time you looked at the clock?


56. Food & drink you've had?

Lasagna / watermelon crush

57. Flavor of gum you've chewed?

Lime mint…not too sure though

58. Shoes you've worn?

My white flipflops with pink palms trees on then

59. Stores you've been in?




60. Planet?

Earth….coz I’m in it

61. Age you've been so far?


62. Season?

Fiji doesn’t have seasons…. its either cool or burning….so I like it cool

63. Number?

I never thought about this so I’m writing the first number that comes to mind - 9

64. TV Show?

Crime Patrol…some crimes are really sick

65. Flower?

Into Gardenias atm…because they smell really nice



66. How much cash do you have on you?

Lemme check /rummage though wallet/ okay this is surprising. Please note that I am from/in Fiji

US$ - 50

NZ$ - 200

AU$ -50

FJ$ - 10 (puahahahahaha….ah I need to go to the bank or something)

67. What's a word that rhymes with door?


68. What T-Shirt are you wearing?

I’m wearing a dress -_-

69. What brand of shoes are you wearing?


70. What did your last text message say?

Saying good night to my best friend

71. What were you doing at midnight last night?

Continuing my surprise birthday party

72. What's your current desktop picture?


73. What's a word that you say a lot?

Open wide~~ (3 points to anyone who its this nail on the head)

74. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

The most weird one

75. How is the weather right now?

Hot!!! HOT!! Did I mention it was HOT?!!!!

76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

Expression…whether it looks friendly and open or not

77. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

For myself - yes,

For my friend – I do that all the time!

78. Can you do a headstand without a wall?


79. Who would you like to see right now?

Kim Jaejoong and Lee Hyukjae!!! But mostly Kim Jaejoong because I have seen Hyukjae once (the best moment of 2013)

80. How many pillows do you sleep with?

2..but my bed has like 5 pillows….hmmm…wonder why though….but I’m possessive with my pillows even though I’m not  using them

81. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?

 I don’t have myspace….and I don’t like people all up in my space anyways…lol

82. How do you want to die?

Painlessly and quickly

83: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Im already grown up…and well the super model thing didn’t walk out as planned…apparently I’m too hot for them /slapped/

On a more serious note...I already am what I wanted to be…though I do sometimes wonder why I wanted to become it

84. What country would you most like to visit?

ALL of Europe

85. How many CDs do you own?

About 40 or so

86. How many things in your past do you regret?

Too many to even think about

87. Do you think you are attractive?

Of course I am…my papa says I’m the prettiest girl in the world

88. Do you believe in yourself?

Depends on what I’m about to do I guess…I am confident but there are times that I question myself and my abilities

89. Do you want to get married?

Someday when I find a person who can look through my flaws and still find me beautiful :D


In a boy

90. Favorite eye color?

As long its not red and glowing with fangs out…I don’t care

91. Favorite hair color?

I prefer darker colours….black, brown

92. Short or long hair

Whatever suits them

93. Height?

Definitely has to be taller than me

94. Weight?

Doesn’t matter…physical attributes aren’t everything….I like intellectuals more than gorgeous bimbos


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Happy birth day to you chingoo!!!
I didn't know it was your birthday, if I knew I wished you a birthday sooner...